What are the software metrics used in solo programming? [closed] - metrics

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm new in the field of software productivity metrics, and I'm looking for software metrics which improve solo programmer productivity
What are software productivity metrics?
What are the parameters that I should measure, and how to do that?
What is the difficulty with traditional software development?
I have to cover all these questions as soon as possible

As a developer productivity metric I suggest to consider following:
stability of developers contribution (that is how much of developers code has been rewritten afterwords by other developers)
percentage of developers code covered by unit tests
defect density (number of defects per 1,000 new or changed lines of code)


PVS studio compare with sonarqube [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I recently came across PVS Studio. I would like to know how PVS Studio is different from SonarQube. I see that, both tools perform static code analysis. I am trying to understand which is the best tool to opt for.
Any insights are helpful.
Best Regards
You will certainly get additional advantage when using PVS-Studio together with SonarQube. We do not have a direct comparison between the analyzers, but you can look at this article: "Analysis of PascalABC.NET using SonarQube plugins: SonarC# and PVS-Studio". The thing is, SonarQube is a code quality assurance platform, and it is not primarily orientated at finding errors. In general, it looks for "code smells". For example, a file does not start with a comment block. This is not an error in itself. PVS-Studio is orientated toward finding the 'direct' errors.

Functional web chat [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to build a website with a chat. The chat should have a calling option,stickers,smiley faces.Which language would you suggest and why?
I`m thinking about ruby on rails or node.js
I am also thinking to find someone who maybe have experience in the
area, but i am not sure what kind of developer would suit me best.
Language choice depends on how many hours you want to spend on development and further support.
Node.js is a simple and fast option if you want to build a working prototype. If you want to build something with a future advance (in order to solve such issues as scalability) and you have more time you can look at Golang and similar languages.

Maximum # of up-to-date Prolog implementations with minimum overhead [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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This is not directly a question regarding Prolog code, but rather about installing, administrating, and updating Prolog implementations...
Ideally, what I want to have on my machine is:
As many different Prolog implementations as possible
At all times, the most current (development) versions should be available
I might also want to have 2 or more versions side by side (stable / development)
A minimum overhead for installation, administration, etc.
I want to choose which Prolog implementation I use today after I start my machine up.
What can I do? What have you tried in this respect? I run Linux. Thank you in advance!

Is there a performance hit when running obfuscated code? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am proposing the addition of code obfuscation to the standard build process at my organization. One of the questions being asked is whether there is a performance hit to running obfuscated code vs. running unobfuscated code.
What is your experience? Have you seen a reduction in performance at runtime because you obfuscated your Java or C# code?
It depends on how you are obfuscating it. If you use one of the tools that replaces all the names of objets and functions, then there should be no change at all. The compilers don't care what you call anything, whether it's useful to a developer (fetchProjects()) or just (funcA()).
You may wish to read about my over-obfuscation experiments: Impact of Flow Obfuscation on Performance.

Developer Capacity Planning [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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What product or tool do you use to do Resource Capacity planning for your development team? Currently managing a large group and trying to provide visibility into my resource availability. I am creating this in MS project, but was curious if there was a better tool/solution based off your experience.
Take a look at the "Evidence-Based Scheduling" features in FogBugz 7.
We use a Scrum backlog.
It's a list of sprints -- in priority order -- people assigned to sprints and tentative schedule.
Since the users prioritize the sprints, it's very, very visible.
There's no need for MS-project; that's overkill. A simple list based on cards tacked to a bulletin board is sufficient. A spreadsheet will work, also.
