Functional web chat [closed] - ruby

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to build a website with a chat. The chat should have a calling option,stickers,smiley faces.Which language would you suggest and why?
I`m thinking about ruby on rails or node.js
I am also thinking to find someone who maybe have experience in the
area, but i am not sure what kind of developer would suit me best.

Language choice depends on how many hours you want to spend on development and further support.
Node.js is a simple and fast option if you want to build a working prototype. If you want to build something with a future advance (in order to solve such issues as scalability) and you have more time you can look at Golang and similar languages.


Go Library automation [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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To learn go I am trying to build an open source library, I like the language but since I am still a bit new I can't find good direction on how to automate building, testing and releasing.
I had the idea to use Makefiles etc.. am I in the right direction or there is better tools to do that.
Here some useful links
Here you have a link for best practice for coding
Working with packages, useful links.
I recommend to review the open source libraries to get an idea.(there are tons of them)
To automate your project. I recommend to see projects like Drone

Good suggestion on programming language for finance? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My goal is 1) to obtain financial data from yahoo api or same kind 2) apply data into my model.
I know some R-programming and very basic shell scripting on linux(I am working on ubuntu).
Since I am not expert on any of those and now I have purpose of learning a language, I want to know what type or kind of language would be good for my goal.
I researched a little and Java, C++, SQL are popular but I don't know why they are.
I like shell scripting style.
Any suggestion?
I would use Python. It works very well cross platform and I have seen some great financial data apps made with it. Also if you are using Ubuntu already Python will help you do more with it. That is the reason I decided to learn Python. I use Python 2.7 but 3.3 should work just as well.

What are some of the best practices while using CFWheels framework? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Although this is more of general question but it will extremely helpful for newbie like me to get the benefit from more experienced people on stackoverflow. I have read the ColdBox wiki ColdFusion best practices. I have searched same for the CFWheels but couldn't find the same. So I was wondering what are the best practices while using CFWheels framework?
This is too broad of a question for StackOverflow, but I can recommend that you watch these screencasts:
DBMigrate Create Operations
ColdRoute Plugin
Series: Basic CRUD Operations
Using DBMigrate to generate your database is a great way for team-based development. And ColdRoute adds so many nice conventions for routing that it affects how I do development in the controller layer in some big ways.

Which ways should I go Front-End firs or Back-end first in Project development? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want build an application by using the framework.
the application contains two parts: the Back-End and the Front-End.
Everybody who have experiences can suggest me which ways should I do?:
Develop the Front-End first Or Develop the Back-End first
Or give more tips on the start up project?
I usually start with the backend to get the major functionality implemented, but even so, it's pretty much inevitable that the frontend and backend will have to be developed at the same time at some point in the project.
People can say what they want about separating presentation and functionality, and that's a good principle, but the reality is that the presentation influences the functionality and vice versa.
You might get the backend mostly written, and then you make the frontend, but you will probably decide to change some things and end up working on both together.

Best Place to Store License Info on Mac? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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If I am developing an app that has a 30 day trial, for example, where would the best place be to store the license information? Application support is too easily accessible, but I am not sure where else would be appropriate...
ApplicationSupport or Preferences is the correct place for it. If someone deletes the appropriate file to get an extra 30 days of use, is that such a big deal?
If you really want to stop people from getting more than 30 days of use, consider online activation.
You could also require Admin access to install your app and put a hidden file somewhere deeper in the system, but that would definitely fall under bad practises.
