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Closed 5 years ago.
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I recently came across PVS Studio. I would like to know how PVS Studio is different from SonarQube. I see that, both tools perform static code analysis. I am trying to understand which is the best tool to opt for.
Any insights are helpful.
Best Regards
You will certainly get additional advantage when using PVS-Studio together with SonarQube. We do not have a direct comparison between the analyzers, but you can look at this article: "Analysis of PascalABC.NET using SonarQube plugins: SonarC# and PVS-Studio". The thing is, SonarQube is a code quality assurance platform, and it is not primarily orientated at finding errors. In general, it looks for "code smells". For example, a file does not start with a comment block. This is not an error in itself. PVS-Studio is orientated toward finding the 'direct' errors.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am writing a numerical program using C++, I need to run some lines of my code in parallel. Also, I need to lock some parameters during calculation to keep them safe from unwanted changes.
I do not have a strong background in Concurrency and parallelism.
I need to know what is the simplest parallelization method in Microsoft VS 2019 considering these requirements?
I am looking forward MS solutions and of course I am not mean Open MPI.
It helps more if you provide some examples.
Thank you very much.
You might want to look into use of /Qpar flag for compiler and #pragma loop. There is online documentation on that.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I always see .travis-yml files in github repositories so I decided to google what they were used for. I found Travis-CI and and I've been reading, trying to understand what integration really is, but without an example, it's still just a general vague term to me. When do developers utilize integration and what exactly happens during integration? How does integration differ from continuous integration?
Integration, in Software Engineering, is the action of merging code from different developers (or for instance, from different modules of the same whole project) while trying to avoid errors in the process. It tries to make sure all the pieces of code that are not being made in the same place, by the same person, or that don't belong to the same main portion of the software, can interact without problems.
Talking about Travis-CI, there's a concept called Continuous Integration (as referred by #Simeon Visser) in the comments, that focuses on integrating the code in fixed periods of time (maybe once a day, or once every 12 hours for example) to assure the integrity of the whole system as it is being developed.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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What is the best way to open source a project I would like help on? I'm aware of source forge, but is there some way to advertise "I'm a newbie looking to improve my coding skills, so here is a working project I'm uploading in hopes of learning how to code better?" I currently have a Cocoa program I wrote that works fine, but I'm certain there are inefficiencies and leaks in my code that I will never know about unless someone with more experience points them out.
Judging from my experience, if your project is considered to be useful, people will start submitting bug reports and patches by themselves. If that happens, get in touch with your submitters, offer them write access to the code base, distribute responsibility.
That way, you'll learn a lot about coding and, more importantly, team management.
That having said, why don't you participate in existing projects in order to improve your coding skills? Reading other people's code will boost your capabilities far more than just writing your own stuff.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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In our company we need a project handler so we decided to write our own.
We use CMake and bazaar and we still don't know if to store the informations of the
projects in XML format or in a database.
We are locked at this point: we would like to use as less languages/tools as possible
but we cannot find a way to interface CMake with XML files or databases.
An idea could be Python but it would be really annoying to use a new language just for an interface. We've seen that there's a Python framework (Waf) but we have already used CMake for all our projects and it would take a lot of time to convert all.
We work with Ubuntu and Windows.
Suggestions ?
thanks in advance
Rather than make your own tool, use an off-the-shelf product like something from the Jira suite, or BuildMaster. Many of these have great integration with most build software and don't require you to write and maintain your own stack just to manage projects.
Focus your developer time on solving your business problems, not on reinventing the wheel. Their time is MUCH more valuable than the cost of using a ready-made solution.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am proposing the addition of code obfuscation to the standard build process at my organization. One of the questions being asked is whether there is a performance hit to running obfuscated code vs. running unobfuscated code.
What is your experience? Have you seen a reduction in performance at runtime because you obfuscated your Java or C# code?
It depends on how you are obfuscating it. If you use one of the tools that replaces all the names of objets and functions, then there should be no change at all. The compilers don't care what you call anything, whether it's useful to a developer (fetchProjects()) or just (funcA()).
You may wish to read about my over-obfuscation experiments: Impact of Flow Obfuscation on Performance.