Xcode 6 Beta 2 - iOS Simulator error and elements rearranged - xcode

I am new to Xcode 6 and Swift, so I was checking it out and crafting a simple app but I encountered several problems:
When I run my app the keyboard does not react to whenever I "press" (click since I am in the simulator) in the text field. That is, the keyboard does not show up.
The app's elements in the storyboard TOTALLY rearrange sometimes when I mess around with the width and height of the storyboard and choose an different device for the iOS simulator.
All my problems and (little) code I've written is as shown:
I would appreciate any tips/help you guys can give me!
Thank you in advance!

I have had similar issue some times on simulator, use ⌘+K or Hardware > Keyboard > Toggle Software Keyboard to prompt keyboard.
When change width and height of storyboard, examine closely the the descriptions (width, height, portrait, landscape) in the popup, I suggest choose the width and height that matches your device and orientation.
Hope this helps.

It is because of auto layout. Here is a link to guide you through.
Auto Layout Guide


SwiftUI Can't Change the Master Pane Width iPad Landscape

I have a SwiftUI app in full SwiftUI lifecycle that includes a basic Master/Detail style
of data presentation. For the iPad, I need a wider left (Master) pane and don't need the
Detail pane to be as wide as the default.
Apparently I'm not phrasing my searches well enough because I have not found any
articles that discuss this. I have tried setting a frame on the NavigationView, changing
the NavigationViewStyle and a few other wild shots but have not gotten anywhere.
Ideally, I'd like to code it so the user could adjust the width, but I'd settle for
simply being able to make it wider by default.
Here's the idea:
Any guidance would be appreciated. Xcode 12.3 iOS/iPad 14.3

Text file doesn't seem in simulator

I am new on Xcode and trying to learn Swift. My problem is with the view of the text-file in Simulator
In Main.storyboard the text-file is the centre of the display. However, when I run the IOS Simulator, the right end of the text file doesn't seem in Simulator.
Why does seem like that? What is the problem?
If you are using autolayout you will need to add constraints to make sure anything inside your window adjusts to the size of each device.
Here is an example screenshot where I am adding constraints to the sides of a Text View, make sure you click the red lines around the square and then click 'Add 4 Constraints' to set the constraints on each side.
I suggest you read up on Storyboard and Autolayout before you continue.

iOS simulator not displaying labels from storyboard

iPhone simulator is not showing some of the labels properly. Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone know how to fix it? I also noticed that if I drag the buttons too quickly, xcode would crash randomly...
I have come across this issue recently and it was a weird bug. For whatever reason, the x/y axis was off in what I was seeing in Storyboard. So the UILabel and UITextfield I had were being displayed behind my NavigaionBar. I adjusted the x/y values in the size inspector on the right side pane of Xcode and it worked perfectly. Those value should be an accurate representation of the placement of storyboard objects.
Not sure about the quick dragging, sounds like an Xcode issue that may be fixed by now.

Having 2 xcode windows side by side

So I have a 1920x1080 display, and when I try to run two xcode windows side by side, they overlap each other. I originally faced this problem on my MBP 1650x1050 screen but I am expecting for screen real estate.
Anyone have any ideas how to get it run side by side without the xcode windows getting cropped? I'm using BetterTouchTool to snap the windows to the left and right.
Here's a picture of the cropping:
Hide the toolbar (View > Hide Toolbar) and you will be able to resize Xcode windows to smaller sizes than when the toolbar is visible.
You may also want to hide the Navigator (View > Navigators > Hide Navigator) to make more room for the editor view.
Here is a screenshot with a 1440x900 resolution:
This isn't possible, OS X applications have predetermined minimum height and width attributes, which as far as I know can't be overridden. Believe me, I'm dealing with the same problem. It's pretty frustrating, but there isn't anything you can do about it.

Xcode iPad simulator keyboard opens in middle of screen

I am running xcode 4.3.2 and just started having the following problem.
All projects running in the simulator are positioning the popup keyboard in the center of the IPAD simulator. The IPHONE simulator is fine with the normal keyboard positioned at the bottom of the screen. Even a simple new project with a single text field shows the keyboard in the middle of the screen with equal amounts of white space above and bellow. This occurs in all orientations.
Interestingly, UIPickerViews also exhibit the same behavior.
This is driving me nuts, as it has been fine for many months and now all the objects (text fields etc.) are hidden when the keyboard plops down smack in the middle of the screen.
Please help. Thanks in advance.
This is a feature of the iPad. You can "drag" the keyboard with the drag handle in the lower-right hand corner of the keyboard. The image from this blog post by Rob Rogers indicates how to use it. My guess is you inadvertently moved your keyboard.
