iOS simulator not displaying labels from storyboard - xcode

iPhone simulator is not showing some of the labels properly. Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone know how to fix it? I also noticed that if I drag the buttons too quickly, xcode would crash randomly...

I have come across this issue recently and it was a weird bug. For whatever reason, the x/y axis was off in what I was seeing in Storyboard. So the UILabel and UITextfield I had were being displayed behind my NavigaionBar. I adjusted the x/y values in the size inspector on the right side pane of Xcode and it worked perfectly. Those value should be an accurate representation of the placement of storyboard objects.
Not sure about the quick dragging, sounds like an Xcode issue that may be fixed by now.


Xcode Storyboard layout anomaly, bug or something else?

I"m seeing an anomaly with the storyboard in my project and not sure if it's a bug or something else I'm doing wrong. Within a UIViewController, an element may or may not start shifting its position to the left and down by one each time the project is opened. It doesn't happen everytime the project is opened. It's not limited to any particular type of control. These screenshots of are a UIScrollView, but it happens on UITableView, UITextView, etc.
I'm not using autolayout. I haven't filed a bug report yet.
thanks for anyones help!
If you remove the horizontal and vertical stretchable properties of autoresizing and handle the stretch in subviews then you will be able to fix this bug. I have tried this hack and it was not changing the frame on quitting and re-opening the Xcode.

iOS 10 , Xcode8 suddenly turns view backgroundColor to white / clear?

my app is behaving strangely. I think that it might have something to do with swift 3 and iOS 10 because until then it worked perfectly and I haven't touched the code of the things that changed.
So the problem is that I've set a backgroundColor in InterfaceBuilder to orange, I can see the color set on the view in my Storyboard, but when I run the app it just is white/clear (I have a white background)
the same thing happened to a subclass of a button, when its toggled OFF it should have a grey-ish color, now its just white.
I tripple checked if I'm not changing anything in the code, didn't find nothing.
Did something similar happened to you?
Do you have any ideas?
It happened to me too, after updating to xcode 8.0
try resetting the constrains and add those again to the particular view

No horizontal scrollbar in Xcode's Interface Builder

When I try to edit a storyboard file in Xcode (Version 5.1.1 (5B1008) under OS X 10.9.3) I can only see the vertical scrollbar. Moving around in the horizontal direction between view controllers is not possible. The horizontal bar doesn't show when I hover over it. It only briefly shows when I select past the visible area but it immediately disappears afterwards and I can only scroll by a few pixels at a time this way.
I have tried restarting XCode and the OS but it didn't help. Scrolling was possible before. It stopped working for no apparent reason this morning. I have not updated XCode nor OS X or messed with the system in any way since it was last working. Has anyone encountered this problem before? Do I need to reinstall XCode at this point?
Press Shift + Scroll Mouse this will scroll preview in horizontal
It's a not bug, it's a feature. It wouldn't be a problem if you use the Apple mouse. There is a workaround for a typical 2/3 button mouse, although it would affect all horizontal bars across the system. Just follow System Preferences->General->Show scroll bars, and select Always.
I have been struggling with this as well. The only solution I found is the following:
So there is a mini map for the storyboard that hovers over the right upper-side.
If you can't see it, just click on the "Adjust Editor Options" button and make sure Minimap is selected.
This is the best way to move around just like you are using the scroll bars.

Xcode 6 Beta 2 - iOS Simulator error and elements rearranged

I am new to Xcode 6 and Swift, so I was checking it out and crafting a simple app but I encountered several problems:
When I run my app the keyboard does not react to whenever I "press" (click since I am in the simulator) in the text field. That is, the keyboard does not show up.
The app's elements in the storyboard TOTALLY rearrange sometimes when I mess around with the width and height of the storyboard and choose an different device for the iOS simulator.
All my problems and (little) code I've written is as shown:
I would appreciate any tips/help you guys can give me!
Thank you in advance!
I have had similar issue some times on simulator, use ⌘+K or Hardware > Keyboard > Toggle Software Keyboard to prompt keyboard.
When change width and height of storyboard, examine closely the the descriptions (width, height, portrait, landscape) in the popup, I suggest choose the width and height that matches your device and orientation.
Hope this helps.
It is because of auto layout. Here is a link to guide you through.
Auto Layout Guide

iPad incorrect rendering of Objects

We just set up a whole bunch of development MacBooks in our office. We all set up the computers exactly the same as far as I can tell (just installing xcode and not changing any settings). We even distributed the exact same xcode project to everyone to test whether or not everyone was set up correctly. For some reason though, my iPad simulator incorrectly renders the positions of Objects on the UIView controller.
I can make a really basic application and slap down a UIView controller with the storyboard editor in xcode 4.3.1 (newest version ATM), and add a button to it. When I run this on the simulator, it will look fine on the iPhone one, but when I try to view it in the iPad, it seems that some elements will scale to the iPad resolution fine, but others will not. The components that do not, seem to be in the place that they would be if they had been rendered on the iPhone.
The weirdest part of this problem is that I can't find anyone online who has had this same issue. I have already tried deleting and re-installing xcode and the same thing still happens. I fear I might have to re-install the OS and start from scratch.
How it looks on the iPhone simulator:
And on the iPad simulator:
I don't think that's an SDK issue, I bet that you are writing code that fits for the iPhone screen and not for the larger iPad screen.
I think that you added just the button and is Autoresizing Mask is not set properly.
I've done some measurement an it seems that:
The distance from the top of the view is in fixed (~360px);
The width is fixed (~260px);
You need to give the button a fixed distance from the bottom (as it should stay on under the plot) and remove the left fixed margin so it can be centered.
You need to take a look at the UIViewAutoresizingMask for the UIView's autoresizingMask property.
button.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin;
