Xcode iPad simulator keyboard opens in middle of screen - xcode

I am running xcode 4.3.2 and just started having the following problem.
All projects running in the simulator are positioning the popup keyboard in the center of the IPAD simulator. The IPHONE simulator is fine with the normal keyboard positioned at the bottom of the screen. Even a simple new project with a single text field shows the keyboard in the middle of the screen with equal amounts of white space above and bellow. This occurs in all orientations.
Interestingly, UIPickerViews also exhibit the same behavior.
This is driving me nuts, as it has been fine for many months and now all the objects (text fields etc.) are hidden when the keyboard plops down smack in the middle of the screen.
Please help. Thanks in advance.

This is a feature of the iPad. You can "drag" the keyboard with the drag handle in the lower-right hand corner of the keyboard. The image from this blog post by Rob Rogers indicates how to use it. My guess is you inadvertently moved your keyboard.


Xamarin Forms buttons stop receiving mouse clicks after clicking on SkiaSharp CanvasView on iOS

I use SkiaSharp canvas to draw the main game screen, and then there are various Xamarin.Forms Buttons around the UI. This all works fine on when used directly on iPhone or iPad using a finger. However, when I connect a mouse (e.g., through a MacBook or otherwise), the buttons start working with about 10% chance after mouse-clicking on the SkiaSharp canvas (and not receiving the mouse click events with 90% chance). The SkiaSharp canvas itself works just fine.
If I bring up the iOS app launch menu from the bottom (which probably somehow temporarily exists the mouse navigation on the app), the buttons start working again with the mouse. But if I click the SkiaSharp canvas again with the mouse, the buttons have a high chance of becoming disabled again. If I change to using a finger, all works fine (even if the mouse clicks were not being registered immediately before). However, mouse clicks are not being registered even after touching with a finger, so finger-touching does not reset the issue with the mouse (but bringing up the menu from the bottom does).
We found this bug by testing the iOS game on MacBook Pro (the iOS apps recently came available on the App Store) but the same issue persists also directly with an iPad / mouse combination. It seems to be some sort of an issue between using a mouse (on iPad or on MacBook Pro), SkiaSharp canvas and Xamarin.Forms buttons.
Does anyone know what the root cause of the problem is and what is the workaround?
Not an answer as such, but some more information about reproducing the issue: A simpler repro case may be this small project: https://github.com/jrc14/TraceMatching/ .
Don't worry too much about what it's doing, but note that you're mean to click in the grey Skia canvas in the middle to create 'targets' - and that after you've done that, mouse-clicks are getting lost.
If you run it on a Mac, you'll see that, though the clicks get lost after you've clicked on the Skia canvas, they will start being received again if you click on something else (another app, or the Mac background).
(further edit) - after some noodling around I did find a workaround. If, once you've finished processing the touch action on the SKCanvasView, you reset its EnableTouchEvents property (i.e. set it to false, then back to true again), it seems that the clicks don't get lost any more,

Mac OSX fullscreen on multiple displays swiping moves all screens

This worked up until yesterday.
Before and after updating to MacOS Sierra 10.12.5 did not solve problem.
Config / Specs:
Macbook pro OSX
Dell monitor
iPad using Duet app
Previous functionality
I could expand fullscreen any app/program in Mac (the green button top right) and use 3 fingers on the trackpad to toggle between 'screens' on that individual physical screen.
Current bug
When I fullscreen an app on one display and swipe with three fingers, swiping controls all 3 physical displays. The display in question swipes to the app, but the other two displays also swipe to the right showing blank black or white backgrounds and are mouseover-able.
Desired functionality -- the Previous Functionality
Swiping on a screen only controls that display.
Had the same issue, there is a setting in Mission Control -> Displays have separate Spaces, checking this solves the problem for me.

missing alignment guides in xcode interface builder

I am new to programming on the Apple Mac. I have followed a programming guide supplied in the Mac Developer Library to program a basic GUI program called TrackMix. In this program you place a textbox, a vertical slider and a button control on the view window. Initially, on dragging the specific object, say the textbox, to the window, a set of alignment guides (dotted blue lines) would automatically appear on the canvas when the object is dragged over it. I dont know what has happened, but now those guides have disappeared when I execute the same action of dragging objects to the window. When the object being dragged is over the window a small green dot, with a plus sign in it, appears on the bottom of the object. I have carefully retraced my steps to be exactly the same as stated in the Developer Library, but still the problem persist. Have I, perhaps, involuntarily changed some Xcode settings or what? I am at the end of my wits! PS: I am using Xcode 7.
You have to toggle the menu item "Editor > Canvas > Snap To Guides" in Storyboard. I hope that helps
I am not sure whether this will be helpful, but I just had the same problem and the only thing which worked was re-installing Xcode (7.3) and trashing all of the Xcode preferences.
Good luck.

No horizontal scrollbar in Xcode's Interface Builder

When I try to edit a storyboard file in Xcode (Version 5.1.1 (5B1008) under OS X 10.9.3) I can only see the vertical scrollbar. Moving around in the horizontal direction between view controllers is not possible. The horizontal bar doesn't show when I hover over it. It only briefly shows when I select past the visible area but it immediately disappears afterwards and I can only scroll by a few pixels at a time this way.
I have tried restarting XCode and the OS but it didn't help. Scrolling was possible before. It stopped working for no apparent reason this morning. I have not updated XCode nor OS X or messed with the system in any way since it was last working. Has anyone encountered this problem before? Do I need to reinstall XCode at this point?
Press Shift + Scroll Mouse this will scroll preview in horizontal
It's a not bug, it's a feature. It wouldn't be a problem if you use the Apple mouse. There is a workaround for a typical 2/3 button mouse, although it would affect all horizontal bars across the system. Just follow System Preferences->General->Show scroll bars, and select Always.
I have been struggling with this as well. The only solution I found is the following:
So there is a mini map for the storyboard that hovers over the right upper-side.
If you can't see it, just click on the "Adjust Editor Options" button and make sure Minimap is selected.
This is the best way to move around just like you are using the scroll bars.

Xcode 6 Beta 2 - iOS Simulator error and elements rearranged

I am new to Xcode 6 and Swift, so I was checking it out and crafting a simple app but I encountered several problems:
When I run my app the keyboard does not react to whenever I "press" (click since I am in the simulator) in the text field. That is, the keyboard does not show up.
The app's elements in the storyboard TOTALLY rearrange sometimes when I mess around with the width and height of the storyboard and choose an different device for the iOS simulator.
All my problems and (little) code I've written is as shown:
I would appreciate any tips/help you guys can give me!
Thank you in advance!
I have had similar issue some times on simulator, use ⌘+K or Hardware > Keyboard > Toggle Software Keyboard to prompt keyboard.
When change width and height of storyboard, examine closely the the descriptions (width, height, portrait, landscape) in the popup, I suggest choose the width and height that matches your device and orientation.
Hope this helps.
It is because of auto layout. Here is a link to guide you through.
Auto Layout Guide
