Having 2 xcode windows side by side - xcode

So I have a 1920x1080 display, and when I try to run two xcode windows side by side, they overlap each other. I originally faced this problem on my MBP 1650x1050 screen but I am expecting for screen real estate.
Anyone have any ideas how to get it run side by side without the xcode windows getting cropped? I'm using BetterTouchTool to snap the windows to the left and right.
Here's a picture of the cropping:

Hide the toolbar (View > Hide Toolbar) and you will be able to resize Xcode windows to smaller sizes than when the toolbar is visible.
You may also want to hide the Navigator (View > Navigators > Hide Navigator) to make more room for the editor view.
Here is a screenshot with a 1440x900 resolution:

This isn't possible, OS X applications have predetermined minimum height and width attributes, which as far as I know can't be overridden. Believe me, I'm dealing with the same problem. It's pretty frustrating, but there isn't anything you can do about it.


How can you scroll in the Assistant Editor horizontally or vertically?

Is there a scrollbar to allow horizontal/vertical scrolling in the Assistant Editor preview in Xcode 6?
I know you can zoom in and zoom out but when zoomed out you can only view no more than one device at a time.
As i know theres no scroll bar
Horizontal srcolling:
but you can try
horizontal scrolling:
(shift + scrollMouseWheel up\downslide)
Vertical scrolling:
(scrollMouseWheel up\downslide)
Set active window on preview. (tested on Xcode 6.3)
Not sure about the scrolling, but if you want to view multiple devices in preview best way is to open preview up in a separate window, works very nicely and beats running on your project on 3 different simulators evertime you make a change....see a great tutorial here

No horizontal scrollbar in Xcode's Interface Builder

When I try to edit a storyboard file in Xcode (Version 5.1.1 (5B1008) under OS X 10.9.3) I can only see the vertical scrollbar. Moving around in the horizontal direction between view controllers is not possible. The horizontal bar doesn't show when I hover over it. It only briefly shows when I select past the visible area but it immediately disappears afterwards and I can only scroll by a few pixels at a time this way.
I have tried restarting XCode and the OS but it didn't help. Scrolling was possible before. It stopped working for no apparent reason this morning. I have not updated XCode nor OS X or messed with the system in any way since it was last working. Has anyone encountered this problem before? Do I need to reinstall XCode at this point?
Press Shift + Scroll Mouse this will scroll preview in horizontal
It's a not bug, it's a feature. It wouldn't be a problem if you use the Apple mouse. There is a workaround for a typical 2/3 button mouse, although it would affect all horizontal bars across the system. Just follow System Preferences->General->Show scroll bars, and select Always.
I have been struggling with this as well. The only solution I found is the following:
So there is a mini map for the storyboard that hovers over the right upper-side.
If you can't see it, just click on the "Adjust Editor Options" button and make sure Minimap is selected.
This is the best way to move around just like you are using the scroll bars.

Xcode 6 Beta 2 - iOS Simulator error and elements rearranged

I am new to Xcode 6 and Swift, so I was checking it out and crafting a simple app but I encountered several problems:
When I run my app the keyboard does not react to whenever I "press" (click since I am in the simulator) in the text field. That is, the keyboard does not show up.
The app's elements in the storyboard TOTALLY rearrange sometimes when I mess around with the width and height of the storyboard and choose an different device for the iOS simulator.
All my problems and (little) code I've written is as shown:
I would appreciate any tips/help you guys can give me!
Thank you in advance!
I have had similar issue some times on simulator, use ⌘+K or Hardware > Keyboard > Toggle Software Keyboard to prompt keyboard.
When change width and height of storyboard, examine closely the the descriptions (width, height, portrait, landscape) in the popup, I suggest choose the width and height that matches your device and orientation.
Hope this helps.
It is because of auto layout. Here is a link to guide you through.
Auto Layout Guide

Not Displaying Normal Xcode View

First, the links are to screen shots of my "problem". Stackoverflow would not let me post images b/c I don't have at least a 10 reputation.
I am not sure what I did.
Shut down my computer, I think there was an OS X update pending that installed. When I went back to my Xcode project it presented the normal screen
But then when I went to open it up the following screen w/o the editor or any of the normal layout opened up.
I tried tinkering with the layout and view screens, but no real help. Not sure what happened. Any help would be most appreciated. Basically, it seems like I am missing the editor and utilities panes.
You see that little button with the left arrow and two vertical lines at the right upper end of the "Groups and files" view? Click and drag it left, see it this can help.

How do I anchor controls to one side in Xcode?

Ok, so I come from programming in Visual Basic on PCs, and now I'm trying to remake my programs on OS X with Xcode, and so far I have been successful. One thing I have noticed, however, is that when I try to resize the window, controls either stay in the same place or stick to one side. In Visual Basic, I used the "anchor" or "dock" properties to decide whether controls would stretch as the window resized or if the stayed to one side. I was just wondering if there is an easy way to do this in Interface Builder. I am using Xcode 4.5.1 and any help I could get would be great.
Thanks in advance!
In IB, click on the file inspector (The first icon), then make sure auto layout is not checked. Then go to the size inspector (The 5th icon) and make your changes.
(source: fredandrandall.com)
