SwiftUI Can't Change the Master Pane Width iPad Landscape - xcode

I have a SwiftUI app in full SwiftUI lifecycle that includes a basic Master/Detail style
of data presentation. For the iPad, I need a wider left (Master) pane and don't need the
Detail pane to be as wide as the default.
Apparently I'm not phrasing my searches well enough because I have not found any
articles that discuss this. I have tried setting a frame on the NavigationView, changing
the NavigationViewStyle and a few other wild shots but have not gotten anywhere.
Ideally, I'd like to code it so the user could adjust the width, but I'd settle for
simply being able to make it wider by default.
Here's the idea:
Any guidance would be appreciated. Xcode 12.3 iOS/iPad 14.3


iPhone 6(s) plus not scaling new application correctly for some users

I have a brand new Swift 2.0 XCode 7 Storyboard based application.
Target is set to 9.2. I'm currently supporting any device with GPS that can run ios 9.2
I started with the Tabbed View Template and I'm working in wAny and hAny and a single Storyboard.
It works fine in the simulator on a bunch of phones, both orientations and works fine on my 6s plus, 6s, 6 plus and a 5.
But for some users the scaling is wrong and everything comes out squished.
Even in landscape mode the TabBar Icons are very close to each other.
Narrower than even on my 6s plus in portrait.
I believe this is caused by my application not having a Launch bitmap.
My understanding is there are two ways to implement this.
Launcher .XIB/.NIB with half a dozen specific sized bitmaps attached. Or a StoryBoard Launcher with ... exactly what.
The "Or StoryBoard" is a little vague. But I wanted to keep things using the modern approach since this app is new and targeted users tend to have the latest device.
So I created my Launch Image set and tried to attached it to the UIImageView in the Launcher StoryBoard. It won't list items that are tagged as "Launcher Image Set". It will show other Image Sets and Icons. But not the ones specifically for Launcher. It shows an "L" in the xcassets list next to the Launcher Image set. I believe I have the build project setting set correctly and it looks perfect on many of the same exact devices.
After some digging, I read that if you use the "StoryBoard" method you don't need the 6 or so bitmaps anymore. You can put anything in the Storyboard Launcher View and treat it just like you would treat your main storyboard.
So I did that. I just centered a small image.png file in the View of the Launchers Storyboard. Works on all simulations and my iPhone 6s plus. I did not pin it to the edges because that would mess up the aspect ratio of the image.
A very small set of users still have the issue and one of them even uninstalled and reinstalled.
I tried playing with setting phone Zoomed, Normal, Text Size, Bold etc. They all work. Users also don't have anything out of the ordinary on these system settings.
So first, do I need the 6 proper sized bitmaps or not? I read conflicting info on this.
If I want to use the 6 images on a storyboard how to I get them in the UIImageView of the Launcher StoryBoard if they won't list? Should I put them in a regular image set. Does the "Launcher Image Set" only work for the for the Launcher.XIB?
If it's not the Launcher window, what else could it be causing this?
I know I could create a XIB/NIB with the 6 bitmaps. But that seems like I'm going backwards and I don't care about old OS versions or older phones.
I think I found my answer. When using a Storyboard Launcher you cannot use a "Launch Image Set" for your Launcher Storyboard. You have to use an Image Set.
This is the best Video I found that covers it A-Z.
It also didn't fix my initial problem. Which I'll post separately. It scales correct in Portrait but not in Landscape for hand full of users. Using the same hardware as others that it works fine on.

Swift - Problems with layout

I have a Universal application in Swift 2.0 developed in XCode 7.
On the storyboard simulated metrics, I have the 'size' set to 'iPhone 4.7-inch'.
When I run the application on my device (iPhone 5s), none of the labels are aligned and the toolbar is out of view. -This is also the case when I run using the iPad device in XCodes simulator.
Image of what the view controller contains ...
From the snippet above, when I run this VC on my iPhone there is no margin on the right side, and the toolbar is cropped off.
Can anyone advise how I can make a universal application show all the content in the VC, on all devices. Or how I would simply show the toolbar ...
That's what auto layout (constraints) is for.
On the storyboard simulated metrics, I have the 'size' set to 'iPhone 4.7-inch'.
That's irrelevant, and indeed misleading, since in means that only on the iPhone 4.7-inch will your app look like the storyboard design — unless you use auto layout.
iPhones come in many screen sizes. Basically, you have no way of knowing, as you design, what the screen size will actually be! Auto layout is the solution. Auto layout allows your interface elements to adjust automatically as the app launches on a particular size screen. iPads can serve as an extension of this — i.e., just an even larger size screen — or you can even use conditional constraints to make the interface quite different on the iPad from the iPhone, if desired - all designed in a single storyboard.
Maybe you are using auto layout and auto constraint. You could deactivate this in opening the storyboard, open up right panel , go to "show the file inspector" section and under Interface Builder Document uncheck auto layout and auto constraint
Image here
Select your item view, go into "Show the size inspector" and there you can set your autoresizing for all devices

How to fix: disabling size classes in Xcode 6.2 trashes storyboard UI but keeps guides

[EDITED] After spending a couple of days on a iPad app (utility s/w for myself; not for release), I accidentally clicked on disabling size classes in Xcode (6.2). I only want to turn off Auto Layout temporarily so I could figure out why my popover scene was not rendering.
Now, all the UI elements are gone but the guidelines for both the main scene and the popover scene are still around. History seemingly shows nothing that will bring back the UI elements. I closed the Xcode project and opened it again, but only the red guidelines are visible.
Has anyone run into this? Any idea how to fix this? [EDIT] I'm referring specifically to the UI elements and getting them all back -- else I'm going to have to spend a couple of hours reconstructing and positioning them. I browsed StackOverflow and Google Search but I've not seen any relevant suggestions.
First, when disabling auto layout it will disable the size classes as well.
I would suggest that you update your Xcode to 6.3. Then that will probably be gone.
Hope that helps :)
regarding the comment
First off I would print the frames of the UIElements to see whether they are still on the screen. (Using `println("(button.frame)")
Then, if they are not there, change their frames / centres) to somewhere on the screen.
If they are in the bounds, check their sizes to make sure they are large enough to be visible. If they are then make sure they are not hidden and their alpha is 1.
In storyboard you can open the side-bar and then change the element's position in the Attributes inspector as shown here:

When I build my app my simulator looks different from my viewcontroller.xib

I was making a user interface using storyboards and when I built my app to see how it would look in the iOS simulator it didn't look like the viewcontroller in the storyboard (some of the buttons were moved around and I had to move one button way down so it was in the place i wanted it to be). Does anyone know why this is?
Yes, the reason is auto layout, it will automatically position elements on a relative basis depending on the device you're running.
You can turn autolayout off, or build for all devices at once and keep it on.
You may want to read iOS Auto Layout Demystified by Erica Sadun which goes in depth to the world of autolayout.

control origin coordinates in interface builder are disabled in xcode 4.6

I'm a newbie to iOS development, and am trying to work through the projects in "Learning iOS Development."
When I drag a control, such as a button, to the grid in Interface Builder in XCode 4.6.2, I can specify numbers for the width and height in the Size Inspector, but not for the origin, which is grayed out. I CAN change the origin by choosing one of the nine points in a grid to the left of the text boxes for specifying the numbers, but this is too coarse-grained.
I've seen a similar problem reported, and the solution was to turn off Simulated User Interface Elements (see Can't resize UIView in IB). But I think this option has been removed from 4.6. (See Interface Builder's “Simulate Interface” is gone in xcode 4.6?.)
I suspect the solution is something simple that I'm overlooking. Any help is greatly appreciated!
