Install Go CLI application without having Go installed - go

If I already have Go installed on my computer, I can easily install a CLI application using this github repository. I need to install a CLi application on a machine that does not have Go installed (like the CloudFoundry CLI) - how can I do that?

Go compiles to one executable, the end user does not need go installed.

You could try a newly released tool like


How to run eclipse on bash on Ubuntu on Windows?

I have eclipse installed on my windows machine, but I can't seem to use it with bash so I installed eclipse on the bash terminal by using "sudo apt-get install eclipse". It installed fine, but I can't figure out how to launch the eclipse GUI from the linux subsystem so I can use it like the windows version. I tried using Xming and exporting DISPLAY, but that didn't work. Any ideas?
from what i understood from the link below, you require to update .bashrc to direct the GUI display to a X Server process. I installed xMing to run X Server from Windows 10. i also had to install gtk components that allowed me to run sublime text GUI from within WSL.
hope this helps
IMHO you should not install eclipse by apt but simply get your desired eclipse product from from , download and unzip it to your wanted location and just start eclipse.
I do not know any Linux distribution containing a newer eclipse bundled, so you are always having older versions being slower and having less features
You can update your eclipse installation directly inside eclipse Check for updates
You can have multiple installations at same time
If you want to get rid of a eclipse installation just remove the folder and you are done.
But of course you can also use bash directly in Windows with Eclipse.
Please look at or take a glimpse at You Tube Video about Bash Debugging with Bash Editor eclipse plugin on a Windows 10 machine
PS: I am the maintainer of the mentioned eclipse plugin

Websphere application server on Bluemix — install APAR fix

How can I install an APAR fix (temp fix) to the WAS on Bluemix?
Is there any documentation to teach me how to do it?
I cannot find the installation manager in the Linux OS, but even if I have it, how would I install the fix using ssh mode?
You should be able to find the Installation Manager in the /home/virtuser/IBM/InstallationManager directory [1]. Any fixes must be installed as virtuser. Once you're in the appropriate IM directory, it should be business as usual for using the imcl install command. The link below should reference additional IM documentation.

When installing Appcelerator CLI, appc setup command throws error

I am trying to install the appcelerator cli but keep running into an issue that I haven't been able to find a fix for.
When running the "appc setup" command I get the error "cannot find module 'C:\cyclic.js'"
link to full screen capture of error
I am running windows 7 64 bit and am following the directions here
*Edit: If you are facing this same issue. Uninstall Node, and Appcelerator. Then make sure you install JDK 32 Bit (if using windows). DELETE the NPM and Appcelerator folders in your C:\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\ directory. Then reinstall Node (I had success with 32 bit) and the Appcelerator CLI. That worked for me.
Hello make sure you have node.js and JDK installed and environment variable set properly. For reference!/guide/Installation_and_Configuration. Now, As you already tried "appc setup". You need to delete all cache of previous installation try and try reinstalling again. Run,
sudo rm -rf ~/.appcelerator
sudo npm uninstall -g appcelerator
appc use latest
appc setup
To setup the Appcelerator CLI, install Node.js, install the appcelerator module using the NPM CLI, then run the appc setup command to download and setup the latest CLI package. You can follow the guide here. Also you can check this link, if you experience an issue installing any of the npm packages.
If still not solved, I suggest you to start from scratch. I see you work on Windows, true?:
Remove install of NodeJS from "Uninstall programms" of control pannel
Remove install of Appcelerator from "Uninstall programms" of control pannel
Remove any folder from C:\Program Files or your user's folder referencing "node" "npm" or similar.
Go to your user's folder and remove any .app or .appcelerator folder (could be hidden, so look it well)
Don't forget to look in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming (probably will be hidden)
Now you have only Java JDK installed (I'm using 1.8).
Proceed with a new appcelerator.EXE install, it must detect that you don't have Node and will download by itself the proper Node version.

OSX - Uninstall older version of an existing application

I have created an application with node webkit. I packaged and distributed the first mac version of it. I am about to distribute the next version of the same. I want an installer or something similar to Inno Setup for windows which would help me uninstall the previous version of my application and install the newer version.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I assume that you have packed your app in a DMG to release the first version. If you need to do a cleanup on the existing installation, you can use a PKG-DMG combination. PKG allows you to have pre-install/post install scripts. You can do your uninstallation/cleanup via these scripts.
Packages is a tool that can help you create a PKG file. If you want to automate this, you can use command line pkgutil. You can add the PKG directly to DMG instead of app.

Openshift Platform - How to install expect package in the openshift platform?

I am trying to install the expect package in the openshift redhat cloud and Firstly i would like to know whether its supported and how to install the package.
The best way to get the package installed (or considered for installation) is to open a Feature Request in Bugzilla ( and also open a feature request at
