OSX - Uninstall older version of an existing application - macos

I have created an application with node webkit. I packaged and distributed the first mac version of it. I am about to distribute the next version of the same. I want an installer or something similar to Inno Setup for windows which would help me uninstall the previous version of my application and install the newer version.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

I assume that you have packed your app in a DMG to release the first version. If you need to do a cleanup on the existing installation, you can use a PKG-DMG combination. PKG allows you to have pre-install/post install scripts. You can do your uninstallation/cleanup via these scripts.
Packages is a tool that can help you create a PKG file. If you want to automate this, you can use command line pkgutil. You can add the PKG directly to DMG instead of app.


App failed to start because it could not find Qt platform plugin "Windows" in ""

I have been bogging my mind on this one for a few days with various versions of python and freeze utilities.
Python 3.6, PyQt5
I created a script, and am trying to make a standalone .exe
However, when running pyinstaller, I get the result I have posted below. I am currently using an Anaconda distribution, so I am not sure if this has anything to do with it. How do I resolve this issue?
I have tried to fix it for several days using different python and pyqt versions, but the short story is that some of the libraries I am using come into conflict in other versions. I am posting this again because nothing else has really worked, and I am on my last straws.
Thanks in advance.
Error Window:
From this page:
PyQt5 - Failed to load platform plugin "windows". Available platforms are: windows, minimal
this answer solved my problem.
Copying the folder platforms from python installation directory into my built folder solved the problem. the "platforms" folder contains qminimal.dll.
Maybe it helps you too!
Can you try to install Anaconda in a folder that does not use non-ascii characters?
Also, you say you have done conda update --all, but your Qt version states 5.6.0. Last week we released version 5.6.2, so conda update --all should have got that version for you.
Perhaps try conda update qt and see that it installs 5.6.2?

How to install a lower install version of visual studio Installer project forcefully,without manually removing ,while installing it?

I have an installer project setup from version, 1.0.0 ,1.0.1 and 1.0.2.Each having different changes I needed for my project.When I install them in order,they upgrade properly and get installed nicely.But I have a need where I need to go back from 1.0.2 to 1.0.1,but the setup project won't let me install it since it already has a newer version installed.And one of the ways I can get around it, is to manually uninstall it and run it.But I don't want the end user to do that and just run whatever setup he wants and it gets install removing previous versions. Can anyone suggest me a workaround for this or how to handle this situation?

Which one I should download? "Download the latest version of libclang"

I want to install YouCompleteMe, on Mac OSX, early 2015.
I have installed it under guidance of Mac OSX part. However, I got one warning:
NoExtraConfDetected: No .ycm_extra_conf.py file detected.
Then I read the full installation guide, and know that I should Download the latest version of libclang. However, there are so many source code on the official webpage of LLVM, and I don't know what to install (figure below).
So, could you please tell me, which one I should install?
If you go to http://llvm.org/releases/download.html#3.8.0 you can see Pre-Build binaries for MacOsX that's what you need to download and extract. Once you extract this. You will need to source it's location using the path variable.
Now, You can also install clang using brew from the terminal.
brew install --with-clang llvm

Uninstall qt 4 from mac os

I just installed wrong qt version on my Mac OS. Qt version is 4.8.5. Qt5 is installed into a separate folder, but version 4 is spread over the system, I cannot just delete one folder.
Is there an easy way to uninstall it?
If I remember correctly, there is python script somewhere in /Developer/qt/tools.../uninstall-qt.py
I'm not sure about the names, but you'll recognise the script.
Also, you'll have to run it with sudo, smth like this:
sudo python ./uninstall-qt.py
I hope it helps.
With later versions of macOS and Qt, the solution seems to be to run the MaintenanceTool, as described on the Qt wiki and in another answer.
You should find the tool in ~/Library/Qt.

Where to put node folder for node.js install?

It's currently in the directory:
but I feel like it should be closer to root? Maybe in /Developer? I'm having trouble finding an other advice online. I'm on macosx lion right now.
There is also now a Macintosh(or Windows) installer available for current releases(0.6.18 currently the latest at time of this writing). The universal .pkg installer will handle the everything for you so you don't need to worry about it :-)
If you want to know where the install ends up, I recently installed v0.6.17 on OSX Lion 10.7.4 and it looks like most of the files are under /usr/local/. Shell commands in /usr/local/bin/. Global node_modules and npm in /usr/local/lib/node_modules.
Hope that helps!
Since you're on Mac OS X you can use homebrew to manage the installation of a number of things that have recipes. Node.js is one of them.
Once homebrew is installed and up to date you can simply run a command like the following.
brew install node.js
