How to run eclipse on bash on Ubuntu on Windows? - windows

I have eclipse installed on my windows machine, but I can't seem to use it with bash so I installed eclipse on the bash terminal by using "sudo apt-get install eclipse". It installed fine, but I can't figure out how to launch the eclipse GUI from the linux subsystem so I can use it like the windows version. I tried using Xming and exporting DISPLAY, but that didn't work. Any ideas?

from what i understood from the link below, you require to update .bashrc to direct the GUI display to a X Server process. I installed xMing to run X Server from Windows 10. i also had to install gtk components that allowed me to run sublime text GUI from within WSL.
hope this helps

IMHO you should not install eclipse by apt but simply get your desired eclipse product from from , download and unzip it to your wanted location and just start eclipse.
I do not know any Linux distribution containing a newer eclipse bundled, so you are always having older versions being slower and having less features
You can update your eclipse installation directly inside eclipse Check for updates
You can have multiple installations at same time
If you want to get rid of a eclipse installation just remove the folder and you are done.
But of course you can also use bash directly in Windows with Eclipse.
Please look at or take a glimpse at You Tube Video about Bash Debugging with Bash Editor eclipse plugin on a Windows 10 machine
PS: I am the maintainer of the mentioned eclipse plugin


Using snapd instead of flatpak in Linux Mint

I installed IntelliJ and WebStorm on my Linux Mint distro. The problem I have is that I cannot use the integrated terminal on both of the software. In both of them there is a problem with my bash binary location. I researched and saw that the software manager in Linux Mint installs flatpak software by default, and that it works as a sort of a container. I tried to change the location of my bash binary to var/run/host.. but it didn't seem to work.
I read that people solve this by installing the tar version of the software or using snapd. Since snapd is not supported by Linux Mint, what are my alternatives? Can I somehow give access to my software to use my bash, npm, etc... and if not, why is it that flatpak makes these things so difficult?..
Flatpak works as a sandbox environment - each pack has its own runtime environment and because of security reasons, flatpak apps do not have direct access to host files. There could be a lot of problems due to this.
Please try reinstalling the IDE using one of the officially recommended options ( - download the tar.gz from, or use the toolbox app to manage installations

How to access ruby from Ubuntu bash for windows

I started ROR development on windows using Ubuntu bash. For now it was going well but when i tried to debug ruby on window using Rubymine it said no ruby SDK specified. How can i access the ruby sdk from ubuntu bash?
In resume: maybe Rubymine is a windows-program which is not aware of the ruby (ROR) environment installed inside the windows10-WSL.
In more detail: before windows10 (with winxp, win7, etc) ubuntu and linux programs could not be installed inside windows. So in those cases, if you needed to use a linux program, you could download virtualbox, create a separate VirtualMAchine, install there your Ubuntu and then inside install the ubuntu programs (Ruby, ROR, etc)
With windows10, there is a new feature called WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows a ubuntu system to be installed inside window. It uses some hidden virtualization/conversion to make it transparent for the user, and so any ubunut command can be run from the windows-console, without VirtualBox nor VirtualMachine - its looks as if windows could execute linux programs natively (but its just an ilusion though)
It looks like you installed ROR in the WSL-Ubuntu. And then installed RubyMine on windows. And then Rubymine tried to find the ROR-things in the windows directories but it did not found any. I guess its because Rubymine is not prepared to search within the WSL-Ubuntu for the ROR-things and so fails.
My second guess, is that the easiest solution could be to avoid using WSL-Ubuntu (as other programs wont be ready for it - currently it looks more of an experiment, not a real stable standard). And instead, try to do it all inside a Virtual-Box VirtualMachine, where you install ubuntu, all the programs you want (and they will run fine there), and avoid the WSL-mix. Even if this way requires a bit more work in the start - to prepare the VirtualBox and VM with ubuntu (youtube has many tutorials for this) - it will definitely save you time/headaches in the long-run when you need to install additional library/program/gem for your ROR environment

What is the difference between Bash and Ubuntu terminals on Windows 10

I recently installed Ubuntu for Windows and now inside the Start Menu there are 2 new items:
This terminal opens in:
This terminal opens in:
What is the difference between the two?
For example, we want to install Git and Utils, RVM (Ruby) then clone a Git project and deploy via SSH with Capistrano commands. Should that be run with Bash or Ubuntu as above?
Also, should the commands be run in system32 or C:/ folder when inside the terminal?
The Bash terminal is the old style (prior to Windows 10 v1790 a.k.a. Fall Creator Update). It resides in %LocalAppData%\Lxss and is managed using lxrun.exe.
The Ubuntu terminal is the new style, downloaded from Microsoft Store. The launcher part is a Windows App (%ProgramFiles%\WindowsApp) and its data resides in %LocalAppData%\Packages.
Those are two isolated installation of Windows Subsystem for Linux and do not interfere with each other. Practically you need only one of them, so choose one at your own preference.
I personally dislike the Windows Store version as it can be easily removed, which isn't a good thing for a productivity environment.
I was trying to delete the legacy "Bash on Windows" and wasn't unable to because lxrun.exe is not available in my system. But in case anyone needs it, here's how:
If you wish, you can manually delete your legacy instance. This may be required if you encounter issues uninstalling the legacy distro using lxrun.exe, or are running Windows 10 Spring 2018 Update (or later) which do not ship with lxrun.exe.
To forcefully delete your legacy WSL distro, delete the %localappdata%\lxss\ folder (and all it's sub-contents) using Windows' File Explorer, or the command-line: (using PowerShell)
rm -Recurse $env:localappdata/lxss/
The git bash vs the Ubuntu bash.
Basically there is nothing much different except maybe the versions of the bash. Because bash is bash. It's most likely different versions of bash were installed at different times for different purposes on the PC. And they will also likely be found in different folders on the PC.
Run the following code from the two different shells. This returns the version of bash:
On this PC, using the two terminals (MinGW and Ubuntu) returned the following versions of bash: (see image link below)
5.0.17(1) - release
4.4.23(1) - release
It's likely most people using PCs that have been around a while will find that there are two (or more) different versions of bash installed on their PCs. On this PC, the older version of bash was installed some time back.
That older version of bash might have been installed when Cygwin was installed on this PC. Or maybe the older version of bash was installed when Git was installed long ago. It really doesn't matter now. On this PC, bash is found in at least these following locations:
C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe
C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe
The Windows 10 on this PC was updated. Specifically, the WSL kernel was updated from WSL to WSL2. Part of this update involved turning on some Windows features, including the: Windows Subsystem for Linux.
There was an old (virtual) version of Ubuntu (18.04) that had been installed on this PC some time back. But that old version of Ubuntu went away with this update. This WSL2 update changes the way Linux (Ubuntu) operates on this PC. After the WSL2 update, Ubuntu was installed from the Microsoft Store. This is Ubuntu 20.04.
This WSL2 update and the newly installed version of Ubuntu also installed a newer version of bash on this PC. And this newer version of bash is the newer version of bash that is showing above.
Another good way to understand the difference between these two versions of bash would be to enter the following into each shell:
type ping
The result should clearly show that one version of bash is providing the source from Windows while the other version of bash provides the source from Ubuntu.
ping is /c/windows/system32/ping
ping is /usr/bin/ping
Sometimes a picture is worth more than a thousand words. Attached below are two of the new Windows Terminals side by side.
These terminals show the two different versions of bash. Echo returns the older version of bash being used in the MinGW shell and Echo returns a newer version of bash being used in the Ubuntu shell.

Maven on Windows Subsystem For Linux

I'm trying to run maven on Windows Subsystem for Linux, and getting "cannot allocate memory" errors. However, free -m shows that I have plenty of memory available, and the same build on Cygwin succeeds.
Anyone have any tips for dealing with this? I'd prefer to change my settings.xml over my pom.xml's, but I'm open to almost anything.
Try to install maven by downloading it, not by doing an apt-get install maven. On my Ubuntu machines I've never been able to get the "apt" version to work right and have always resorted to downloading it directly from the Maven download instead. I tried that on my WSL and was able to build a pretty good sized JEE project with no issues.

Installing ADT plugin 16.0.1 on Eclipse Indigo- windows

When I try to install the ADT 16.0.1 plugin on Eclipse Indigo java developer edition release 1 or Helios normal edition release 2, I get the following error:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: Shared profile
Missing requirement: Shared profile ( requires 'org.maven.ide.eclipse []' but it could not be found
I've tried to lookup the package it's refering to on apache, JDK reference and android developer reference but no luck!
This's not my first time installing ADT, I already have it installed on Ubuntu and it works. I also had the old release (ADT 15) installed on Eclipse galileo on windows, but I re-installed windows (i'm running windows 7 ultimate by the way) and I can run the old release but it's very good developing with ICS API-s.
So, if anyone could help, it would be highly appreciated.
Lots of people have this type of problem with many different required items missing.
The last time I had this problem it was fixed by going to Window->Preferences
Then selecting Install/Update->Available Software Sites
Make sure everything listed is checked
In my installation I have:
You may also need to run Eclipse as an administrator
I was able to install the ADT Plugin only after
I moved the eclipse folder to a location without spaces (e.g.: c:\development\android\eclipse
I ran the Eclipse Update procedure as administrator
Also I am using the 32bit version even though I use windows7 64bit.
you just need to run as administrator
run Eclipse with compatibility mode winXP pack 2 and Run as Administrator.
You can find it by Right clicking Eclipse.exe > Properties > Compatibility Tab
