Openshift Platform - How to install expect package in the openshift platform? - installation

I am trying to install the expect package in the openshift redhat cloud and Firstly i would like to know whether its supported and how to install the package.

The best way to get the package installed (or considered for installation) is to open a Feature Request in Bugzilla ( and also open a feature request at


#Ubuntu Install .net core 5 framework

I installed .net6 but i need to have installed .net5
So, I removed .net6 and I installed .net5.
Now, when I run 'dotnet build' command I have the error:
A fatal error occurred. The folder [/usr/lib/dotnet/dotnet6-6.0.108/host/fxr] does not exist
Do you have some idea to help me, please.
.NET 5 has reached its End of Life. If you are using it, you are on your own; don't expect any fixes for security issues that discovered every few weeks.
Anyway, sounds like you are using Ubuntu 22.04.
If so, you are out of luck. There's no simple way to install or run .NET 5 there. .NET 5 needs OpenSSL 1.0 or 1.1. Ubuntu 22.04 only has OpenSSL 3.0. Even if you install and manage to run .NET 5, it wont work and you will get OpenSSL errors.
Your best course of action is to install an older version of Ubuntu, such as 20.04.
Your specific error in this case is quite unrelated to above, though. Your error is because you seem to have installed some packages from Ubuntu's package repository and some packages from Microsoft's package repository. See for details. In particular you want to follow the steps in "Mixed state scenario 2: Use PMC packages after installing native Jammy packages". But that's not needed on Ubuntu 20.04 or similar OS that you need to make .NET 5 work at all.

opendaylight 0.9.2 installation and configuration

I downloaded opendaylight 0.9.2, installed in rhel 7.2. as per doc, I run ./karaf, then I try to install the karaf features, but it cannot install the features like "alto", dlux etc.
I'm trying to configure the RHEL system as SDN controller for connecting to CISCO 3172TQ switch.
Have anyone tried installing the same? how to overcome the above issue?
Some Oxygen projects are not available in Fluorine release, please see full list in:

How to install ElasticSearch on Windows?

I am new for elasticsearch.I searched in google about elasticsearch and how to install it.Is JDK is required for elasticsearch install and configure in windows OS.Please anyone suggest solution.
If you search in google for "elasticsearch install windows" you can find this link
Which shows you note "Elasticsearch requires Java 8 or later. Use the official Oracle distribution or an open-source distribution such as OpenJDK."
Recent versions of Elasticsearch have an MSI package with a GUI installer. That's the easiest way to install.
If you prefer a manual install, you'll need to:
get the ZIP file
download and install Java, then set JAVA_HOME under System Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables
finally, you can start Elasticsearch (via elasticsearch.bat) or install it as a service via elasticsearch-service.bat install

Websphere application server on Bluemix — install APAR fix

How can I install an APAR fix (temp fix) to the WAS on Bluemix?
Is there any documentation to teach me how to do it?
I cannot find the installation manager in the Linux OS, but even if I have it, how would I install the fix using ssh mode?
You should be able to find the Installation Manager in the /home/virtuser/IBM/InstallationManager directory [1]. Any fixes must be installed as virtuser. Once you're in the appropriate IM directory, it should be business as usual for using the imcl install command. The link below should reference additional IM documentation.

Install Go CLI application without having Go installed

If I already have Go installed on my computer, I can easily install a CLI application using this github repository. I need to install a CLi application on a machine that does not have Go installed (like the CloudFoundry CLI) - how can I do that?
Go compiles to one executable, the end user does not need go installed.
You could try a newly released tool like
