Websphere application server on Bluemix — install APAR fix - websphere

How can I install an APAR fix (temp fix) to the WAS on Bluemix?
Is there any documentation to teach me how to do it?
I cannot find the installation manager in the Linux OS, but even if I have it, how would I install the fix using ssh mode?

You should be able to find the Installation Manager in the /home/virtuser/IBM/InstallationManager directory [1]. Any fixes must be installed as virtuser. Once you're in the appropriate IM directory, it should be business as usual for using the imcl install command. The link below should reference additional IM documentation.
[1] https://console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/services/ApplicationServeronCloud/installationConventions.html


Using snapd instead of flatpak in Linux Mint

I installed IntelliJ and WebStorm on my Linux Mint distro. The problem I have is that I cannot use the integrated terminal on both of the software. In both of them there is a problem with my bash binary location. I researched and saw that the software manager in Linux Mint installs flatpak software by default, and that it works as a sort of a container. I tried to change the location of my bash binary to var/run/host.. but it didn't seem to work.
I read that people solve this by installing the tar version of the software or using snapd. Since snapd is not supported by Linux Mint, what are my alternatives? Can I somehow give access to my software to use my bash, npm, etc... and if not, why is it that flatpak makes these things so difficult?..
Flatpak works as a sandbox environment - each pack has its own runtime environment and because of security reasons, flatpak apps do not have direct access to host files. There could be a lot of problems due to this.
Please try reinstalling the IDE using one of the officially recommended options (https://www.jetbrains.com/help/webstorm/installation-guide.html) - download the tar.gz from https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/download/#section=linux, or use the toolbox app to manage installations

How to install ElasticSearch on Windows?

I am new for elasticsearch.I searched in google about elasticsearch and how to install it.Is JDK is required for elasticsearch install and configure in windows OS.Please anyone suggest solution.
If you search in google for "elasticsearch install windows" you can find this link
Which shows you note "Elasticsearch requires Java 8 or later. Use the official Oracle distribution or an open-source distribution such as OpenJDK."
Recent versions of Elasticsearch have an MSI package with a GUI installer. That's the easiest way to install.
If you prefer a manual install, you'll need to:
get the ZIP file
download and install Java, then set JAVA_HOME under System Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables
finally, you can start Elasticsearch (via elasticsearch.bat) or install it as a service via elasticsearch-service.bat install

Openshift Platform - How to install expect package in the openshift platform?

I am trying to install the expect package in the openshift redhat cloud and Firstly i would like to know whether its supported and how to install the package.
The best way to get the package installed (or considered for installation) is to open a Feature Request in Bugzilla (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=OpenShift%20Online) and also open a feature request at http://openshift.com/ideas.

Clearcase installation

Can somebody let me know the best way to installation clear case application on a AIX server.
Clearcase version 7.1.2
If we have the method for uninstallation , it will be highly appreciated.
This should follow the general rules for ClearCase installation on Unix.
I have detailed one in "How do you install ClearCase 7.1 on a Unix-based server with no GUI and no internet?".
There are only a few of feature issues with AIX.
The silent uninstall procedure for ClearCase is covered in "ClearCase 7.1 Silent Uninstall by example on UNIX or Linux".
CD to the directory /var/ibm/InstallationManager/uninstall on the installed system.
Download the appropriate operating system response file from the following technote:
Sample uninstall response files for IBM Rational ClearCase
Run the following command in the above directory:
uninstall --launcher.ini silent-uninstall.ini -input /root/clearcase_uninstall_response_sol_x86.xml
In the previous example the response file is
This will uninstall ClearCase from the system.
The following will uninstall Install Manager from the above said directory:
uninstall --launcher.ini silent-uninstall.ini

How to install couchDB on a media temple server?

The biggest issues im running into starting a project with CouchDB is the nightmare involved in getting it up and running.
Any tips for getting couchDB up on a media temple server or any server really?
I am not entirely sure what a media template server is but I think it is a pretty standard Linux server (centos?). The best option at the moment is to compile CouchDB from the latest source in SVN.
You will need to log onto your server using ssh then follow the instructions at:
I know this says it is for RHEL5 but will work exactly the same for a recent version of Centos. If you need instructions for a different os try:
The "Install" link above does not work anymore.
However - successfully installed CouchDB on MediaTemple and 1und1 following step1 here:
When you are in a virtual host environment:
Make sure you provide the path to your vhost in /etc/couchdb/local.ini
It is described in the .ini file.
MediaTemple uses a modified version of CentOS. But don't try the official RHEL documentation to install - It is broken because the Spidermonkey libs wont work.
Try this. I just intalled Couch on MediaTemple 10 minutes ago -
Install CouchDB on CentOS
