Executable compiled by visual studio freezes - windows

I made a simple project with Visual Studio, but when I try to run it, Visual studio freezes and I have to shut it down. If I launch the executable directly with the explorer, the explorer freezes. I've tried with visual studio 2010, 2013 and 2015, it always freezes.
Dependancy walker find no errors in it. I've sent it to a friend, and he manages to launch it on its computer. I've also tried to run in as administrator, still nothing.
I've tried this on several projects, even some of them that worked years ago, but I still have the problem.
My OS is Windows 10, with the Threshold 2 update.


Visual Studio 2019 Extensions loading infinitely

I have ran in this issue, and it is weird. I have installed Visual Studio some time ago, and haven't launched it in like 2 months. Now when I create project it is really laggy, and cpu or ssd is not running at 100%.
Instead, it tries to load extensions, but it seems that it is failing. I have tried to repair it through Visual Studio Installer, and running VS as an admin, but that gave no result. The extension it tries to load is kind of random and can vary between the launches.
Problem screenshot - https://prnt.sc/war0b8

Visual Studio 2015 crashes while running a program and editing code

I have Visual Studio 2015 version 14.0.25420.01 update 3.
When i start my program from the environment with local debugger and after that try to make a change in the code, most of the times visual studio crashes, and in some i don't see the changes and the keyboard is not responding anymore.
If Visual-studio doesn't crash, i can fix the non-responding keyboard issue by closing and opening the project again, it allows me to continue my work. This problem happen on every project that i am trying to work on, so code doesn't really matter here. I also have earlier versions of Visual Studio and they work fine without this issue. Any ideas?
To be clear: Visual Studio crashes only when i edit my code while running it.

Working in Visual Studio Professional 2015 while updating to Update 3 - Visual Studio starts to fail

I got the Visual Studio Professional 2015 Update 3 and launched the executable (vs2015.3.exe) while Visual Studio was still running. I got the following "Setup warning" but thought that a computer restart was fine as long as I could work during the update.
Please close visual studio now to reduce the chance that a computer
restart will be required later
Visual Studio immediately started acting strange, loosing Intellisense among others. I decided to restart Visual Studio and was then met with the error:
Cannot run when setup is in progress
I then canceled the update and thought that I could install this update during the night instead. When I opened Visual Studio again and tried to load a project I got the following error:
Project '' could not be opened because the Visual C# 2015 compiler
could not be created. Please re-install Visual Studio.
I then opened Update 3 executable again to complete the update. I was met with this feature list and could not do anything:
Restarted the computer but was met with the same dialog. I then opened Visual Studio again and this time the project loaded but without Intellisense. Restarted Visual Studio and now the project would not load at all. I then deleted the content of these 2 folders and ran devenv /resetsettings
I could now open the Visual Studio project normally again but I still could not get features when running the Update 3 executable. Is there anything else I can do or do I need to reinstall Visual Studio completely? I think it is really bad that the warning Microsoft gives is that a computer restart might be required when obviously the program cannot run in the background while updating.
Solved it by going to Control panel -> Programs and Features -> Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2015 with Updates. Click "Change" and then select "Repair".

"Attach to process" in Visual Studio 2015 Update2/Windows 10

I have just installed Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 on my Windows 10 machine (both x64 versions) and I am having hard time getting the debugger to work. When I try to attach to any process via Debug menu, I keep on getting:
I have tried reinstalling, repairing Visual studio few times always get the same error. Even running a basic hello world console application gives the same error.
When trying to run a web application using the IIS Web Express 8/10.
Even though I am absolutely sure that the message of corrupt installation is misleading, but I even have tried repairing visual studio from control panel and nothing seems to work. I dont even get any error logged anywhere which is keeping me stumped for last 1 day. This is what my VS installation looks like:
I am running the visual studio as administrator. I am pretty sure this is not a windows error as I tried installing VS2012 and debugging works in it.
Any ideas?

Visual Studio 2010 Start Without Debugging issue

I have a visual studio 2010 question. I have visual studio solution with multiple projects including several console applications. Until recently all console apps would open a console window which stayed open after the app finished executing when started without debugging (Ctrl + F5). Now, one of the apps stopped keeping the window open. The projects are under source control and nothing has changed in the settings as far as I can tell. Also, the Linker->Sytrem->SubSystem setting is set to Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE) like all the other apps.
Does anyone know what else could be the issue? I have rebuilt, closed and even rebooted my machine.
