"Attach to process" in Visual Studio 2015 Update2/Windows 10 - windows

I have just installed Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 on my Windows 10 machine (both x64 versions) and I am having hard time getting the debugger to work. When I try to attach to any process via Debug menu, I keep on getting:
I have tried reinstalling, repairing Visual studio few times always get the same error. Even running a basic hello world console application gives the same error.
When trying to run a web application using the IIS Web Express 8/10.
Even though I am absolutely sure that the message of corrupt installation is misleading, but I even have tried repairing visual studio from control panel and nothing seems to work. I dont even get any error logged anywhere which is keeping me stumped for last 1 day. This is what my VS installation looks like:
I am running the visual studio as administrator. I am pretty sure this is not a windows error as I tried installing VS2012 and debugging works in it.
Any ideas?


Visual Studio Remote Debugger Failed to Start

I recently installed Visual Studio 2017 on my laptop (running Windows 10). I have a C++ project using the OpenCV and Eigen libraries, and it seems to compile correctly, but when I try to run the Local Windows Debugger, I get an error message that says:
Visual Studio Remote Debugger (MSVSMON.EXE) failed to start. If this problem persists, please repair your Visual Studio installation via 'Add or Remove Programs' in Control Panel
I ran the Repair tool it suggested, with no luck. I also checked for a solution online, and came across a support page (Link). I tried turning off my anti-virus and firewall as per the suggestions on the support page, but that didn't get rid of the error message. My laptop is brand new, and I just installed Visual Studio and the Remote Debugger, so I don't think it would be the case that the version of the Remote Debugger doesn't match with that of Visual Studio. All of the other suggestions are for people doing remote debugging, but I'm doing a local debug.
Any help/suggestions on resolving this issue would be appreciated.
Firstly close the Visual Studio.
Goto AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio and select version (Ex: VS 2015 has 14.0 folder).
Then delete ComponentModelCache folder.
Start the Visual Studio.
Find what's preventing msvsmon.exe from running.
I encountered this error in Visual Studio 2019 while trying to start debugging a .net 5 console application. I tried to run C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\msvsmon.exe and found that User Access Control dialog opens and is asking to run it as an administrator. So two solutions were possible for me, either run VS2019 as Administrator or remove the Run this program as an administrator setting for msvsmon.exe.

Visual studio 2013 keeps crashing

So I have a machine which runs Windows 10 with Visual Studio Ultimate 2013.
But everytime I start the program it crashes within 1 minute, even without even moving my mouse.
When it crashes it gives me the following error: An unhandled Microsoft .NET Framework exception occurred in devenv.exe [6820]
I have noticed that the error started coming up after I connected to a Team Foundation Server, but I dont know if it has anything to do with the issue.
Furthermore, I am running a clean Windows install so that shouldn't be the problem either.
At this point I really don't know what to do, and I have my exams in two weeks, with which I need Visual Studio with Team Foundation Server.
Please help me with this, it would be very much appreciated!

Visual Studio Express 2013 wont start after new installation

Im working on Windows 8.1 OS and today i downloaded Visual Studio Express 2013 from here.
The installation took round about 20 minutes. After it was installed i pressed the launch
button but nothing happended. So i pressed Windows + q and searched for Express 2013. The
computer found the correct programm. i pressed on the icon to start it and got an error message:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Micorosoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\VSWinExpress.exe
The application has failed to start because the side-by-side configuration is incorrect.
Please see the application event log for more details.
I tried to figure out what the problem is but i didnt get it running. i tried to repair the installation, i tried a restart, i tried to deinstall everything, restart and install it again.
I cant start it, always that error message.
It was a clean new installation.... how can that even be...
From the Event-Log i found out that the system cant find debuggerproxy.dll. Where can
i get it and where does it have to be and why does a new installation of visual studio express 2013 does not deliver this dll?

Debugging Web Projects in Visual Studio 2013

I have some web projects that run fine in the debugger in VS 2012. But when I try to run the same projects in VS 2013 i run into some problems.
First the whole Devenv.exe crashed when pressing F5.
I found an article about this problem here
It suggests set ISS Express in Visual Studio to 64 bit.
That solved the problem of the whole IDE crashing.
However, with that configuration Visual Studio tries to start "Remote Debugging". Probably because Visual Studio itself is 32 bit, so it must use some "remote" techniques to debug something 64 bit. At least that's my guess on what is happening.
Remote debugging is not succeeding either. I get "Remote Debugger has stopped Working" sometimes. Sometime at the beginning of the degugging session, and sometime at the end of the session. I found an article about this problem too. It suggest to set the web project to x86 to avoid remote debugging. But that will not work in this case. It has to run 64 bit to work with IIS in 64 bit.
Error message is
Remote Debugger has stopped Working
The debugger's worker process (msvsmon.exe) unexpectedly exited. Debugging will be aborted.
Anyone else seen this?
Is this a common problem in Visual Studio 2013?
EDIT: more details about the environment
I have a solution containing several projects, including two web projects.
The issue happens when I try to run any of the web projects in debugger (by pressing F5).
They are normal web projects, and I am not running anything remote.
Visual Studio itself came up with the idea of using "Remote Debugger" when I checked the "Use the 64 bit version of IIS Express for web sites and projects".
The solution was first created on a Windows 7 machine running Visual Studio 2012 and it worked well there.
When I tried to open the same solution on a new machine running Windows 8.1 and Visual Studio 2013 the problem started.
A colleague is also running the same solution on his Windows 8.1. We share the solution using a git repository.
He has both VS 2102 and VS 2013 installed. He experiences the same problems in VS 2013, so he has started to use VS 2012 for this solution.
It runs fine in VS 2012. It is the same solution and same machine as it fails in VS 2013.

Visual Studio 2012 new install crashes on debug

I just re-installed Windows 8, and with it Visual Studio 2012. I opened up my solution as normal, made 2 lines change, and hit F5. The build was successful, but when launching into debug mode, I got "Visual Studio 2012 has stopped working". I have no idea why this is happening. Few things I've tried;
Installed Update 3
Rebooted a few times
I've got a dump of the error, and it says this;
"Tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access"
Anyone had this before?
