Visual Studio 2010 Start Without Debugging issue - visual-studio-2010

I have a visual studio 2010 question. I have visual studio solution with multiple projects including several console applications. Until recently all console apps would open a console window which stayed open after the app finished executing when started without debugging (Ctrl + F5). Now, one of the apps stopped keeping the window open. The projects are under source control and nothing has changed in the settings as far as I can tell. Also, the Linker->Sytrem->SubSystem setting is set to Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE) like all the other apps.
Does anyone know what else could be the issue? I have rebuilt, closed and even rebooted my machine.


Visual Studio 2015 crashes while running a program and editing code

I have Visual Studio 2015 version 14.0.25420.01 update 3.
When i start my program from the environment with local debugger and after that try to make a change in the code, most of the times visual studio crashes, and in some i don't see the changes and the keyboard is not responding anymore.
If Visual-studio doesn't crash, i can fix the non-responding keyboard issue by closing and opening the project again, it allows me to continue my work. This problem happen on every project that i am trying to work on, so code doesn't really matter here. I also have earlier versions of Visual Studio and they work fine without this issue. Any ideas?
To be clear: Visual Studio crashes only when i edit my code while running it.

How to clear app data when debugging in Visual Studio 2015

I am new to Visual Studio IDE and struggling with a simple problem of clearing app data from the cache when I build a new instance of the app in the debugger and run it. Most emulators like those in android studio and eclipse have a simple way of rebuilding the app from scratch in the emulator so that all previous data gets wiped, but I haven't been able to find a way to do this in Visual Studio 2015.
Though still unable to find a way from within Visual Studio to clear the app cache, the app gets installed on the windows machine itself when running from Visual Studio and then remains resident on the computer, thus one can uninstall it from windows itself and this clears the app data so that the next time it is run from Visual Studio, it is a fresh install.
You can find the menu that allows you to wipe data (like the one you have when using Android Studio instead of visual studio) by clicking on "Open Android Emulator Manager" (you might have to add this as a menu button ), and the selection the virtual device to launch, press "Start" and the dialog box with the option to "Wipe data" appears

Executable compiled by visual studio freezes

I made a simple project with Visual Studio, but when I try to run it, Visual studio freezes and I have to shut it down. If I launch the executable directly with the explorer, the explorer freezes. I've tried with visual studio 2010, 2013 and 2015, it always freezes.
Dependancy walker find no errors in it. I've sent it to a friend, and he manages to launch it on its computer. I've also tried to run in as administrator, still nothing.
I've tried this on several projects, even some of them that worked years ago, but I still have the problem.
My OS is Windows 10, with the Threshold 2 update.

Debugging Web Projects in Visual Studio 2013

I have some web projects that run fine in the debugger in VS 2012. But when I try to run the same projects in VS 2013 i run into some problems.
First the whole Devenv.exe crashed when pressing F5.
I found an article about this problem here
It suggests set ISS Express in Visual Studio to 64 bit.
That solved the problem of the whole IDE crashing.
However, with that configuration Visual Studio tries to start "Remote Debugging". Probably because Visual Studio itself is 32 bit, so it must use some "remote" techniques to debug something 64 bit. At least that's my guess on what is happening.
Remote debugging is not succeeding either. I get "Remote Debugger has stopped Working" sometimes. Sometime at the beginning of the degugging session, and sometime at the end of the session. I found an article about this problem too. It suggest to set the web project to x86 to avoid remote debugging. But that will not work in this case. It has to run 64 bit to work with IIS in 64 bit.
Error message is
Remote Debugger has stopped Working
The debugger's worker process (msvsmon.exe) unexpectedly exited. Debugging will be aborted.
Anyone else seen this?
Is this a common problem in Visual Studio 2013?
EDIT: more details about the environment
I have a solution containing several projects, including two web projects.
The issue happens when I try to run any of the web projects in debugger (by pressing F5).
They are normal web projects, and I am not running anything remote.
Visual Studio itself came up with the idea of using "Remote Debugger" when I checked the "Use the 64 bit version of IIS Express for web sites and projects".
The solution was first created on a Windows 7 machine running Visual Studio 2012 and it worked well there.
When I tried to open the same solution on a new machine running Windows 8.1 and Visual Studio 2013 the problem started.
A colleague is also running the same solution on his Windows 8.1. We share the solution using a git repository.
He has both VS 2102 and VS 2013 installed. He experiences the same problems in VS 2013, so he has started to use VS 2012 for this solution.
It runs fine in VS 2012. It is the same solution and same machine as it fails in VS 2013.

Visual Studio 2010 is crashing/hanging when trying to debug ASP.NET 2.0 site

I have been experiencing problems with Visual Studio 2010 and debugging.
I have been getting the:
"Unable to start debugging on the web server. The IIS worker process for the launched URL is not currently running." error, but it appears VS2010 now doesn't want to function at all and is hanging.
Whenever I try to attach the debugger, it doesn't.
If I try and run the project using the custom URL and letting IIS7 server the web page, the whole IDE is now hanging.
Has anyone had problems with the debugger not attaching, running the project with the debugger causing the above error and/or Visual Studio hanging completely when running the debugger?
I can't even minimise the IDE window and it seems to flicker when I click the button.
