Working in Visual Studio Professional 2015 while updating to Update 3 - Visual Studio starts to fail - visual-studio

I got the Visual Studio Professional 2015 Update 3 and launched the executable (vs2015.3.exe) while Visual Studio was still running. I got the following "Setup warning" but thought that a computer restart was fine as long as I could work during the update.
Please close visual studio now to reduce the chance that a computer
restart will be required later
Visual Studio immediately started acting strange, loosing Intellisense among others. I decided to restart Visual Studio and was then met with the error:
Cannot run when setup is in progress
I then canceled the update and thought that I could install this update during the night instead. When I opened Visual Studio again and tried to load a project I got the following error:
Project '' could not be opened because the Visual C# 2015 compiler
could not be created. Please re-install Visual Studio.
I then opened Update 3 executable again to complete the update. I was met with this feature list and could not do anything:
Restarted the computer but was met with the same dialog. I then opened Visual Studio again and this time the project loaded but without Intellisense. Restarted Visual Studio and now the project would not load at all. I then deleted the content of these 2 folders and ran devenv /resetsettings
I could now open the Visual Studio project normally again but I still could not get features when running the Update 3 executable. Is there anything else I can do or do I need to reinstall Visual Studio completely? I think it is really bad that the warning Microsoft gives is that a computer restart might be required when obviously the program cannot run in the background while updating.

Solved it by going to Control panel -> Programs and Features -> Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2015 with Updates. Click "Change" and then select "Repair".


Visual Studio Installer Project Extension running in VS 2017 Pro thinks it's running in VS 2013 Pro

Got a big problem with the Visual Studio 2017 Installer Projects Extension for Visual Studio 2017 Professional. I added a Visual Studio Installer Setup project to a solution and set it up the way it's basically supposed to be done (Primary Output in the Application Folder and an icon in the Desktop Folder is all that was needed). Then I right-clicked on the Setup project, clicked "Build" and then I get this:
Please wait while Windows configures Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013.
And then it stalls indefinitely. I have to close Visual Studio in Task Manager to stop everything. What's more, I'm Visual Studio Professional 2017, not 2013. I used to have Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate, but I uninstalled it. What could possibly be causing the confusion?
It appears that you have also got Visual Studio 2013 installed, and that there is as conflict between 2013 and 2017 because that message is a Windows Installer repair of VS 2013. Something is happening during your build that requires the VS 2013 installation to be repaired. The Windows Event Log (Application) will have an MsiInstaller log entry saying which component appears to be broken. If you post that information there may be a clue to the problem. If you (for example) have manually removed anything that may belong to the VS 2013 installed product then that would cause the same kind of problem.
You have this similar problem:
Rebuilding Visual Studio Installer project, launches Visual Studio 2013 seetup
Visual Studio 2015 msi build initiates another installation
When you say it stalls indefinitely, I would expect it to ask for the Visual Studio 2013 install image so that it can repair it. If you go to Programs&Features and manually repair VS 2013 it might fix the problem.
I also had Visual Studio 2013 installed as mentioned by #PhilDW.
Navigating to Event Viewer → Windows Logs → Application I found loads of warnings:
Detection of product '{9C593464-7F2F-37B3-89F8-7E894E3B09EA}', feature 'Visual_Studio_Professional_x86_enu', component '{E3FF99AA-78B9-4A06-8A74-869E9F65E1FE}' failed. The resource 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\URTInstallPath_GAC\' does not exist.
The key here being that the folder C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\URTInstallPath_GAC\ did not exist thanks to an answer in the first link provided by #PhilDW.
Created the missing final folder URTInstallPath_GAC in the path mentioned and the installers now build really fast whereas before they used to take forever (sometimes literally!).

Cannot check-in recent code changes to Visual Studio Online

For some reason I cannot check in my code to our Visual Studio Online account. Other developers can, but not me. This is the error I am getting:
"Could not find dataspace with category VersionControl and identifier [some guid]"
Searching for any help on the above error is not returning anything meaningful.
This started to happen after I installed Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise. I launched it for the first time after creating a new web application with Visual Studio 2013. I then opened that new solution in 2015 and all was fine. Things began to go awry once I tried to put it in our Visual Studio Online account. When I went to Team Explorer in VS 2015 I selected "Projects and My Teams / New Team Project". This then bounced me over to our Visual Studio Online account in the browser for me to fill out that simple form to create a new team project. I filled the form out and submitted. I then got an error that the project was not successfully created. Unfortunately Visual Studio still thinks it was created and it shows up in the list of projects ONLY WITHIN Visual Studio -- it does not show up online. Eventually I just became frustrated and deleted everything related to all that I just tried but then learned that I cannot check anything in now on my old projects! I had other developers test and they still can so the problem evidently is on my machine. I then uninstalled VS 2013 and VS 2015 then reinstalled VS 2013 and am still having the problem.
I am hoping someone can point me to some cached junk that needs to be cleared on my system. :-)
This is a bit shot in the dark, few things you can try:
Delete the local cache under:
%localappdata%\Microsoft\Team Foundation
Open cmd. Type:
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat"
Verify connections: tf settings connections
Run Visual Studio in safe mode (devenv.exe /SafeMode)
Run Visual Studio with activity log (devenv.exe /log) and check for errors.

Visual Studio takes ages creating a project

I have problem with my Visual studio 2013. When I'm trying to create even a simple console application,VS hangs and after a while the message 'Visual studio is busy: Microsoft Visual studio is waiting for internal operation to complete.' shows up.
I have reinstalled Visual Studio but without any luck. I've used ProcMon to check devenv and all the paths it shows, have to do with Android Studio.
I 'solved' the problem by accident. I disabled Source Control and for some reason, VS started working again. I know it's not an ideal solution but works just fine when you need VS urgently.
Don't know if Visual Studio is one of those programs. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe even after uninstalling, Visual Studio keeps some files in the registry from your previous installation and the AppData folder. You might want to clear those.
Close Visual Studio (if you haven’t already).
Open the registry editor (regedit.exe)
Delete the
Delete the
Delete the %USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio{version}
Use {version}=10.0 for Visual Studio 2010
Use {version}=11.0 for Visual Studio 2012
Use {version}=12.0 for Visual Studio 2013
Hope this helps

visual studio does not run when I connect to the internet

I've installed visual studio 2013 and updated to 4 release, but when I connect to the internet and then try to open visual studio, the pop up menu open but visual studio does not run.
Have you installed "Microsoft Azure HDInsight Tools for Visual Studio"? If so, try uninstalling it.
The below thread saved me a lot of frustration (even though it says VS 2012, I had the same for VS2013 Update 4).
Visual Studio 2012 is unresponsive at start with hidden error messages (two dings at start)
You could also try running a repair on the install.
Or resetting the settings
Or running in safe mode, maybe a plug-in is fouling it up

Visual Studio 2010 Unknown Error on Startup

I'm trying to launch Visual Studio 2010 from my desktop and I just get this error box popping up saying "Unknown Error"...
Anyone have an idea why this might happen?
I just fixed it, I uninstalled and reinstalled my version of the .NET Framework (v4.0). And then when I again tried to launch Visual studio it started up without any issue.
Here's some things you can check:
Temporary de-activate all Addins
Temporary disable all Extensions
Check the Event Log for any errors
Reset your settings
Start with /ResetSkipPkgs
Based on your comment below, if you can't find the DevEnv.exe when you have opened a VIsual Studio Command prompt, I would suggest you to re-install Visual Studio as it indicates your installation (paths) are in a bad state.
And here are some other things you migh want to check:
VS 2010 Crashes on Startup with "Unknown Error"
Visual Studio 2010 quit gives me an "unknown error" dialogue when launched
Visual Studio 2010 Startup Errors
Visual Studio 2010 crashes on startup after installing SP1
Open Visual Studio Command Prompt with Administrator permission and type the following,
devenv /ResetSkipPkgs
the Solution of this problem ist very simple.
Install VS 2010 on a other machine and export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0 to a file. Copy the file to your target machine and rename the path above to ".old", then double click your exported reg-file and wait a time....
After this my Visual Studio was starting correctly.
The other solution, that people post wont work in my case.
I hope this will help some body.
I had the same problem.. Instead of completely uninstalling .net framework, I just repaired the .net framework from the repair/uninstall option available in Control Panel of my Windows 7 Ultimate pc. Finally I got another error that, Visual Studio could not create AppData folder in my system. Then, I right click the Visual Studio icon and selected Run as Administrator. This worked for me!! Now, Visual Studio 2010 is working on my pc!! Try this out if you want..
