Opencart Region/State does not populate when Country is selected - validation

I am using Opencart Version When I select Singapore as country while registration or checkout, the corresponding Region/State does not load up. This is not the case for other countries. So when I went to the backend, I just found out that there were no zones added for Singapore. Does anyone have a list of valid Opencart zones for Singapore so that i do not have to edit the validation code to skip Region/State.

For Singapore country, you have to add zones.
Add zone
System -> Localisation -> Zones


How to add translations for country names in Virtuemart?

I am setting up a Virtuemart website in German, but when I select a country for my shipping address, the countries show up in English instead of German.
I have tries to configure the country names in the Virtuemart countries configuration, but German translations I have entered there don't seem to work.
My configuration in Virtuemart Countries for Austria after translating to German:
But the countries still show up in English on the website:
If translating a country name through the Virtuemart countries menu does not work, you might want to try adding/editing the country translations configuration file.
In the case of German, add or edit the following file:
and make sure it contains the following content:
To find the translation key for each country, you could check the file that contains the English translations for the country names, which is located at:
The website should now show the countries in German:

Magento 2 VAT tax is visible for only specific country

On the UK the VAT is calculated.
On the Ireland the VAT is added on the total but not on the VAT column
Create a Multi store environment.
One for UK and another for Ireland.
Now modify your checkout page as per your requirement.
By default Magento does not have a configuration feature that allow different checkout themes based on country.

Magento tax don't get count on Imported products, working on manually inserted products

I have imported approx 100 products from Magento admin, it's working fine and displaying well with images. But I have one strange issue, I am not able to count Tax in the cart for these products.
The strange thing is, if I insert any products manually from admin Manage Product section, Tax get count for this products with out any issue, but not for the products which are imported.
I have created Tax rule that count's 13% tax for the Canada only, for rest of the world it's with out any tax
Is any body have any solution for this issue?
One more thing I would like to say, my site was multy store and I have removed many store few days ago, but no deleted the store wrohit
Thanks & Regards
Rohit Avasthi
Given that it works with other products, I assume you have the tax configured correctly and the issue occurs only based on the particular products.
I would go and check Tax Class property in the Prices tab inside admin product view. In order to calculate tax, there should be an appropriate tax class set (the same tax class that you have used in your tax rule). When creating the product in admin, this is a required field, while during import it may be left not validated and thus imported as "not set"

Missing UPS Shipping Methods on the Magento Frontend

What would cause ups shipping methods that are selected in magento's shipping method admin page to not show up as shipping options to customers. Specifically I'm trying to get the ground commercial option to show up on the frontend.
I've done some research on this, it seems like this questions been asked a before and never answered (that i can find) so I'll ask it again and throw in my research on the subject.
I've traced the source code from the shipping cost estimations in the shopping cart and found that when you enter a zip code it creates an entry in the 'sales_flat_quote_address' table with basically just the postcode and id fields filled.
It also creates rows in 'sales_flat_quote_shipping_rate'. one for each applicable shipping method for that quote/address pair.
When magento lists the shipping options it references this table.
Somewhere between the shipping methods admin and this database table some of the shipping methods are filtered out.
I think it has something to do with residential/commercial addresses. However ups's rating api cant determine if an address is residential/commercial if only given a zip code. Also changing the destination type in the admin page does not have an effect on which methods are displayed on the frontend.
For reference if all ups shipping methods are selected in the back end, the following are the only ones that show up on the front end:
3 Day Select
2nd Day Air
Next Day Air Saver
Next Day Air
Next Day Air Early AM
This is out of 22 options selected in the backend.
Go to System > Configuration from admin panel
In the Configuration panel on the left, under Sales, click Shipping Methods.
Click to expand the UPS section. Then set enable to yes.

Show price inc VAT for UK users only

How can I have my magento store display prices in the grid and list views with VAT only for UK visitors. i.e. if the visitor is not from the UK (probably based on browser detected information unless they are logged in users?), prices on the product listing page should be displayed exclusive of VAT.
If the currency is changed from GBP, vat should also not be included in the displayed price, regardless of country.
Is there another call in the Magento API to be used for this?
I see "getPriceHtml" in template\catalog\product\list.phtml and I guess this is where I might need to do some coding around?
Just not sure what, so any help would be great!
That's an interesting shop you have. You only sell to the UK and countries outside the EU? You are aware that in the EU you are only allowed to quote prices excluding VAT when you sell to companies exclusively?
