Missing UPS Shipping Methods on the Magento Frontend - magento

What would cause ups shipping methods that are selected in magento's shipping method admin page to not show up as shipping options to customers. Specifically I'm trying to get the ground commercial option to show up on the frontend.
I've done some research on this, it seems like this questions been asked a before and never answered (that i can find) so I'll ask it again and throw in my research on the subject.
I've traced the source code from the shipping cost estimations in the shopping cart and found that when you enter a zip code it creates an entry in the 'sales_flat_quote_address' table with basically just the postcode and id fields filled.
It also creates rows in 'sales_flat_quote_shipping_rate'. one for each applicable shipping method for that quote/address pair.
When magento lists the shipping options it references this table.
Somewhere between the shipping methods admin and this database table some of the shipping methods are filtered out.
I think it has something to do with residential/commercial addresses. However ups's rating api cant determine if an address is residential/commercial if only given a zip code. Also changing the destination type in the admin page does not have an effect on which methods are displayed on the frontend.
For reference if all ups shipping methods are selected in the back end, the following are the only ones that show up on the front end:
3 Day Select
2nd Day Air
Next Day Air Saver
Next Day Air
Next Day Air Early AM
This is out of 22 options selected in the backend.

Go to System > Configuration from admin panel
In the Configuration panel on the left, under Sales, click Shipping Methods.
Click to expand the UPS section. Then set enable to yes.


Magento 1.9 Custom Math Pricing / Simple Product Issue with Price

I've installed an extension, Custom Math Pricing by Mico Solutions, and I am experiencing 2 issues with my site now.
Issue 1: When I customize the product, the price is updated correctly on the product page, however, when the product is sent to the cart, a portion of the price is missing (length x price per foot). I checked in the database to look for the price and could only find records of the wrong price so the price is only showing for the product page. The portion of the calculation that is missing from the price includes an attribute which is set as a variable rather than custom options. The custom options calculate perfectly.
Issue 2: When I customize a simple product and add it to the cart, I cannot go back to that product page and customize it a second time, the price remains fixed on the "base" price. Let's say the product has a base price of $10.00. When I customize it, the price stays at $10.00 but is different in the cart. I have to delete my browser cache and cookies in order to customize it again and by doing that, my cart is emptied.
So my question is, where in the code can I find the pricing that is being sent to the sales_flat_quote table in the database. Additionally, how can I debug or correct the issue of customizing a product a 2nd time?
It seems like you've got an issue with conflicting extensions. Your best bet is to go to the Admin modules section (Admin > System > Configuration > Advanced > Advanced) and disable anything else that appears to deal with product pricing. Reset the cache and index and try again. I am somewhat familiar with this extension and it's not compatible with configurable products... make sure your products are simple product types when adding products.

Eedit order and shipping methods in Magento 1.5

When I'm editing order in Magento 1.5 in shipping method section there is a list of all available shipping methods. But when I change number of products or add/delete any product, all shipping methods disappear. Instead of shipping methods there there is a link: Get shipping methods and rates, but when I click it nothing's happend - page reloads and still there are no methods.
I have no messages in logs, where I can check what is wrong with it?
When you edit any order from the magento admin, magento will cancel that particular order and will generate a new one with the new order ID. Example if you have order ID 1234567, by editing this a new order will be generated with the ID 1234567-1
So once a new order is created from admin or updating products in existing order you will get a link called Click to change shipping method . Because shipping methods are dependent on products selected and shipping address provided in shipping address fields.
Now as per the issue you listed that you are not seeing any shipping methods after clicking link. This may arise with the following reasons.
You may not have shipping methods available as per the products rules (quantity, weights, product price etc).
you may be putting downloadable product which do not require shipping details
Another possible reason is that you might have missed shipping address fields.
you may have any shipping restrictions plugin installed that may applying any restriction rules.
You may have any java script error in you console. Which is stopping ajax to be completed after clicking the link. (check your browser console window)
You can debug it by your quote object. Try to get your quote object and see what are the information missing there. Is products are their in your corresponding quote objects ? is shipping details are there ?
If you still need any help in debugging let me know I will help you.
It sounds to me like you have a shipping extension installed? And/or an order editing module? The interaction between shipping modules and orders is precarious at best; developers cannot forsee the varied interactions which occur on our websites.
We just discovered MageWorx Extended Orders module. Amazing and reliable. Their overloading of the sales order grid as well as the order view is a great integration, combining order editing, custom shipping rates, allowing customized columns in the sales grid. And the module's price is very fair.
Previously, we used TinyBrick True Order Edit in concert with another module for custom shipping rates but they did not play well together... often with the same result you are seeing. Possibly the instability then was that TinyBrick tries a more focused overload of the order view.

Magento custom browse catalogue workflow

I'm evaluating Magento for a particular client of mine. They want to enforce a particular workflow for browsing the catalogue. They're a travel company which puts together custom holiday packages and want to make sure users enter things like the number of adults / children before selecting accommodation (as number of people will affect available accommodation and pricing).
Note that accommodation is just an example, there are several other different components to a holiday package. And they've given me a 7 step (mostly) linear workflow they want users to follow before we get to anything which might resemble a checkout process (and even then their concept of "checkout" is quite different to Magento's).
I'm thinking of storing accommodation (and each of the other package components) in separate product categories. Then I can restrict what users can see as they browse the catalogue based on what they've already added to their shopping cart.
My research indicates that Magento doesn't really do this kind of thing out of the box. Am I mistaken? Are there add-ons which would support this kind of thing?
If I was to go down this road, would I be redesigning (or indeed, replacing) a large chunk of Magento's catalogue browsing functionality?
Well there are several approaches that you can take to implement something like this; but all require that you do custom development work.
You could define your packages as simple products with attributes for each of the specific package options and use that to filter each package from the others, now you would need to create a new module that adds a route on the frontend that is going to be your multistep form that will get all the information once you have all the information you can get a collection of all the products(packages) that match those attributes.
Now the deal there is if that price changes depending on the options selected if that's the case then you might need configurable products or something custom to change the price of each package.
It's really hard to say without real specifications of what your client needs, but if the question is if it's possible with Magento then the answer is yes it all depends on your level of skill :)
Kind Regards
So I ended up going with Magento as a product base and extending it using some custom code (been a while since I've developed in a LAMP environment!)
I created a static block which is used as the root of the workflow. There are 8 steps in the workflow which get listed in an ordered list. Each item has two custom Magento widgets next to it, which are a) a little tick image displayed when you've completed the workflow stage and b) a link which displays when you're up to that stage, clicking the link takes you to an appropriate catalog page (eg: choose accommodation, hire car, confirm shopping cart, etc).
I disabled the normal top catalog navigation to encourage users to keep within the workflow. That is, the mouse over to see more catalog detail of the "holiday planner" is disabled (although you can just navigate to the correct urls if you know them, or are smart enough to use the SEO link at the bottom of the page!).
Everything in your holiday is added as cart products (which has the positive side effect of Magento will remember your holiday if you get part way through it).
There is a big state machine in a helper class to determine what stage of the workflow you're up to. This checks your cart to see if products with particular sku's or from a particular attribute set are added.
I also overrode many URLs and redirects (eg: after you add a product) to send the user back to the root holiday planner page. This added to the workflow as almost every action you did or product you add bounces you back to that workflow page (which always tells you what the next step is).

How do I add checkboxes to Magento's "Estimate Shipping and Tax" in the cart?

So, on the cart page, my customers can view the "Estimate Shipping and Tax" area. I don't want to remove it, but I need to know a little additional information from them to properly process the shipping. For example, on a freight item, I need to know if they have a loading dock.
Currently, I do this in the checkout without any issue. I was able to check if there is a freight item, and, if so, show the checkboxes to the customer during the "Shipping Address" stage. Then, in the saveShipping function, I was able to pull in the values and pass them to the shipping charge calculation.
Well, I've got the checkboxes in the template to display in the "Estimate Shipping and Tax" when there is a freight item in the cart, but I don't know much about the coShippingMethodForm function so that I can add in the values of the checkboxes. Anyone have any idea where I should be looked for this?
Additionally, when I hit "Get estimate", the page refreshes and it removes their selections. How best can I retain their selections to repopulate the correct boxes once the page refreshes?
I think that the best way would be to write your own shipping method module. I personally would steer clear of having a checkbox added to 'Estimate shipping and taxes' instead in my module I'd output both prices with loading bay, without loading bay (just for the estimates) in checkout you can get that option from the "Shipping Address" section and pass it into you shipping module calculation this is just a little 'cleaner.'
Check out this wiki for how to write a custom shipping module http://www.magentocommerce.com/wiki/5_-_modules_and_development/shipping/create-shipping-method-module

Using one stock for multiple items in Magento

Ok so what I want is to have multiple simple products draw from the same stock.
I have a sinle nail file (Stock:500)
I have a box of nail files (50/box)
I want it so that if someone buys a box then it deducts from the 500 stock of the singles. Essentially what we do is if someone buys a box, then we ship them 50 of the single files in a box.
Any easy way to do this?
This isn't a native function of Magento, so there a few approaches you can take to emulate it:
Use an external stock management package to keep track of stock and modify Magento to use that. This will require more backend modification.
Attempt to fool Magento by using product bundles in clever ways. This will require more frontend modification
Develop or find a Bill of Materials plugin for Magento. I didn't see anything after a short search, so you may have to build it. Have that module check the constituent materials for a product before allowing it to be added to the cart.
Hope that helps!
Create a template for the products that you wish to order this way. This template need only be the files you need to modify, by default it will find the missing files from your default theme;
In the template you can place some PHP to write out some extra javascript, of the prototype variety;
This frontend code hides the real quantity box, with prototype 'hide' for the relevant css id to make it a hidden form field;
The code shows its own quantity box, also an extra field for how many of the fifty packs are required;
An onchange event on these boxes gets the values of the boxes, does the required multiplication and addition, then updates the hidden 'real' quantity box with (boxes*50)+singles;
On submit the customer sees in the cart the total quantity of the product ordered - this will be total units, not broken down 'per box'. If this is a problem, you can put some words to explain that or modify your main template to handle this and present to the customer the boxes+singles breakdown;
Set your products to use the 'new theme' that has your template update code.
Test, test, test!
As mentioned by Joseph this cannot be done out of the box. The above workaround is only partial, however, so long as you make it clear to customers that they are buying 500 units instead of 500 boxes then you should have a reasonable solution.
