Magento tax don't get count on Imported products, working on manually inserted products - magento

I have imported approx 100 products from Magento admin, it's working fine and displaying well with images. But I have one strange issue, I am not able to count Tax in the cart for these products.
The strange thing is, if I insert any products manually from admin Manage Product section, Tax get count for this products with out any issue, but not for the products which are imported.
I have created Tax rule that count's 13% tax for the Canada only, for rest of the world it's with out any tax
Is any body have any solution for this issue?
One more thing I would like to say, my site was multy store and I have removed many store few days ago, but no deleted the store wrohit
Thanks & Regards
Rohit Avasthi

Given that it works with other products, I assume you have the tax configured correctly and the issue occurs only based on the particular products.
I would go and check Tax Class property in the Prices tab inside admin product view. In order to calculate tax, there should be an appropriate tax class set (the same tax class that you have used in your tax rule). When creating the product in admin, this is a required field, while during import it may be left not validated and thus imported as "not set"


Magento 1.9 Custom Math Pricing / Simple Product Issue with Price

I've installed an extension, Custom Math Pricing by Mico Solutions, and I am experiencing 2 issues with my site now.
Issue 1: When I customize the product, the price is updated correctly on the product page, however, when the product is sent to the cart, a portion of the price is missing (length x price per foot). I checked in the database to look for the price and could only find records of the wrong price so the price is only showing for the product page. The portion of the calculation that is missing from the price includes an attribute which is set as a variable rather than custom options. The custom options calculate perfectly.
Issue 2: When I customize a simple product and add it to the cart, I cannot go back to that product page and customize it a second time, the price remains fixed on the "base" price. Let's say the product has a base price of $10.00. When I customize it, the price stays at $10.00 but is different in the cart. I have to delete my browser cache and cookies in order to customize it again and by doing that, my cart is emptied.
So my question is, where in the code can I find the pricing that is being sent to the sales_flat_quote table in the database. Additionally, how can I debug or correct the issue of customizing a product a 2nd time?
It seems like you've got an issue with conflicting extensions. Your best bet is to go to the Admin modules section (Admin > System > Configuration > Advanced > Advanced) and disable anything else that appears to deal with product pricing. Reset the cache and index and try again. I am somewhat familiar with this extension and it's not compatible with configurable products... make sure your products are simple product types when adding products.

Magento: Catalog and product view price incl tax (VAT) is incorrect

I have looked online to find a solution to my problem but can’t see an answer to that specific issue.
I’m using Magento CE 1.8.0
The prices in the catalogue are excluding VAT
VAT is set at 20%
The system is set as Prices exclude Tax
The front end catalog list and product page are set to show both prices excluding VAT and including VAT.
My issue is that the price including VAT on some products is out by 1p on the catalog list and product view, although it is correct at checkout.
For example a product priced at £34.49 ex VAT shows a price inc VAT of £41.38 in the list view and product page (which is incorrect) and £41.39 in the checkout page (which is correct).
The issue is that I have a Google merchant feed that is sending the correct price inc VAT (£41.39) to Google and they’re complaining that the price on the website is different (even if it’s just 1p).
I have seen plenty of people with the ckeckout totals being incorrect while the catalog price is correct but not the other way around.
Has anyone got any idea what the problem could be?
We had a similar problem and in researching it found out that certain settings in System > Configuration > SALES > Tax > Calculation Settings can cause rounding errors.
This may have the solution for you:

Magento - Tax Excluding Total and Including Total the same

I have spent nearly 2 days now trying to get these damn tax rules to work in Magento.
I have a product. I have one Product Tax Class. I have one Customer Group. I have one Tax Zone (UK # 20%). I have one Tax Rule for this zone, Product Tax Class and Customer Group.
The tax settings are as follows:
When I add a product to my cart, the product price is £695. The Cart totals are as follows:
This is clearly wrong. If the product price is £695 and I've specified that this price is excluding tax, then 20% should be added to this cost. At the very least, the two Grand Total costs should be different!
The two very last things I've done were to delete the cache manually (via FTP) and to re-index all the indexes.
There are two settings to break this configuration into.
For Tax display.
For Tax calculation.
If you check your shopping cart display setting you will find you stated display price, display subtotal and display shipping to include taxes.
Play with those display settings and you will get result.

Magento Grand Total Calculates Total without adding shipping Tax

So I have this weird thing going on in a magento site I'm working on.
I've set up the shipping table rate and I've checked and re-checked all the Tax setting but I'm still getting two different sets of results from the same order.
The PDF invoice and the backend view of an invoice displays the correct totals including all the shipping costs and the tax. See below.
Screen Shot -
However when viewing the products in the admin create order page the Shipping Tax is not included in the Grand Total. See image above.
Also the frontend of the site is not calculating the Tax on Shipping either. See below.
Screen Shot -
If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate it. This one has me confused.
Thanks in advance!
Maybe somebody changed the value in System -> Configuration -> Sales -> Tax -> Tax Classes in the Tax Class for Shipping drop down.
Take a look on this value and then go to Sales -> Tax -> Manage Tax Rules and filter by the correct Customer Tax Class and in Product Tax Class choose the value that you looked before.
Now go through the filtered Tax Rules and check out whether the applied Tax Rates are correct.

Magento products use a custom price when added to cart

My client has a Magento catalogue of thousands of simple products (wheels & tyres). Some of these wheels & tyres can be purchased together as a package (4 wheels & 4 tyres), and in this instance they can be purchased for a lower price, which I'd ideally like set as a separate price attribute.
They cannot be bought for these reduced prices individually though.
I have already created a custom form and controller for adding these products to the cart using the standard price, which works fine, but I need to make it so that it uses the reduced 'package price' for each unit instead.
What I've Tried
I have tried using tier pricing, but this doesn't work because as soon as someone buys 4 tyres on their own, they'll pay the package price rate.
I've tried setting a custom price on the product when adding to cart, which works but obviously creates that price for the product for general purchase so isn't an option.
What I Need
I need to know if there's a way that I can create a discounted/custom price on the products added to the cart using my custom form? I've scoured the forums but I'm not come across a solution yet.
I don't mind using an observer if need be, but I'm a bit stuck right now! I know that once in the cart the products get their prices directly from teh database so I don't know if something has to be done to the quote object instead?
Any help or advice much appreciated.
