How to add translations for country names in Virtuemart? - joomla

I am setting up a Virtuemart website in German, but when I select a country for my shipping address, the countries show up in English instead of German.
I have tries to configure the country names in the Virtuemart countries configuration, but German translations I have entered there don't seem to work.
My configuration in Virtuemart Countries for Austria after translating to German:
But the countries still show up in English on the website:

If translating a country name through the Virtuemart countries menu does not work, you might want to try adding/editing the country translations configuration file.
In the case of German, add or edit the following file:
and make sure it contains the following content:
To find the translation key for each country, you could check the file that contains the English translations for the country names, which is located at:
The website should now show the countries in German:


How to change Magento currency ISO code

I have installed a Magento store and set up the currency as Pakistani Rupee.
It automatically shows PKR with the price which I don't want, I want to show as RS.
So from where I can change that ISO code for the currency?
To change currency of your Magento site
In admin panel, go to Admin > System > Configuration > Currency Set
Select currency that you want to be default from your base currency
drop down.
Select the same currency in the Default Display Currency drop down
and from the Allowed Currencies list.
Click Save Config.
and after that you should go to “System->Manage Currency Rates” and set rates for currencies you’ve chosen if no rates are defined there.
The frontend display currency should be different if you check out your site.
Make sure you've cleared your cache before checking.
In magento 2 you can change currency symbol in admin > stores > currency symbols

Opencart Region/State does not populate when Country is selected

I am using Opencart Version When I select Singapore as country while registration or checkout, the corresponding Region/State does not load up. This is not the case for other countries. So when I went to the backend, I just found out that there were no zones added for Singapore. Does anyone have a list of valid Opencart zones for Singapore so that i do not have to edit the validation code to skip Region/State.
For Singapore country, you have to add zones.
Add zone
System -> Localisation -> Zones

Magento - Rename Tax to GST

Throughout my Magento website, where there are products, I made it so that a customer can see the price of the products, with and without Tax.
However, how can I rename the word 'Tax' to 'GST' whenever a product is viewed within the website. I believe I have to go to the back-end and change some script around, I just don't know where?
The easiest way is to translate inline.See here to enable the inline translation from admin panel. Now hover over the "Tax" you can see the book icon click on that and type whatever text you want to replace with, in your case its "GST".
Another way is to directly changing in the csv files in app/locale folder.According to the locale you have choosen, for example if you have choosen "United States" than check for the file Mage_Tax.csv file inside "app/locale/en_US/Mage_Tax.csv". After opening this file search for term "Tax","Tax".Change it to "Tax","GST". and save it.
Hope this will help.

magento link product to specific store view

I have 6 languages defined using store views.
i have 6 simple products - one product for each language.
I did not create those products using attributes or configurable product or so, since this is the main product in my store and i would like to promote the product in each language separately.
now, I try to link a productX to default store view X (means if someone clicks to view that product, he will move to the store view with the language of the product.
- store view_EN
- store view_IT
product X_EN
product X_IT
being in store view_EN, clicking product x_IT should redirect to store view_IT/product X_IT...
is that possible with little tweaks only?
First of all, you don't need 6 different products, one for each language. You can have the same product, and translate the text fields to all the languages (like name, description, short description, ...).
You can do that by changing the scope from the top-left dropdown on the product edit page, in admin.
Now here is how you can get a product url for a specific store. Let's say that the product id is $productId, and the store id is $storeId
$url = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->setStoreId($storeId)->load($productId)->getProductUrl()

Show price inc VAT for UK users only

How can I have my magento store display prices in the grid and list views with VAT only for UK visitors. i.e. if the visitor is not from the UK (probably based on browser detected information unless they are logged in users?), prices on the product listing page should be displayed exclusive of VAT.
If the currency is changed from GBP, vat should also not be included in the displayed price, regardless of country.
Is there another call in the Magento API to be used for this?
I see "getPriceHtml" in template\catalog\product\list.phtml and I guess this is where I might need to do some coding around?
Just not sure what, so any help would be great!
That's an interesting shop you have. You only sell to the UK and countries outside the EU? You are aware that in the EU you are only allowed to quote prices excluding VAT when you sell to companies exclusively?
