Magento 2 VAT tax is visible for only specific country - magento

On the UK the VAT is calculated.
On the Ireland the VAT is added on the total but not on the VAT column

Create a Multi store environment.
One for UK and another for Ireland.
Now modify your checkout page as per your requirement.
By default Magento does not have a configuration feature that allow different checkout themes based on country.


Magento website ignores tax rates in checkout and doesn't remove tax from product price for some countries?

I have been given a Magento website to fix. Essentially the company who has the website must display their prices with VAT/TAX of 20% on the site, and if the customer selects the United States the tax should be removed from the price of the products. The tax only really applies to the UK and the EU. The website has a tax rates list that specifies 20% tax for the UK and other EU countries that they have to charge tax to. There is a second rates list that specifies that Guernsey, Jersey and United States have a tax rate of 0.0. As well as this, the product prices are entered on to the system so that they are marked as including the tax. So when a customer selects United States, Guernsey or Jersey, the tax rate should be removed from the price of the product.
When the customer gets to the checkout and changes the country that the products are going to be shipped to, it seems that Magento doesn't seem to do this though. The price remains the same, even though the tax rates exist on the system for this to happen. I've gone through the settings all day, checked that the default country is set to the UK, that the products are set as Taxable Goods, that the tax should be calculated on the shipping address, but it just point blank refuses to remove the tax for these 3 countries.
What can I do?
Check also Shipping origing settings under:
System->Configuration->Sales->Shipping settings->Origin. It should be set to the country where the webshop is established.
Also double check: Sales->Tax->Manage tax zones and rates. Here you set the actual tax procents.

Magento VAT not being included in price on product page (and, yes, shipping origin IS set correctly)

I have a puzzling problem. I have set up my catalog to include VAT in the prices but for some reason (although VAT is being calculated correctly) it is NOT being displayed correctly including VAT on the product pages. The products' prices include VAT, I have configured Magento so that prices include VAT, etc. but nonetheless VAT is actually being backed out of the prices on the product page.
I HAVE SET the shipping origin correctly and VAT is being calculated correctly. Obviously, I'm missing something.
Prices shown correctly in backend (includes VAT)
Prices shown incorrectly in frontend (does not include VAT)
Tax calculation based on shipping address
Shipping origin set properly
Catalog prices including tax
Shipping prices including tax
VAT calculated correctly
have you checked below setting :-
System configuration >> tax >> Price Display Setting >> Display Product Prices In Catalog

Magento - Tax Excluding Total and Including Total the same

I have spent nearly 2 days now trying to get these damn tax rules to work in Magento.
I have a product. I have one Product Tax Class. I have one Customer Group. I have one Tax Zone (UK # 20%). I have one Tax Rule for this zone, Product Tax Class and Customer Group.
The tax settings are as follows:
When I add a product to my cart, the product price is £695. The Cart totals are as follows:
This is clearly wrong. If the product price is £695 and I've specified that this price is excluding tax, then 20% should be added to this cost. At the very least, the two Grand Total costs should be different!
The two very last things I've done were to delete the cache manually (via FTP) and to re-index all the indexes.
There are two settings to break this configuration into.
For Tax display.
For Tax calculation.
If you check your shopping cart display setting you will find you stated display price, display subtotal and display shipping to include taxes.
Play with those display settings and you will get result.

Magento tax rates multiple countries

I whant to change our Magento CE 1.7 Shop to an multistore. So 2 countires an each has its own store but based on same products.
Now the 2nd country has different tax rates but the gross price should be same in both shops.
I have set the tax calucations based on the current county (set in system-config). So each Shop takes the corrent tax rates. And of course changed the tax reates for the 2nd country.
But now the gross prices in the shop are different. Even the product prices are set to be already including the tax rates. They get still recalculated.
e.g. county 1 has 19% tax and country 2 has 20%
Product 1 has a price of 70,90 in the backend and frontend. In country 2 its showing 71,50 in the frontend.
I dont want to set a new price for each product for the 2nd country. Isnt there a way to avoid the recalculation?
I think I found the solution.
I also have to set in system -> sales -> shipping settings -> origin country to the other country. Its not enought to change the Default Tax Destination Calculation Country and define the tax rules.
To hold a specific price by website/view you would normally do a catalog->item->price , select the website/store view from the drop down (top left), select price tab, unselect use default value and change the price to what ever you wanted displayed.
Changing the Shipping/Origin Address controls which tax rate is assumed when the catalog price = including tax.
Otherwise the system dynamically re-calculates the price including tax by figuring out the price excluding tax and then applying the new stores/customer's tax rate.
You should take a look at this, , it recalculates the VAT properly.

Show price inc VAT for UK users only

How can I have my magento store display prices in the grid and list views with VAT only for UK visitors. i.e. if the visitor is not from the UK (probably based on browser detected information unless they are logged in users?), prices on the product listing page should be displayed exclusive of VAT.
If the currency is changed from GBP, vat should also not be included in the displayed price, regardless of country.
Is there another call in the Magento API to be used for this?
I see "getPriceHtml" in template\catalog\product\list.phtml and I guess this is where I might need to do some coding around?
Just not sure what, so any help would be great!
That's an interesting shop you have. You only sell to the UK and countries outside the EU? You are aware that in the EU you are only allowed to quote prices excluding VAT when you sell to companies exclusively?
