Show SonarQube Dashboard in another portal - sonarqube

I have created dashboard with for different devops portal, now i want to show Sonar Dashboard in my dashboard. Is it possible to achieve this?

Dashboards are dropped in SonarQube 6.2. For versions before that, try appending ?layout=false to your dashboard URL.


Embed Dashboards Kibana with Security

I want to embed my dashboards made in Kibana in a webpage. However, I have security enabled in Elastic and Kibana, so to open a dashboard it requires the Kibana login.
There is any way I can auto-sign-in users to see Kibana dashboards in the webpage?
I already tried to POST the user credentials before doing a GET of the dashboard, and also tried to pass the credentials through the dashboard link but no success.
Elasticsearch version : 7.4.2

How to Embed Quicksight Dashboards into web portal

I have created a dashboard using aws quicksight. Now, I want to embed it into a web portal. My requirements are -
I want to show these dashboards only to specific users among all the people who access our web portal.
Currently, that user list is fixed. But, if I want to give permissions to any new user, I want to be know the different ways to do that
Can someone tell me embedding process in detail ? I have went through these aws quicksight resources about embedding - 1. link 2. link. But, I am finding it difficult to understand about the access management part and retrieving the dashboard URL part. I am using javascript.

How to promote personal dashboard to global dashboard?

A business user has created a personal dashboard which is now become main dashboard for the company. I have a request to make this personal dashboard a global dashboard.
I have tried all options I can see in customize system. Unless I create a new dashboard and try to match that dashboard I cannot see an option to copy or to promote personal dashboard to a global dashboard.
You’re right! Unfortunately there’s no way to convert the user Dashboard (Personal Dashboard) into global Dashboard (System Dashboard) or vice versa. You have to recreate the views & Dashboard from scratch.
Atleast found this useful info for promoting "Personal views" into "System views".
The Managed solution can be imported into CRM to do the same.
On a side note, If anyone else "Personal view" has to be owned/recreated/assigned to Service account/Admin account - then use this XrmToolBox plugin: Personal Artefact Manager

How to disable Sonarqube Dashboard creation from Users

Could you guide me that how do i can disable dashboard creation options from users in our sonarqube version-5.6.6.
You can't. Users can create all the private dashboards they want. You can only limit the permission to globally share dashboards to others.

reg: Manage Dashboards link in Sonar

In Sonar version 3.4.1 a Manage Dashboards link is used for creating global and project dashboards from an admin ID. As a part of the security config setup, we can create new users. Manage dashboard link, however, is visible for new users we've just created.
So, I request your advice on is there are any options to hide the link from anyone except for the admin.
The "Manage dashboard" link that you see must remain always available: it allows a user to create a dashboard that willbe available only for him.
