Embed Dashboards Kibana with Security - elasticsearch

I want to embed my dashboards made in Kibana in a webpage. However, I have security enabled in Elastic and Kibana, so to open a dashboard it requires the Kibana login.
There is any way I can auto-sign-in users to see Kibana dashboards in the webpage?
I already tried to POST the user credentials before doing a GET of the dashboard, and also tried to pass the credentials through the dashboard link but no success.
Elasticsearch version : 7.4.2


User create by Kibana can't not sign in {"statusCode":403,"error":"Forbidden","message":"Forbidden"}

I'm having a problem with New User created by Kibana (using user "elastic"). This is the order i did.
I'm using ELK for 7.5.1 version
First, i enable security in elasticsearch.yml by added xpack.security.enabled: true
Second, at kibana.yml i edit elasticsearch.username = "elasctic" and elasticsearch.password is my set up password
I start service elasticsearch and kibana.
I sign Kibana link with user "elastic"
I create role "test" like the picture
I create user "test001" with role "test" like picture below
I try to login with my new create user but fail.
So how can I fix it? or somethings i know about user is wrong ? I want to make some authen with the Security function.
Your user should work at http level (using curl for example) but if you want to use kibana, add the kibana_user role too. It is required to use kibana.
Have a look on the docs about build in roles and kibana authorization for more details.

How to disable Sonarqube Dashboard creation from Users

Could you guide me that how do i can disable dashboard creation options from users in our sonarqube version-5.6.6.
You can't. Users can create all the private dashboards they want. You can only limit the permission to globally share dashboards to others.

Show SonarQube Dashboard in another portal

I have created dashboard with for different devops portal, now i want to show Sonar Dashboard in my dashboard. Is it possible to achieve this?
Dashboards are dropped in SonarQube 6.2. For versions before that, try appending ?layout=false to your dashboard URL.

How to access only dashboard tab to monitor graphs in kibana4 using Shield?

How can i create a role for a user to access only dashboard tab to monitoring the graphs in kibana4 using shield?
The role must satisfy the below conditions
-The role must not have access to Discover tab,Visualize Tab and Settings tab.
-The role must have access to dashboard tab only.
Is this possible in Kibana4 with shield
According to this article, it is not currently possible with Shield:
Kibana and Shield do not currently provide a way to control which users can load which dashboards.
There is the issue #4453 that you might want to follow, if you're interested in how they will be solving this (and you can +1 it, too)
You can still protect your dashboard using either Apache or Nginx. See this discussion and this one.

Web service for Accessing Google GSA Search Logs

I am using GSA 7.2, I have one module for search log analysis, For that module I need to export logs data from GSA and import into the module. This import and export I need to do manually, For this logs I want to know is there any Web Service/Feeds from GSA to get logs data.
Thank You
You can get some log data via the admin API using the gdata client but you won't be able to get ASR data etc, for that you'll need to write an HTTP client of your own or stick to exporting manually.
7.2 Admin API doco
gdata client site
