How to promote personal dashboard to global dashboard? - dynamics-crm

A business user has created a personal dashboard which is now become main dashboard for the company. I have a request to make this personal dashboard a global dashboard.
I have tried all options I can see in customize system. Unless I create a new dashboard and try to match that dashboard I cannot see an option to copy or to promote personal dashboard to a global dashboard.

You’re right! Unfortunately there’s no way to convert the user Dashboard (Personal Dashboard) into global Dashboard (System Dashboard) or vice versa. You have to recreate the views & Dashboard from scratch.
Atleast found this useful info for promoting "Personal views" into "System views".
The Managed solution can be imported into CRM to do the same.
On a side note, If anyone else "Personal view" has to be owned/recreated/assigned to Service account/Admin account - then use this XrmToolBox plugin: Personal Artefact Manager


How to Embed Quicksight Dashboards into web portal

I have created a dashboard using aws quicksight. Now, I want to embed it into a web portal. My requirements are -
I want to show these dashboards only to specific users among all the people who access our web portal.
Currently, that user list is fixed. But, if I want to give permissions to any new user, I want to be know the different ways to do that
Can someone tell me embedding process in detail ? I have went through these aws quicksight resources about embedding - 1. link 2. link. But, I am finding it difficult to understand about the access management part and retrieving the dashboard URL part. I am using javascript.

Email from Google: Using a Google product name as the project in OAuth consent screen

I received this message for the second time and i still dont understand why. Can someone help me?
Action required: Critical problem with your Google Cloud/API project
Youtube API (id: tonal-topic-123301)
Dear Developer, We have recently
detected that your Google Cloud/API project Youtube API (id:
tonal-topic-123301) is using a Google product name as the project name
shown to users on the OAuth consent screen, which violates the Google
API Services: User Data Policy. You can fix the problem by revising
the project name and other relevant content so that the OAuth consent
screen shown to users accurately reflects the identity of your
application. To revise the project name visible to users, please take
the following steps:
Please review the Google API Services: User Data Policy, specifically
the following section- "Do not make false or misleading statements
about any entities that have allegedly authorized or managed your
application. You must accurately represent the company, organization,
or other authority that manages your application. Making false
representations about client credentials to Google or Google users is
grounds for suspension."
Sign in to the Google Cloud Platform Console.
Select your project.
On the Home Page Dashboard, select Go to APIs overview under APIs.
In API manager, select Credentials on the left bar, then select OAuth
consent screen. Change the name in the field under Product name shown
to users and then click on Save. We will suspend your Cloud project in
3 days unless you correct the problem. Please submit an appeal if you
have any questions. Please note that you should be logged in as the
project owner to access the appeals page. For more help on submitting
an appeal or to learn more about the process check the Policy
Violation FAQ. Please take a moment to review the Google API Services:
User Data Policy, the Google API Terms of Service, the Google Cloud
Terms of Service and the applicable Terms of Service for the specific
Google API you are using so that you do not violate our terms and
policies in the future.
This is obviously a naming issue regarding something in the google product range.
You Should be able to re-name your project to solve this.
If not, try a Google forum or help pages.
The problem you are having is that Google does not allow you to use a Google product name as the name of your in your application. Users can become confused and assume your third party application was created by them.
How to fix it:
Go to Google Developer console find the credentials screen. Click on the Oauth consent screen tab at the top rename your application.
Note: If you don't do this google is going to shut down your application they are very picky about this.

How to access only dashboard tab to monitor graphs in kibana4 using Shield?

How can i create a role for a user to access only dashboard tab to monitoring the graphs in kibana4 using shield?
The role must satisfy the below conditions
-The role must not have access to Discover tab,Visualize Tab and Settings tab.
-The role must have access to dashboard tab only.
Is this possible in Kibana4 with shield
According to this article, it is not currently possible with Shield:
Kibana and Shield do not currently provide a way to control which users can load which dashboards.
There is the issue #4453 that you might want to follow, if you're interested in how they will be solving this (and you can +1 it, too)
You can still protect your dashboard using either Apache or Nginx. See this discussion and this one.

reg: Manage Dashboards link in Sonar

In Sonar version 3.4.1 a Manage Dashboards link is used for creating global and project dashboards from an admin ID. As a part of the security config setup, we can create new users. Manage dashboard link, however, is visible for new users we've just created.
So, I request your advice on is there are any options to hide the link from anyone except for the admin.
The "Manage dashboard" link that you see must remain always available: it allows a user to create a dashboard that willbe available only for him.

Chrome Web Store asking for payments

I am working on a Chrome Web Store application, and plan to use the Chrome Web Store Payments. I could find the documentation on how to check if the user has paid, but I can't figure out how to offer the user to pay? How should I redirect him to the store?
First you should publish your app to test users. If necessary add them to a google group and choose that group in the developer dashboard. Of course you will need to enable payments for your app too.
Only these test users will be able to see the link, which you can find through the developer dashboard by clicking on your app's name. This will make a link, which at the moment is constructed like this:
This page will have an "Add to Chrome for $x" that they need to click to help you test your payment implementation. This URL could be used for advertising as well.
Google advises to create a new app listing for the public release of your app.
