reg: Manage Dashboards link in Sonar - sonarqube

In Sonar version 3.4.1 a Manage Dashboards link is used for creating global and project dashboards from an admin ID. As a part of the security config setup, we can create new users. Manage dashboard link, however, is visible for new users we've just created.
So, I request your advice on is there are any options to hide the link from anyone except for the admin.

The "Manage dashboard" link that you see must remain always available: it allows a user to create a dashboard that willbe available only for him.


Strapi Roles and Permission plugin doesnt exist in side bar?

I setted up Strapi through NPX and ran
npx create-strapi-app my-project --quickstart
I am using strapi and here is my side bar
Normally i expected it to be like the following:
I dont know why but I cannot access Roles & Permission tab as it is not there. I need this tab for API permission customization.
I checked the docs and it says that is should be there following:
"This plugin provides a way to protect your API with a full
authentication process based on JWT. This plugin comes also with an
ACL strategy that allows you to manage the permissions between the
groups of users.
To access the plugin admin panel, click on the Roles & Pemissions link
in the left menu."
I have no idea what is wrong with my dashboard. How may i access this plugin?
Okay, strange enough I wasted 30 minutes on this, so it turns out they decided to change their UI in version 3.x and somehow when you search for "Roles & Permissions strapi" on google, it leads you to old documents, which is frustrating and misleading :))))
New docs link here
Roles & Permissions. This plugin provides a way to protect your API
with a full authentication process based on JWT. This plugin comes
also with an ACL strategy that allows you to manage the permissions
between the groups of users.
To access the plugin admin panel, click on the Settings link in the
left menu and then everything will be under the USERS & PERMISSIONS
PLUGIN section.
If you in version3.x
Go to Settings -> User & Permission -> Roles -> Authenticated or Public -> on Permissions Widget --> select Application.

How to promote personal dashboard to global dashboard?

A business user has created a personal dashboard which is now become main dashboard for the company. I have a request to make this personal dashboard a global dashboard.
I have tried all options I can see in customize system. Unless I create a new dashboard and try to match that dashboard I cannot see an option to copy or to promote personal dashboard to a global dashboard.
You’re right! Unfortunately there’s no way to convert the user Dashboard (Personal Dashboard) into global Dashboard (System Dashboard) or vice versa. You have to recreate the views & Dashboard from scratch.
Atleast found this useful info for promoting "Personal views" into "System views".
The Managed solution can be imported into CRM to do the same.
On a side note, If anyone else "Personal view" has to be owned/recreated/assigned to Service account/Admin account - then use this XrmToolBox plugin: Personal Artefact Manager

How to disable Sonarqube Dashboard creation from Users

Could you guide me that how do i can disable dashboard creation options from users in our sonarqube version-5.6.6.
You can't. Users can create all the private dashboards they want. You can only limit the permission to globally share dashboards to others.

Create users with only view privilege in TeamCity

I am the administartor of TeamCity 9.0 which is my continuous integration server. I have added many users for different projects. They have the permission to manually trigger the build, but they cannot edit the configurations.
Now , I need to add a user so that the user can view the Web UI and get the logs etc ; but he must not be able to trigger the build. In short, the run button in the Web UI should not work for that user or should be invisible. How can I achieve that? Please help me out.
In the default installation, the All Users group only has the Project viewer role associated with it, which only has the View project and all parent projects permission. You'll see the Project developer role by default has the Run build and Stop build permissions, and many more.
What does your permission set up look like, i.e. what group is the user assigned to and what roles are associated with that group.
You can get a sort of "effective permissions" overview for a user on the "Roles" tab of a user, this shows how the user is getting permission for which projects via the groups they are in.
TeamCity provides a built-in role, Project Viewer, that grants users read-only access to projects. You can also create your own roles with permissions tailored for your team. See Administration > User Management > Roles.
Click on Administration on top right corner. Under User Management on left side of the UI, click on Users. Click on the user you want. Under Roles tab select Assign Role. In the pop up select what privilege you want to give to that user for what project.
Check this link for knowing about different types of users in TeamCity.

Magento how to remove specific widgets in admin, so that client only sees relevant widgets

By default, Magento shows different widget types as options in the backend, such as 'Cms Page Link' and 'Catalog Category Link'. However, I want to provide my client only with the theme's relevant widgets, so I want to be able to remove some widgets, at least as an admin option.
The options for the backend are set via the respective core modules /etc/widget.xml. What is the best way to override this, without a core hack?
Any suggestion would be much appreciated!
Magento has features to implement the above. It is achieved with the help of "ROLES" and "USERS" in the system tab of magento admin panel.
Create a role for your client "client_xyz" by going to
Add Resources to the role, these resources are the links that you
would like to restrict the users upon or grant them permissions.
After creating the roles and resources, create a user to be given to the client. The Users can be created under System->Permissions->Users.
Create the users assign the roles that are already created. And now when the users login using this newly created credentials. They will only see what is granted by the Admin.
