How to disable Sonarqube Dashboard creation from Users - sonarqube

Could you guide me that how do i can disable dashboard creation options from users in our sonarqube version-5.6.6.

You can't. Users can create all the private dashboards they want. You can only limit the permission to globally share dashboards to others.


ServiceNow Sharing Dashboard

I have 2 team members that have access to all the same things as I do. When I attempt to share a created dashboard, there names/emails are unavailable, why would this be?
Navigate to Performance Analytics > Dashboard Admin.
Click a dashboard to open it.
Choose from the following options in the Visible to field:
Everyone: Select roles that can access this dashboard.
Users and Groups: Select users and groups that can access the dashboard.
Also note that, users must have the pa_viewer role to view dashboards. Users with the pa_admin and pa_power_user roles can create and edit dashboards.
Read more about Dashboards here

Show SonarQube Dashboard in another portal

I have created dashboard with for different devops portal, now i want to show Sonar Dashboard in my dashboard. Is it possible to achieve this?
Dashboards are dropped in SonarQube 6.2. For versions before that, try appending ?layout=false to your dashboard URL.

How to access only dashboard tab to monitor graphs in kibana4 using Shield?

How can i create a role for a user to access only dashboard tab to monitoring the graphs in kibana4 using shield?
The role must satisfy the below conditions
-The role must not have access to Discover tab,Visualize Tab and Settings tab.
-The role must have access to dashboard tab only.
Is this possible in Kibana4 with shield
According to this article, it is not currently possible with Shield:
Kibana and Shield do not currently provide a way to control which users can load which dashboards.
There is the issue #4453 that you might want to follow, if you're interested in how they will be solving this (and you can +1 it, too)
You can still protect your dashboard using either Apache or Nginx. See this discussion and this one.

Sonarqube 4.5 provisioning / authorization

We are using Sonhrqube 4.5 that is integrated into Google's oAuth sign-on. There are no issues with logging in (Authentication). Certain users have been provisioned with sonar-administrators role. But for some reason, the admin role keeps dropping for some users (leaves the user with sonar-users role). We have tried granting them admin access again, but it keeps happening. Also tried creating a brand new group and assigning that group to the user, but still same thing happens. Any thoughts? If you need any other information, let me know.
Just additional info, not sure if it matters - We are using the sonar-oauth-plugin from JCERTIFLab for integration with Google's signon/oauth. This plugin automatically creates users with default role - sonar-users.
Thanks in advance!
It turned out to be an issue with the Sonar plugin used for integration with google's Oauth. Every time a user is authenticated, permissions get overwritten. To overcome the problem temporarily, we predefined a list of users with admin access in the properties file.

reg: Manage Dashboards link in Sonar

In Sonar version 3.4.1 a Manage Dashboards link is used for creating global and project dashboards from an admin ID. As a part of the security config setup, we can create new users. Manage dashboard link, however, is visible for new users we've just created.
So, I request your advice on is there are any options to hide the link from anyone except for the admin.
The "Manage dashboard" link that you see must remain always available: it allows a user to create a dashboard that willbe available only for him.
