Prestashop BlockLayered Navigation doesn't filter - caching

I have problem with with BlockLayered Navigation doesn't filter. I see at categories/subcategories, but when I check some filter nothing happens...
It is Prestashop 1.6.11 I've tried with cache on and off but it doesn't help.
Anyone had the same problem?

Do you have in module Blocklayred, regenerate urls, filters and prices?


Magento "Shop By" feature is showing but not working. How to fix this?

I'm on magento
For some reason the "Shop By" feature is not filtering the products when used.
You can check it out here:
The page refreshes but all products are still shown.
Does anyone have a clue to why this would happen?
Allright - I figured out that Full Page Cache was the problem.
Needed to add the specific attribute to the Full Page Cache extension in order to make it work.

Issue on Add to Cart in Magento

I am using Magento 1.7 and getting an issue while do AddToCart. Its showing empty shopping cart but I am very surprised to see that after deleting session and cache in var directory, its working fine.
Please help me to sort out this issue. Thanks in advance. Hope you understand my point!

How customer can upload the image in product magento?

I want to upload the image at the front end of the product view page
but i don't know how to do these so if anybody know the answer then replay me.
I see the some extension but its not work properly
Thanks in advance.
Magento has out of the box custom options. You can add new custom options with type file.
Check it, possible it helps in your case.

Joomla virtuemart filter issue with JRoute

Please help me, i use Joomla + Virtuemart
I added search filter by customfields, but there was a problem with pagination and sort URL
I found a strange in code, this function:
echo JRoute::_('&customfields[5][0]=35')
generate url:
should look like
I would be happy if you can help me find a part of code where I can find the problem. Thank you.
The problem was related to the settings of sh404sef component.

how to get related product by product keyword(meta keyword) in magento?

I've to get related products according to the keyword of the product in magento.
Is there is any way to do that.
Thanks in Advance.
Use this extension
I've use this extension,its works well.I fix the issue.
