how to get related product by product keyword(meta keyword) in magento? - magento

I've to get related products according to the keyword of the product in magento.
Is there is any way to do that.
Thanks in Advance.

Use this extension
I've use this extension,its works well.I fix the issue.


Product price Prestashop 1.7

I start using Prestashop 1.7 and i have problems to display the price with taxes on product page. I have tried many things, but all of them faild.
Anyone knows a solution for this?
Thank you.
The correct way to do this is going to config each gruop of clients, and in the configuration page you have the option to see the price with or without taxes.
Go to: Shop Parameters -> Customer Settings, then go to Gruops tab and edit all of them changing this option:
Hope it helps you.

Magento configurable product change details to show simple products details

I'm trying to achieve something like this n a Magento configurable product:
Is it possible? I need to change all the details of the page when the pump model changes. All details change from one model to another... Any suggestions or any extension. Thanks everyone in advance.
Thanks for the answer,
I purchase this extension and with my buddies help we made it happen...
By default the extension did not change the sku and additional product information. Bu we made it happen...
You can use the below extension to show simple product information when selecte option in configurable product:

Magento : Allow the customer to add a comment when adding a product to cart

I'm working on a Magento shop and I want to give the customers the possibility to add a comment when they put a product in cart.
The comment can contain specifications about the ordrered product. It must be visible in the checkout, in the confirmation email and in the admin sales interface.
Is there a way to do that with the standard Magento configuration? Or does a module exist?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Have a look at this extension, See the screenshots.
This may helpful for you, I have used this in a project, it works well.
But as you saying customer should add comment while adding product, you need to customize this extenion a bit.
Cheers :-)

Disabling/Deleting Products in Magento

I need to disable products in Magento as they are currently not available from my manufacturers but I know they will come back next year. If I disable these products, will it create 404 errors?
How do I delete products without creating 404 errors?
Why not just saying Out of Stock, so you will keep all links?
There are different ways to disable the product in frontend.
You can refer the following article for more:

Creating a configurable Magento attribute from scratch

I need to extend Magento to allow changing the price of a product based on an attribute, such as size or color. I can't use any in-built facilities Magento might have for this - I need to write the code myself. I'm a beginning Magento developer. Can anybody help? Maybe point me to a guide or walk-through for this on the internet? Thanks!
You may wish to read some of the basic guides on Magento to answer a question like this. This is entirely the point of configurable products and of custom product options.
Hope that helps
