Joomla virtuemart filter issue with JRoute - joomla

Please help me, i use Joomla + Virtuemart
I added search filter by customfields, but there was a problem with pagination and sort URL
I found a strange in code, this function:
echo JRoute::_('&customfields[5][0]=35')
generate url:
should look like
I would be happy if you can help me find a part of code where I can find the problem. Thank you.

The problem was related to the settings of sh404sef component.


Klevu Template Override

I am new to magneto 2 and we are using klevu search engine for search functionality. I would like to add custom text to that template. If anybody has a succession, please help me,
For details on the customisation,Please visit the Klevu template JS document using the link below:
Also, if you have a specific question, please reach out to the Klevu community using the below link:

Prestashop BlockLayered Navigation doesn't filter

I have problem with with BlockLayered Navigation doesn't filter. I see at categories/subcategories, but when I check some filter nothing happens...
It is Prestashop 1.6.11 I've tried with cache on and off but it doesn't help.
Anyone had the same problem?
Do you have in module Blocklayred, regenerate urls, filters and prices?

Remove article id from joomla 3.4.8 url

After upgrading my site to Joomla 3.4.8, my URL is showing article id. It was not there before the upgrade.
Can anybody tell me how to fix this problem?
Please help!!
Joomla, by default, includes the article id in the URL in order to avoid problems with articles having the same aliases.
If the previous version of Joomla did not have the article id in the URL, then it might be that you have been using an extension such as sh404SEF and you're not using it anymore.
It might be also that you had a modified core as explained here: , and the modification was overwritten by the update.

joomla sef breaks url only on some pages

I have a problem with SEF URLs in Joomla 2.5.7 and component K2 2.5.7.
Link with SEF turned off looks like:
And with SEF on it looks like:
which is perfect!
But another page on this site:
looks with SEF on like:
my question is: Why is the first one stripped that much of the view and option and the other one is like that? Have you ever seen these problems and do you know how to fix them? Thank you so much for your answers!
Why ?
See George Wilson's comment.
How to fix it (to have nice SEF urls) ?
In my opinion you can:
Create a menu item for that specific article.
Use an extension like sh404SEF.

Adding Magento attributes and attribute-sets programmatically

Adding attributes to Magento via code is very obscure. Are there any examples?
I believe you can find the answer to your questions in this code example:
