Issue on Add to Cart in Magento - magento

I am using Magento 1.7 and getting an issue while do AddToCart. Its showing empty shopping cart but I am very surprised to see that after deleting session and cache in var directory, its working fine.
Please help me to sort out this issue. Thanks in advance. Hope you understand my point!


Magento 2 2.3 Full Page Cart issue

Is currently working on a new M2 2.3 site to replace my M1.
Almost done but I have found an issue with the cart and full page cache.
When full page cache is enable and I add a product to cart its all good. But when I move to another category and add another product the cart gets empty and start all over again.
If I disable the full page cache the cart works fine.
Anyone have an idea of what i might be?
The site is still in devolopment.
It might be related to the Magento_Persistent module. There is a native bug with FPC when you disable this module. The issue has been reported in the link below:

Products not appearing under admin grid

I imported products via API calls successfully. After sync, products not appearing under admin->grid... I can see under table "catalog_product_entity".
I flushed cache, reindex and run cron manually.
Still getting the same issue.
Please help.
Seems Magento-2 bug.
Please sort the product grid via "ID". It must work.

Shopping Cart Promotions in Magento Admi not showing

I seem to have a problem on my backend in magento, im running 1.7 and the shopping cart promotions work, however after i save it, it doesn't display it in the backend, and i cant edit it or anything.
any ideas what the problem might be?
My first advice would be to flush cache, perhaps clear /var and /session manually. log out and back in and try again. Usually works for me.

Session gets clear in category page only in Magento

I have one problem in Magento Liver server uploaded site.
The problem is related to session or cookies. When I add product to cart or login, then visit category page, the session gets clear and i get signout and cart gets clear.
I tried setting session/cookie management. but not found solution.
Also asked to server technical support, they also not able to found.
This only happens in only one page category page.
Any other had faced this problem.
Please give me solution for this.
try this code for session issue fix

Magento - Checkout URL doesn't refresh

I'm facing a very strange problem.
AS far as I know, Magento changes the URL at the checkout.
From step 1 to Step 5/6 the URL changes when you go forward or backward. Or if you use continue or the back button, but....
at our installation it stays with "checkout/onepage/" the whole time... It doesn't change.
Does someone has the same problem or does someone got maybe a hint how to solve this problem?
Thank you!
Your istallation is OK!
Different steps at Magento checkout don't have different URLs as whole checkout section is loaded at once (when entering the section) and steps are filled with Ajax.
If you still have any doubts please check the Demo Store from Magento
