Magento "Shop By" feature is showing but not working. How to fix this? - magento

I'm on magento
For some reason the "Shop By" feature is not filtering the products when used.
You can check it out here:
The page refreshes but all products are still shown.
Does anyone have a clue to why this would happen?

Allright - I figured out that Full Page Cache was the problem.
Needed to add the specific attribute to the Full Page Cache extension in order to make it work.


AJAX Add to cart

I've got an issue with AJAX add to cart button on single-product.php.
By now everything works as it should, but with last woocommerce update i've got a problem with variable products.
Everything is fine on simple products, on variable i can also add product to cart, but unfortunetly there is no variation picked while all attributes is selected.
Here You got an example of issue: Product page.
If You add product to cart it will apear there, but as a simple product not variation.
I'm using X for Woocommerce plugin for swatches - when i disable it, everything works fine, but with no AJAX. I need it not only for swatches, but also minicart is powered by AJAX and after reloading page it doesn't work.
I hope someone could help me.
Best regards, Kuba
Please check your DevTools console (F12). There are multiple errors about jQuery being not loaded and "add to cart" scripts mentioned.
I bet that hidden field containing the selected variation ID does not change when you select some variation because there is a problem with jQuery. It stays with the default value which is the parent product ID. So the parent product is added to your cart.
There's a bug in WPML plug-in:,
pozdrawiam :)

Blank Page for newly uploaded products in magento

After uploading new products to my existing stockpile (in Magento) I noticed that the product pages were coming up blank. I have reindexed the products, refreshed the cache, ensured that the items are marked as enabled, in stock with a quantity of at least 1. My existing products are working fine so this is a complete mystery to me.
I have found issues such as "Magento shows blank/empty page. How do I solve this?" ( but none that with the same problem as me here.
Ideally someone who's reading this has suffered as I am here and healed the pain - if you have please post the cure. Similarly if anyone can suggest solutions/reasons I'd be most grateful.
Without more information these are just guesses:
Examine your import script against an export script. Did you include all core fields e.g. website, store, sku, name
Check your logs, are any exceptions being thrown on the product page?
Are the products showing up in your catalog? If so you've probably got the core fields imported ok. If not see the first point.
If the products are in the catalog but blank screening on the product page, it's most probably some customer code in your skin thats causing the issue. Try either switching to the default skin and reload. If it works then your import was probably missing an attribute used by your skin on the product page.
If the default skin loads. Go back to your skin and comment out code on your product page until you find the culprit.
Hope that helps.

Magento attribute url not found error 404 /l/ page filter

I have a problem about attribute url filter page can not found. It show error 404 and there are /l/ on url.
according to this this page.
At the backend. I have enable Is Anchor to yes. and check Use All Available Attributes. To show attribute Product Listing Sort By bra bra bra.
At this page.
On your left hand side. You will see Product Listing Sort By. Which is create by magento attribute.
But my problem is. When I'm click on a link. What ever link under a word "Shop By" It's will show error 404 page can't be found.
For example. When i'm click on a Rayban Link under a word "Shop By" It's will show a error 404 and url will look like this
I don't know where the /l/ came from. I have try to remove /l/ by myself. It's still not show a correct page.
Anyone know how to fix this problem. Kindly please help.
Thank you so much
Problem solved. Just remove some stupid seo enterpr...

Disabling/Deleting Products in Magento

I need to disable products in Magento as they are currently not available from my manufacturers but I know they will come back next year. If I disable these products, will it create 404 errors?
How do I delete products without creating 404 errors?
Why not just saying Out of Stock, so you will keep all links?
There are different ways to disable the product in frontend.
You can refer the following article for more:

Magento Problem

I am running a store on Magento. For some reason the "Recently Viewed", "Related Items" and "Featured Items" blocks have all disappeared from my site. They where definitely there yesterday so I'm not sure what's happened to them.
Featured Products is an extension I use and show on the home page using:
{{block type="featuredproducts/listing" template="inchoo/block_featured_products_main.phtml"}}
Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be?
Reindexing my products fixed this.
system > index management
Probably some Blocks that don't render. Check your /var/log/errors.log for clues (1) and remove the module if is giving you problems(2).
This one here is trying to load the Featuredproducts_Block_Listing class. Check if is there and if is not misspelled.
Have you added any custom module to magento related to products like feature products or products on sale, if yes then just make it false from XML file /app/etc/modules/module.xml
and then refresh or delete the cache and try again with front end.
If this will not work then just simply delete all cache, session and logs. and refreh the web page it will work.
Magento Development
