Error 503 when logging into Joomla backend? - joomla

I receive a constant 503 (Service unavailable) error recently when trying to log into my Joomla account as an administrator.
Joomla version: 4.6.5
PHP version 5.6
No changes were made to my website during the last weeks.
My host is Strato in Germany.
Any ideas?

In fact, the problem was solved.
An analysis of the situation and a Google research revealed that in some cases a login was blocked when the request came from countries outside the host country, Germany. This seems to be only true for login to backend requests, not the normal website traffic. Until recently, the blocking was not in effect from Switzerland, now it obviously was.
Solution: I now use a VPN when I want to log into the Joomla backend from Switzerland.


Why is Magento 2 Klarna Client Error resulting in 401 unauthorized response? Updating API credentials didn't work

This is the error:
enter image description here
"client error" 'POST resulted in a 401 Unauthorizedresponse:
{"http_status_code":401,"http_status_message":"Unauthorized","internal_message":"authorization_error"}. Please check credentials and API version selected.`
I have updated to new api credentials and gone through the api integration in magento backend,
I have re-indexed the site through the terminal,
I have cleared the cache through Magento,
I have cleared the cache on cloudflare too,
I spoke to Klarna support and they said
Klarna Checkout is a legacy product that is only used on a playground account for testing purposes (as it replaces the checkout rather than adds Klarna as an option).
and gave me Klarna integration guides and said I'd need to find out my magento version
Magento 2.4.4 and above:
Magento up to 2.4.3
When I looked at Magento Version it said:
magento version
To which the support person had no idea how to rectify. I since used
magereport and that told me
CE 2.4.2-p1 - 2.4.2-p2
So I tried following the guides to upgrade klarna and that didn't work because
enter image description here
In the meantime I have disabled Klarna because you couldn't actually pay with it in the end. So I'm going to have to reinstall or try again or something and I'm pulling my hair out because no one at work can help me and the client is requesting changes to the website, which I cannot achieve.

CodeIgniter gives 403 access forbidden error while updating a form

I am having a
403 access forbidden
issue when updating any form. Otherwise all the website is working fine.
I have codeigniter as framework & centos 7 is the Operating system. I have checked all the permissions but I'm unable to find the solution.
I was getting crazy with this. After to do a lot of things i found the solution.
Just disable ModSecurity on your Cpanel.
If you don’t have access to this option, contact your host provider and say that you want to disable this option temporarily or forever.

Localhost and 403 Forbidden

I'm using Windows 7 64-bit and Mozilla Firefox. Today I was going to buy products from one webshop. After when I told my credit card details on a secured SSL page, I always got an error message "403 Forbidden". In other words, I was forwarded to URL which started with http://localhost:44117/... The webshop owner said that the error was because of my computer, but how is that possible? I have not modified the hosts file of Windows 7.
I encountered a similar address in server log, in Referer field, after a Paytrail transaction.
It's possibly related to a version of F-Secure Internet Security. See and
I don't seem to find any definitive information, though.

Joomla 3.3.6 - Server not Found for Some but not others

We have three users setup with Admin Panel access. 2 of them are not experiencing any issues while one users is getting "server not found" when they try to pull up the admin login screen. I haven't been able to replicate it, but unfortunately it's a client who isn't very tech savvy. Any thoughts?

What does 302 redirects as filters mean?

I have an hosting account on Godaddy which has been redirected for last few days, to be precise, 5 days.
After mailing them quite few times, this is what they had to say
The 302 redirects are filters setup to maintain the integrity of the hosting server while we investigate and resolve an issue(s)
The post is not for boo-haa of godaddy, all I want to know is the technical aspect of the above term.
Why these filters are set, how they are set and what purpose they fulfill
Any sort of detailing on the issue will be helpful. Being a developer, it will only help when I plan to roll out hosting on my own.
The filter was set by godaddy to restrict access to your account until they can complete an investigation. The why would depend but if your website had illegal content on it whether you put it there, a user of yours or your account was hacked and someone else did would be some possible whys. By illegal I mean anything in violation of their policies or the law. The purpose is to protect their network and or you in the event that someone else is responsible for whatever they are investigating. I would call them.
I am in the process of pulling my website from Godaddy because of the same reason. They will randomly run a 302 redirect filter to protect their server. I found about 1/3 of my potential customers were being redirected to a non working version of my website. I spoke with a support staff at Godaddy and they had no reason but it is designed to protect their system. This is what you should look for. I use a company called Stat Counter and it shows your visitors paths my web address is What Go daddy does is take my web address and add 4-or 5 letters to the end of it and redirecting my customers to a non working version of my site.
I have had customers tell me my site was not functioning and I spent a small fortune trying to find out why. Now I know. Trying to get GoDaddy to admit that they were running the 302 redirect filters was like pulling hens teeth. I have been spending... like most of you a lot of time and money working on getting traffic to find out they are just turning away 1/3 of my traffic. How it this fair?
