Joomla 3.3.6 - Server not Found for Some but not others - joomla

We have three users setup with Admin Panel access. 2 of them are not experiencing any issues while one users is getting "server not found" when they try to pull up the admin login screen. I haven't been able to replicate it, but unfortunately it's a client who isn't very tech savvy. Any thoughts?


Dynamics 365 CRM Portals. Rich-text editor missing

I work with Dynamics 365 Portals.
The rich-text editor is missing, how do I get it back?
I (my user) have all four webroles, including administrator. I am logged in. I have tried to clearing all cashes and reboot the portal itself. My coleagues are also unable to see it. Nothing works.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
Few things to check.
There should only be a single Authenticated web role and a single Anonymous web role. You don't need to assign these web roles to your user, they are applied automatically by context.
Check you have a web page access control rule setup to grant change, that is linked to your Administrator web role.
Make sure you clear the server side cache.
Sorry, I do not have enough reputations to comment.
I am assuming that you don't see the front side editing tools.
9 out of 10 times, this is typically to do with the cache not clearing properly. Could you changing something on the webpage and check if the cache is clearing properly and the newest webpage content is surfacing on the portal?
Also, by default, the "Administrator" web role is associated with the appropriate "Website Access Permission" to provide you with the front side editing capability. If for some reason, the Website Access Permission is not associated with the Administrator web role, even if you belong to the Administrator web role, front side editing capability will not work.

Error 503 when logging into Joomla backend?

I receive a constant 503 (Service unavailable) error recently when trying to log into my Joomla account as an administrator.
Joomla version: 4.6.5
PHP version 5.6
No changes were made to my website during the last weeks.
My host is Strato in Germany.
Any ideas?
In fact, the problem was solved.
An analysis of the situation and a Google research revealed that in some cases a login was blocked when the request came from countries outside the host country, Germany. This seems to be only true for login to backend requests, not the normal website traffic. Until recently, the blocking was not in effect from Switzerland, now it obviously was.
Solution: I now use a VPN when I want to log into the Joomla backend from Switzerland.

Issue with logging out in NetSuite

We have an SCA Mont Blanc site setup with product MSRP showing to users who aren't logged in, and specific customer prices showing to users who are logged in.
But we've run into a strange glitch whereby a user who logs out will still see his or her specific pricing. This is an issue because it confuses customers into thinking MSRP is lower than what it really is and typically happens the 2nd time a user logs into the website from within the same browser terminal (i.e. if you open a browser, log in and log out, the problem doesn't appear... but if you login again the site doesn't logout properly).
The only solution I have now is to tell users to clear their browser cache after they log out, but some people aren't used to doing that and it's not really how the site should operate.
Does anyone have a work-around or fix for this problem? Is there something I can add to the logout.ssp file to help resolve this?
A workaround would be to clear the cookies related to your site as explained here.

Google app engine remote python console credentials/login?

Hi I am trying to start remote GAE shell with
python $GAE_SDK_ROOT/ -s
"You don't need any additional authentication" says the GAE RemoteAPI page,
yet my command fails miserably with HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized Too many auth attempts.
I think I was able to do start it (with various degree of success for different apps) in some remote past, either with gmail credentials or some auth key from google cloud.
Please share your hints, or, ideally, drop a link to easy to follow step by step guide.
Also I cannot access Datastore Admin for that project
in online console
, if I click It invites to sing in, which fails. Recently, I got owner role, yet project was created by a person with a different email domain.

FB connect and magento

As a novice developer at best, I have been tasked with implementing Facebook connect with my Magento website. I have read extensively online and don't find much help with my problem, and I see many people have the same issue so perhaps everyone can learn.
I inserted the SDK script into my header, set up my channel, and my Facebook app. Everything seems to work nicely right now, however I am lost on converting the Facebook login into an actual Magento login. I understand that my code speaks with Facebook and authorizes my website, But I don't understand how to pull user permissions into my Magento database and store the information. Currently you click the "Login with Facebook" button, it pops up asking for the permissions. I don't know how to save this information to my database and allow the user to connect and login successfully.
I think I may need to add some more code somewhere telling Magento how to store this information?
Any advice or links would be greatly appreciated.
You can use free extension Facebook Connect and Like Free from BelVG company.
