Localhost and 403 Forbidden - firefox

I'm using Windows 7 64-bit and Mozilla Firefox. Today I was going to buy products from one webshop. After when I told my credit card details on a secured SSL page, I always got an error message "403 Forbidden". In other words, I was forwarded to URL which started with http://localhost:44117/... The webshop owner said that the error was because of my computer, but how is that possible? I have not modified the hosts file of Windows 7.

I encountered a similar address in server log, in Referer field, after a Paytrail transaction.
It's possibly related to a version of F-Secure Internet Security. See https://twitter.com/vjom/status/491171682829475840 and https://forums.oscommerce.com/topic/409385-osc-234-something-wrong-on-standard-web-design-on-osc-demo-page-too/?do=findComment&comment=1743055
I don't seem to find any definitive information, though.


There is a problem with this website’s security certificate

I've a problem in my browser !,
I watched many solutions on youtube to fix this problem.
I did everything, I changed date and time of my computer.
I think this error occurs as a result of a browser that does not recognize the authority of the certificate.
I can browse all sites like "Google, Youtube, Gmail, stackoverflow, etc .." "except for this site" https://id.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/id/management/ "
I use windows 7 home premium 64 bit,
Google chrome -> last version,
IE -> 11
Please try to browse this site "https://id.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/id/management/"
"Problem with this website's security certificate" is a generic error message that Internet Explorer gives you when there is a problem establishing a secure connection (https://) to a website using the site's SSL certificate.
This error message can be caused by any number of issues. For example, here are some of the causes:
Your computer and the website's server could not agree on cryptographic algorithms to use for the secure connection. This can sometimes happen for older versions of Internet Explorer.
The authenticity of a website's SSL certificate could not be verified by a Certificate Authority (CA).
You did not provide enough detail in your question to figure out the exact cause of the issue. But, in this case, updating your web browser may help fix the issue.
I think it is just a common browser error that is not letting you visit that website with HTTPS.
I tested that website and it working fine in my browser. (Tested through Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and IE). So I think the issue is with your system.
Try clearing the cache and cookies for that particular website
Clear the SSL State from Internet Options
Disable QUIC Protocol of Google Chrome
Source: https://aboutssl.org/fix-google-chrome-error-err_ssl_protocol_error/
Try this:
Download de certificate:
Right click on this file.
Install Cerficate
Click on second opticn. (my windows on pt-br -"colocar todos os cerficiados no repositorio a seguir") Browser
Select = Autoridade de certificação Raiz confiável.

CodeIgniter gives 403 access forbidden error while updating a form

I am having a
403 access forbidden
issue when updating any form. Otherwise all the website is working fine.
I have codeigniter as framework & centos 7 is the Operating system. I have checked all the permissions but I'm unable to find the solution.
I was getting crazy with this. After to do a lot of things i found the solution.
Just disable ModSecurity on your Cpanel.
If you don’t have access to this option, contact your host provider and say that you want to disable this option temporarily or forever.

Error 503 when logging into Joomla backend?

I receive a constant 503 (Service unavailable) error recently when trying to log into my Joomla account as an administrator.
Joomla version: 4.6.5
PHP version 5.6
No changes were made to my website during the last weeks.
My host is Strato in Germany.
Any ideas?
In fact, the problem was solved.
An analysis of the situation and a Google research revealed that in some cases a login was blocked when the request came from countries outside the host country, Germany. This seems to be only true for login to backend requests, not the normal website traffic. Until recently, the blocking was not in effect from Switzerland, now it obviously was.
Solution: I now use a VPN when I want to log into the Joomla backend from Switzerland.

For office365 DNS entries, which one should I use as DNS controller between windows server vs Registrar

I have some trouble to get access from web-based office 365 portals.
When I click any portal except outlook under IE and Firefox(Chrome works fine)
The url keep redirecting and not getting any authorisation.
From what I saw from Chrome development tool network tap, accessing procedure was like getting default.aspx and then authorisation then finally get sharepoint.aspx.
However, I get below on IE 11 and then says as working with blank page.
And same situdation under Firefox.
URL Protocol Method Result Type Received Taken Initiator Wait‎‎ Start‎‎ Request‎‎ Response‎‎ Cache read‎‎ Gap‎‎
/01db4c00-52ae-4bea-878b-ca6011d3195b/oauth2/authorize?client_id=00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000&response_mode=form_post&response_type=code%20id_token&scope=openid&nonce=8A00A8A550646CD9D40114D2F06DA8890DC231BD4956F58F-1BFD836E494F805CD760C6174DB810E59C6F664B05007D9037C290FA9DDAA629&redirect_uri=https:%2F%2Fharbic.sharepoint.com%2F_forms%2Fdefault.aspx&state=0&client-request-id=3f7fee9d-104a-4000-f6b1-d802817e7abd (Pending...) POST (Pending...) (Pending...) 0 B (Pending...) click 717 0 0 0 0 0
So I checked up DNS server from office365 admin console.
And it looked like the picture in the link.
DNS check up from office 365
For general environment in our office, the main dc is in a virtual machine and windows server 2003. IE version in there is 7.
Accessing through IE and Firefox is fine externally but not locally.
Can anyone give me some hint to fix this trouble?

Problem with Security Information Message Pop Up Box

I am having great issues trying to debug a page on a web application used internally on an intranet. When entering the page the "Security Information" Pop Up Box appears. The whole application is running under https.
To try and debug the issue, I have used Fiddler, and looked at the urls for every component, javascript, css, images, and user control components. Everything I have seen from Fiddler shows that the urls start with required https!
So, I am completely confused why this message should be shown - it appears everything the page is posted back.
Does anyone have any idea why this should be happening and/or have another tool that could help me?
I'm pretty sure that what you are seeing is the result of a self-signed certificate. If a certificate you're using isn't trusted by a known certificate authority (Verisign or a similar company) your web browser can't verify that it comes from a trusted source.
Also, look at what the error is saying, because it usually tells you which part of the security verification failed.
