Why is Magento 2 Klarna Client Error resulting in 401 unauthorized response? Updating API credentials didn't work - magento

This is the error:
enter image description here
"client error" 'POST https://api.klarna.com/checkout/v3/orders resulted in a 401 Unauthorizedresponse:
{"http_status_code":401,"http_status_message":"Unauthorized","internal_message":"authorization_error"}. Please check credentials and API version selected.`
I have updated to new api credentials and gone through the api integration in magento backend,
I have re-indexed the site through the terminal,
I have cleared the cache through Magento,
I have cleared the cache on cloudflare too,
I spoke to Klarna support and they said
Klarna Checkout is a legacy product that is only used on a playground account for testing purposes (as it replaces the checkout rather than adds Klarna as an option).
and gave me Klarna integration guides and said I'd need to find out my magento version
Magento 2.4.4 and above:
Magento up to 2.4.3
When I looked at Magento Version it said:
magento version
To which the support person had no idea how to rectify. I since used
magereport and that told me
CE 2.4.2-p1 - 2.4.2-p2
So I tried following the guides to upgrade klarna and that didn't work because
enter image description here
In the meantime I have disabled Klarna because you couldn't actually pay with it in the end. So I'm going to have to reinstall or try again or something and I'm pulling my hair out because no one at work can help me and the client is requesting changes to the website, which I cannot achieve.


Magento 2.3.7-p2 issue with PayPal Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution

I'm new to Magento community. I'm facing an issue with PayPal Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution. Please help me to solve this issue.
First I tested Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution with sandbox credentials, it worked without any issue. Then I changed the sandbox credentials to live credentials. After that whenever I'm trying to checkout using PayPal, instead of asking for card details, it is redirecting me to a PayPal error page(screenshot attached).
I contacted PayPal with the error, as per them, Magento is not sharing data with PayPal, that's why it is throwing error.
I'm not sure what to do now. I need some assistance. Please help me.

Error 503 when logging into Joomla backend?

I receive a constant 503 (Service unavailable) error recently when trying to log into my Joomla account as an administrator.
Joomla version: 4.6.5
PHP version 5.6
No changes were made to my website during the last weeks.
My host is Strato in Germany.
Any ideas?
In fact, the problem was solved.
An analysis of the situation and a Google research revealed that in some cases a login was blocked when the request came from countries outside the host country, Germany. This seems to be only true for login to backend requests, not the normal website traffic. Until recently, the blocking was not in effect from Switzerland, now it obviously was.
Solution: I now use a VPN when I want to log into the Joomla backend from Switzerland.

CCavenue payment gateway not working magento 1.9

I am currently using magento 1.9.3 version. For payment gateway I am using CCAvenue Payment gateway. It successfully installed and now it is visible in my admin panel and front end also but when I select CCAvenue option to complete payment process it is not going on CCAvenue site to process payment.
my site URL is http://bedsheetbazaar.com/
demo user name and password is kumarsonu1986#gmail.com
The first reason may be u have not downloaded the proper extension .Download the extension from Ccavenue site.
Secondly, check the scope of the website in which u have enabled the extension.
I faced a similar problem in one of my project. I contacted the technical of CCavenue and they have given me the updated files once I replaced the old files then it was working properly.

Paypal Express in Magento with agreements

I have a Magento shop where we use Paypal express. During the checkout I select Paypal and get immediately redirected to the Paypal platform where I login and agree the payment. I then get redirected to the Magento shop on the review page where I get an error message to agree all agreements. Which is correct as the box is not agreed. But why an error message and how is it supposed to work correctly?
Please upgrade your Magento system to the latest version 1.9.1 then test again.
Since this error appear when you get redirected back to the Magento site, you should contact the Magento customer service for further informations.

facebook sdk 3 login codeigniter - An error occurred

I'm using codeigniter 2.1.2 and facebook api php sdk 3.1.1 (last versions)
I used the way at this link
that exist at the answer. but when I try to login its worked for me only (when I'm using my facebook account). otherwise when anyone try to log in this message appear:
‏An error occurred with logging in to site. Please try again later.‏
this is the link at my website:
these are my app settings..
You have to add tahainshad.com to the app domains field. Giving the top level domain is enough, facebook will accept redirects to any subdomain of that (like www.).
