CodeIgniter gives 403 access forbidden error while updating a form - codeigniter

I am having a
403 access forbidden
issue when updating any form. Otherwise all the website is working fine.
I have codeigniter as framework & centos 7 is the Operating system. I have checked all the permissions but I'm unable to find the solution.

I was getting crazy with this. After to do a lot of things i found the solution.
Just disable ModSecurity on your Cpanel.
If you don’t have access to this option, contact your host provider and say that you want to disable this option temporarily or forever.


Access to was denied

When I tried to open sendgrid through heroku I get this error:
Access to was deniedYou don't have authorization to view this page.
Does anybody know how to solve this problem?
Seems to be a recurring issue on SendGrid's side.
You can try to log in at via the username and password set in the Heroku config. You probably get an authorizzation error saying to contact SendGrid support. Trying to re-create the addon from the CLI will show User status - banned.
You need to contact support. You can only do that with a registered account though. At this point you might decide to look for a better service. :(
See also this post:

Problems granting permission with google

I'm trying to setup the plugin Post SMTP from wordpress.
I have a G Suite account and everything is ok, until the last step where I need to grant persmission to send the emails. I go to the page where google asks if I'm sure with the page accessing to my emails.
After I click to allow, I've got a 403 error.
Please help
The answer may not be exact for the question asked but I just wanted to send mails from my wordpress website and it worked by adding your From mail address in cPanel Email settings.
Just search Registered Mail IDs in cPanel and add your email addresses in there you want to send mail from.
Most of the post says to modify mod_security or .htaccess file to get your work done but I found such a simple solution, worth a try.
It was the scope at the end of the url that google returns for granting permision, after some research I find my server has a module that doesn't allow this scopes, so you need to turn it off just to do this.

Error 503 when logging into Joomla backend?

I receive a constant 503 (Service unavailable) error recently when trying to log into my Joomla account as an administrator.
Joomla version: 4.6.5
PHP version 5.6
No changes were made to my website during the last weeks.
My host is Strato in Germany.
Any ideas?
In fact, the problem was solved.
An analysis of the situation and a Google research revealed that in some cases a login was blocked when the request came from countries outside the host country, Germany. This seems to be only true for login to backend requests, not the normal website traffic. Until recently, the blocking was not in effect from Switzerland, now it obviously was.
Solution: I now use a VPN when I want to log into the Joomla backend from Switzerland.

Localhost and 403 Forbidden

I'm using Windows 7 64-bit and Mozilla Firefox. Today I was going to buy products from one webshop. After when I told my credit card details on a secured SSL page, I always got an error message "403 Forbidden". In other words, I was forwarded to URL which started with http://localhost:44117/... The webshop owner said that the error was because of my computer, but how is that possible? I have not modified the hosts file of Windows 7.
I encountered a similar address in server log, in Referer field, after a Paytrail transaction.
It's possibly related to a version of F-Secure Internet Security. See and
I don't seem to find any definitive information, though.

facebook sdk 3 login codeigniter - An error occurred

I'm using codeigniter 2.1.2 and facebook api php sdk 3.1.1 (last versions)
I used the way at this link
that exist at the answer. but when I try to login its worked for me only (when I'm using my facebook account). otherwise when anyone try to log in this message appear:
‏An error occurred with logging in to site. Please try again later.‏
this is the link at my website:
these are my app settings..
You have to add to the app domains field. Giving the top level domain is enough, facebook will accept redirects to any subdomain of that (like www.).
