Access to was denied - heroku

When I tried to open sendgrid through heroku I get this error:
Access to was deniedYou don't have authorization to view this page.
Does anybody know how to solve this problem?

Seems to be a recurring issue on SendGrid's side.
You can try to log in at via the username and password set in the Heroku config. You probably get an authorizzation error saying to contact SendGrid support. Trying to re-create the addon from the CLI will show User status - banned.
You need to contact support. You can only do that with a registered account though. At this point you might decide to look for a better service. :(
See also this post:


Google Cloud Run Hosted User Sign-In 'Redirect' Throws Error When Using External Identity Providers

I have a Google Cloud App Engine app that functions correctly when either I allow unauthenticated AllUsers access or turn on IAM for controlling access in Identity Aware Proxy. However when I follow the instructions on this page to enable Cloud Run Hosted sign-in with external identities and attempt to access either the login page or the Google Cloud Run hosted sign-in page, I receive the following error in the browser.
"Could not fetch URI /computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/token?scopes=,"
For context, the Google Cloud Run service hosting the user sign-in is set to allow all Unauthenticated. It should re-direct to the Google App Engine web app. I think this is related to permissions or redirects, but I am at a loss as to how to fix. Any thoughts? Thanks!
I attempted to fix by re-deploying the Cloud Run Service, switching IAP on and off, switching between IAM and external identities, but to no success.
Thanks #John Hanley, I discovered that one my compute engine service account was disabled for some reason within the project. Re-enabling solved the problem partially. I'll spend more time matrix out the permissions and re-directs to make sure they are aligned.
I originally thought I completely answered my own question and solved my problem. Unfortunately, I only solved one of the problems with my implementation of the external identities authentication method.
Description of the other problem:
I enabled email/password and Google as providers, but when I click on the the option to authenticate with Google, I receive the following text in the browser: "The requested action is invalid."
At the Console in Dev Tools I get the following error:
GET*mykey*&cb=1599165379363 403
The following url is displayed in the URL bar:**&v=7.16.0&fw=FirebaseUI-web
mykey and myserver were removed for this post and is not the actual values.
Email/password sign-in works, but not the Google sign-in. What am I missing here?

Can/Should I hide the details of Error 403: org_internal in google login?

I am using Google's login API for a project that needs to be internal to my organization. When I tested to see what happens if I try to login with an account that is not part of that organization, this error showed up:
Error message image on
This error shows the client id provided by my API panel on my developer account.
Is showing that information safe? If not, what could I do to hide it?
Thank you in advance!
The client identifier [1] and everything else on the error page is not considered a secret. The error message has two uses: to lock your app down for internal usage and to allow users to use that information to escalate to you, the developer, or their admin that they need access to a particular app if they have a legitimate need for it. For the latter, it is important for users to be able to identify apps, typically using the client ID.

Problems granting permission with google

I'm trying to setup the plugin Post SMTP from wordpress.
I have a G Suite account and everything is ok, until the last step where I need to grant persmission to send the emails. I go to the page where google asks if I'm sure with the page accessing to my emails.
After I click to allow, I've got a 403 error.
Please help
The answer may not be exact for the question asked but I just wanted to send mails from my wordpress website and it worked by adding your From mail address in cPanel Email settings.
Just search Registered Mail IDs in cPanel and add your email addresses in there you want to send mail from.
Most of the post says to modify mod_security or .htaccess file to get your work done but I found such a simple solution, worth a try.
It was the scope at the end of the url that google returns for granting permision, after some research I find my server has a module that doesn't allow this scopes, so you need to turn it off just to do this.

Problems with authorization on Sonarcloud

Good afternoon. I created an account on sonarcloud via github, but after I changed my username to github, I can not log in to sonarcloud. A message is displayed:
"You're not authorized to access this page. Please contact the administrator.
Reason: You can't sign up because email '*****' is already used by an existing user. This means that you probably already registered with another account."
As said by Fabrice, for the moment the only way to fix this issue is to send a message on to fix this issue.
This issue should be fixed in a cleaner way by

Google Apps SAML error app_not_configured_for_user

I'm trying to enable SAML for our domain so that Google Apps is our idP
Unfortunately we're getting an error which we can't solve.
403. That’s an error.
Error: app_not_configured_for_user
Service is not configured for this user.
Request Details
That’s all we know.
We're building on Laravel 5.2 + the aacotroneo/laravel-saml2 package.
Is anybody familiar with this error?
Just to be sure, SAML is enabled for this user in Google Apps.
I had this problem and it turns out that I had two google apps for work accounts and I had configured the app in the wrong one. As a result, I got this message. Hope this helps.
