facebook sdk 3 login codeigniter - An error occurred - codeigniter

I'm using codeigniter 2.1.2 and facebook api php sdk 3.1.1 (last versions)
I used the way at this link
that exist at the answer. but when I try to login its worked for me only (when I'm using my facebook account). otherwise when anyone try to log in this message appear:
‏An error occurred with logging in to site. Please try again later.‏
this is the link at my website:
these are my app settings..

You have to add tahainshad.com to the app domains field. Giving the top level domain is enough, facebook will accept redirects to any subdomain of that (like www.).


Randomly Error of `[API] Invalid API key or access token (unrecognized login or wrong password)` from Shopify API call

I have created Shopify public App using osiset/laravel-shopify package.
This app is working fine, also app is published on the Shopify App Store.
but recently I got errors of [API] Invalid API key or access token (unrecognized login or wrong password) in each Shopify API call.
Using versions:
"laravel/framework": "^8.12"
"osiset/laravel-shopify": "^17.0",
This is happening for all stores which are using this app.
Temp Solution for me.
whenever API failed & got this error that time we update App from the store by the given URL.
one another option
set an empty password in the user's table in the database.
After doing this App working fine for the next 2-3 days.
after 2-3 days again get these problems & fix them by updating the app from the store.
I'm not sure why & when this happens.
Failure Logs
Response of Failed Shopify Rest API.
thanks for replying
My issue was fixed. (sorry to say this is a code mistake from my side)
I'm passing grant_options[]=per-user while Updating App from the store.
so it's generated Online access & this token is valid for 24 hours.
I must be the use offline-access

laravel 5.5 login via google gives Client error

I was trying to add the google login to my laravel project. but it gives a Client error. Given below is the error i got. I successfully installed the socialite as well.
Client error: `GET https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/me?prettyPrint=false` resulted in a `403 Forbidden` response: {"error":{"errors":[{"domain":"usageLimits","reason":"accessNotConfigured","message":"Project 983930379932 is not found (truncated...)
Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis and enable Google+ api.
Took me 3 hours to find out that Google Cloud does not automatically enable the api for you when you create OAuth service.
Remember you have to register your google app within googles service as well. That error if I remember correctly is simply telling you that you aren't allowed to use google services.
I am not super sure if this steps are up to date, but it shouldn't be that different: https://itsolutionstuff.com/post/laravel-5-google-oauth-authentication-using-socialite-packageexample.html
First Open your Google Console Account from Here : console.developers.google.com
Select your project.
After this you have to click on google+ API detail page.
Now we can enable API.

How to correctly set up development version of Facebook app on localhost for Facebook login?

I have made a Facebook app in Ruby (using Sinatra and Koala), deployed it on Heroku and sat up all the settings and it works that way, but now I have to debug some functionality and for that reason I need to run application from localhost (using foreman start).
I have read somewhere that I should make development version of my app and specify site url to localhost:[port_num] and I have done so.
The problem is when user(me) reach localhost:5000 and application redirects it to Facebook to get permissions (when Facebook login dialog should appears). At that point this error occurs:
App Not Set Up: The developers of this app have not set it up properly for Facebook Login.
I saw this issue but in my development version of app there is no status and review settings and I don't see how to make application alive.
How to set up my app for Facebook Login while it runs on localhost?
What is the proper way to run Facebook app from localhost to get full functionality?
The problem laid in Advanced settings in security section - development app "inherits" settings from base app so in Settings->Advanced->Security->Valid OAuth redirect URIs was initially url of my base app not my localhost:5000 and it causes a problem. One of solutions is to leave this field empty (and leave app open to redirect attacks) or to fill this field with your Site URL.
It seems that development version of an application can't be "alive".
To allow Facebook Login for users of your development app you should register them as testers under Roles tab.

Facebook app and magento multiple stores

I sat up facebook connect extension on my magento store. After filling api key, api secret in magento and config site url in facebook apps, the extension worked perfectly. However, if I switch to another store (with another domain), it won't work anymore. Is there a way to have magento connect to facebook without matching site url?
Here is the extension I got from: http://inchoo.net/ecommerce/magento/facebook-connect-magento-extension/
Please follow this, and use extension it provided. http://inchoo.net/ecommerce/magento/facebook-connect-magento-extension/
It worked for my multistore.

Authentication not working in MVC3

I am working on a Facebook canvas application. I created a sample project using the latest ASP.net MVC3 RC2, and use the exactly same settings as provided in the sample (MVC2). But it's not working. After a user clicks Allow to grant the permission, there are an unending redirects between the site and Facebook. Does anybody have experience on this problem? Any workaround for this issue?
I had the same issue in web forms application. But the error resolved after setting Site URL under Website tab (in facebook app registration settings) to Canvas URL (under facebook integration settings).
The error is solved by the Facebook C# SDK...
