Ads or offers for in-app purchases that are not clearly distinguishable from your app content - google-play

I have a letter from Google Play support that update for my game was rejected because of
Ads or offers for in-app purchases that are not clearly distinguishable from your app content
Does anyone face this rejection?
Since I don't have in-app purchases I believe the reason for me is
Ads are not clearly distinguishable from your app content
Google Play support attach the screen with violation but I have no idea what is the fix they wanted.

Previous variant
Description "Watch video and get reward!" and button with text "Watch"
That was not clear enough from the Google Play Team point of view to support Family Policy and have a rate 3+.
A working variant which was published successfully
Description "Watch video ad and get reward!" and button with text "Watch ad"

I have exactly the same review of my app Nonogram Colors for an update.
Here is the screenshot provided by Google:
I suppose the wording to watch the video ad is not clear enough for the user. Maybe something like "Watch an ad video to get a reward" could fix the issue. I'll try something like this.
Please keep me in touch is you succeeded to update your app.


Can I show subscription plans in my app without IAP

Can I show subscription plans of my audit platform, no prices, only descriptions, in my app, with buttons that navigates to my website, to buy there, without need to use In-App Purchases?
No. even though Google Play is more lenient about this but it is completely prohibited in both platforms Apple App Store & Google Play.
you can see how Spotify handels this in its iOS app
install Spotify App and see how they do not even link to the main website of the service from the app because this is not allowed.
you can only show description and tell people to go to your website without linking to your website.

Why do some reviews can't be viewed in Developer Console?

Recently, I received a 5-star rating for one of my android app but the problem is I can't view it / reply it in my developer console.
Replying on it, fetches me this message:
It happened with me some time back also when someone from Canada reviewed my Yoga app but Google filtered it. I researched this issue that time also but Google didn't responded well on it as to why this happens when you have enabled those countries.
Why does Google don't rank my apps Up if my app gets good ranking but it immediately pulls down my app if I get even one 1-star/2-star rankings. Why is google partial about it. I'm not happy with this. :(
Can anybody give a detailed explanation to this or what are some unexplored Developer Console hacks, that we still don't know?
It is because of their auto filter. Sometimes they will delete your review, then you can't view it in your console. It only happens with positive ratings (they assume that people won't fake negative reviews by default). You can try to edit your review or delete it then review again, then you can view it in your console :)

google console account not showing in play store

Yesterday i have uploaded my App on google play console. Today in the console it showing that my app is published. When i click on "show" in Google Play it shows my app. But:
there is no another app showing in suggestion
as well as when i click on my account in google play it shows that the account not found on google play
The issue is that in google console it also not showing statistics of my app.
This is a link to my App but when click on account NightmareSolution it not found on server
As #Muhammad Babar suggested, you need to wait since it may take some days until you see the app in Google Play Store properly. Please check this link for the list of duplicate questions. When you first publish your application, you need to be patient and wait for Google Play to update and process your application.

Google Games Services works okay, but Russian players can't connect

I have an issue with a few games that I made.
(Don't know if I can give these links, for if not, don't hesitate to moderate).
I use Google Play Games Services for Unity for leaderboards, achievements and saved games and it works fine. But I often get emails or reviews from people from Russia saying that they can't connect to the game and after checking with them, there is no issues with the app.
GPGS do everything correctly but it fails to connect in the end (see screenshot).
Anyone have any idea why this happens?
Thank you for your time.
You may want to check Troubleshooting Issues in Your Android Game.
If you are unable to sign players into your game, first make sure that you have followed the instructions to create your client IDs and configure the games services. If you still encounter sign-in errors, check the following items to make sure that your game is set up correctly.
And, for additional insights, you may also see this GitHub post.
Sounds like this is related to the Play store or Play Services vs. a programming question.
I'd suggest contacting Google Play developer support. On the Play console, click the questionmark (help) icon on the top right and then at the bottom "Contact us".
IMO your games isnt publised for Russian country. Check you google developer console.

Google Apps Marketplace icon missing from App Launcher

We have developed a Google Apps Marketplace app and recently received reports from our users, that the App Launcher ("grid") wouldn't show our app's icon anymore.
This is a screenshot how it looks for my personal Google Apps account when I'm on
And this is a screenshot from my account when I'm on
As you can see, only when I'm on the Google Apps account page, I can see icons of Marketplace apps. But it used to show up anywhere, also on
So Google must have changed something. The question is: can we get it back to the old behaviour?
PS: I know that it's just a link and one could simply bookmark it, but some of our customers are not really 'tech-savvy' and believe our app is 'gone completely' now. This is causing confusion everywhere.
