Why do some reviews can't be viewed in Developer Console? - google-play-console

Recently, I received a 5-star rating for one of my android app but the problem is I can't view it / reply it in my developer console.
Replying on it, fetches me this message:
It happened with me some time back also when someone from Canada reviewed my Yoga app but Google filtered it. I researched this issue that time also but Google didn't responded well on it as to why this happens when you have enabled those countries.
Why does Google don't rank my apps Up if my app gets good ranking but it immediately pulls down my app if I get even one 1-star/2-star rankings. Why is google partial about it. I'm not happy with this. :(
Can anybody give a detailed explanation to this or what are some unexplored Developer Console hacks, that we still don't know?

It is because of their auto filter. Sometimes they will delete your review, then you can't view it in your console. It only happens with positive ratings (they assume that people won't fake negative reviews by default). You can try to edit your review or delete it then review again, then you can view it in your console :)


Apps in my google-play-console are not available in the search after 10K+ downloads

We have an account in the playstore that published more than 50 apps everything works fine but this December something an expectedly changed All our apps are not available in playstore search
I know new Apps aren’t usually come top of the app search but this App isn’t new and has already downloaded 10K+ but it's not showing in the search even if I scroll down to bottom
Most of our apps have more reviews and downloads but I don’t know what’s going on.
Any ideas, please?
after the new Google Play Console surely something updated automatically geolocation.
All our apps are unavailable for 21 countries containing Somalia and Djibouti (a country I live) is part of that unavailable list.
All I do is update the list of Countries/Regions in the production to make apps available to all users
Thank you #Lemon for your comment

Bot Icon Not Updating

I've updated the icon for my bot in the Azure portal about 35 hours ago, but it's still showing the old one for new messages sent from the bot. Surely it should have changed by now? Is there any issue with this currently?
It's correct in the Azure portal in the "Test in Web Chat", but Teams is still showing the old icon, even for new messages.
It's been a few days now, and the image finally changed, but now it's totally corrupted. Is there a way to see what's wrong with my PNG? Is there an issue with the bot framework/Teams of some sort? See images below:
Original Icon (I don't know if SO changes the file in any way, but presumably not)
Update: I've now modified my bot in the Azure portal to use the exact same icon as another bot which is working fine, and it's still broken, so I'm thinking there is an issue with the bot framework/Teams in some way at the moment.
What I've encountered from experience is that when updating the bot's info in "Bot App Registration" such as icon and display name.
You can either wait a couple days and see if it fixes itself.
I've consistently been able to get it to update sooner by logging in and out of Teams as well as closing it.
I have a feeling that it's related to the cache since Teams is built with Electron. Some other post mentioned this and there's no "official" surefire way to do this. Playing with the manifest also does not seem to affect it to update sooner.
Log in and out of Teams, close it. If using web version, clear the cache. Log back in.
Good luck!
Try reinstalling the application on Teams, sometimes it takes time.

Google Games Services works okay, but Russian players can't connect

I have an issue with a few games that I made.
(Don't know if I can give these links, for if not, don't hesitate to moderate).
I use Google Play Games Services for Unity for leaderboards, achievements and saved games and it works fine. But I often get emails or reviews from people from Russia saying that they can't connect to the game and after checking with them, there is no issues with the app.
GPGS do everything correctly but it fails to connect in the end (see screenshot).
Anyone have any idea why this happens?
Thank you for your time.
You may want to check Troubleshooting Issues in Your Android Game.
If you are unable to sign players into your game, first make sure that you have followed the instructions to create your client IDs and configure the games services. If you still encounter sign-in errors, check the following items to make sure that your game is set up correctly.
And, for additional insights, you may also see this GitHub post.
Sounds like this is related to the Play store or Play Services vs. a programming question.
I'd suggest contacting Google Play developer support. On the Play console, click the questionmark (help) icon on the top right and then at the bottom "Contact us".
IMO your games isnt publised for Russian country. Check you google developer console.

Can't find our app in G Suite Marketplace search results

Our app isn't showing up in the G Suite Marketplace search results whenever we search for it by name or via terms we know are in its description.
The direct link to our app's marketplace listing still works but it isn't showing up in the search results at all.
I've checked the manifest file and everything seems to be in order when I compared it to the sample here: https://developers.google.com/apps-marketplace/listing#resources_youll_need
Sidenote: I got in touch with Google Support via chat and even they couldn't point me to where exactly I should get help with this. Posting this here in hopes someone knows of a solution.
As I've read in this post, it appears the app is not allowed to be installed for non admin users so therefore the search results will not show the app. However, your app might take few minutes to several hours appear in search result. Check this Access Marketplace apps support page where it stated that "Most apps are available immediately after deployment. In some cases, there may be a delay of up to 24 hours before the application is displayed." Try to check on the next day and see if it works.

Automatically logged out of all Google services periodically

I'm getting logged out of all Google services a set period after opening the browser or logging in, it's about 20 minutes, maybe less. Occasionally the log in page will automatically redirect to a "clear cache and cookies" help page, however following the instructions on this page changes nothing and a short time later it logs me out again. This is particularly annoying when writing a response to a review on the Google Play Developer Console, because as soon as it detects being logged out it greys the text box so that it's not possible to copy and paste the message and it is not saved as a draft, it has to be written again. It's important to note this happens regardless of the browser being used and regardless of whether or not you are logged in on multiple devices. This is something Google really need to fix. Has anyone else suffered these problems?
It appears I've found a solution, as an Android app developer I always have a bunch of tabs open such as Google Play Developer Console for reviews and statistics and Google Wallet for financial reports. It turns out the problem is related to Google Wallet because if I close this tab, it won't log me out of all Google services. It appears this is a bug with the Google Wallet service. So to clarify this is a bug with Google Wallet, so if you're experiencing this problem like me, always close this tab after viewing the reports (the one launched from the Play console under financial reports).
