google console account not showing in play store - google-play

Yesterday i have uploaded my App on google play console. Today in the console it showing that my app is published. When i click on "show" in Google Play it shows my app. But:
there is no another app showing in suggestion
as well as when i click on my account in google play it shows that the account not found on google play
The issue is that in google console it also not showing statistics of my app.
This is a link to my App but when click on account NightmareSolution it not found on server

As #Muhammad Babar suggested, you need to wait since it may take some days until you see the app in Google Play Store properly. Please check this link for the list of duplicate questions. When you first publish your application, you need to be patient and wait for Google Play to update and process your application.


Can’t change developer website in Google Play Store

Dose anyone know how the edit/remove my developer website in the new google play console? the ‎new console doesn’t have a website field in the account details anymore, there is no way to change ‎the URL I provided when I first created my developer ‎account, the new Google Play console only ‎allows me to change the website of the developer page.‎
I need to change my developer website that I provided when I first created my developer ‎account ‎‎“” because it’s currently owned by someone else who is redirect it to a gambling website ‎which prevents me from updating any of my apps.‎
I tried to find out who registered my old domain, and I find out the new owner registered it from a ‎Chinese company called Xin Net Technology, I thing they are famous for supporting spammers. ‎
I even thought about transferring all my apps to a new developer account, but the documentation ‎states that the original account and all the apps need to comply with all policy guidelines before ‎transferring anything, which solves nothing.‎
It worth to mention that few of my old removed apps by me used to link to, but the ‎email I get says the problem is in the developer website, I guess that means it’s the account website ‎itself not any of my old removed apps.‎
So, dose anyone faced a similar problem or know how you change the developer website?‎
I had a similar problem when trying to add developer website for adding app-ads.txt file. It seems that they changed its place in new Google Play Console. And developer page menu is confusing developers. Adding my website to developer page didn't work.
So here it is in new Play Console : When you choose a specific app in Google Play Console, click Store Settings on the left panel. You'll see Store Listing Contact Details and there you'll find a box for website.
The developer website can be modified from the Play Console. Go to menu Settings > Developer account > Developer page then you'll see an optional field Website address.
When you update this field, it may take a few days to be reflected in the Play Store.

Is Google play console logs offline crashes when back to online

I published my mobile app in Google play console recently. Regarding crash logs in Android vitals I'm doing bit investigation on it and I have some doubts,
Is Google play console capable of log offline crashes when device back to online ?
I could see the crashes updated in Google Play console even I'm working in development apk with my real mobile device, How Google Play console logs the crashes occured it local apk, it is only for the apps downloaded from Google Play store right ?
Please anyone clarify my above questions since I'm new to mobile app development area
Yes, Google will collect crashes even when they occur offline.
Google will collect crashes even if the app is not installed via Play Store. You can however filter those crashes in the Play Console directly by adding the filter "Installed from Google Play":

How not to Get discovered on Google Play search

I want to put my app on google play store but not open to search. I just want to use play store link to give anyone I want. I don't want my app to be listed on any search on play store.
I think you can use the Alpha/Beta program: googleplay support
In general it works as following:
Create an App
Log into the Developer Console and upload an APK. No need to publish it yet.
Check out the ‘Beta’ tab now, which should show this handy message:
Using your developer account (it must be the primary google developer account), create a Google+ Community.
Add your Community to the list of testers by clicking “Manage list of testers” and pasting the Community’s url.
Click again on “Manage list of testers” and there you will find a URL to share with your Community.

Google Apps Marketplace icon missing from App Launcher

We have developed a Google Apps Marketplace app and recently received reports from our users, that the App Launcher ("grid") wouldn't show our app's icon anymore.
This is a screenshot how it looks for my personal Google Apps account when I'm on
And this is a screenshot from my account when I'm on
As you can see, only when I'm on the Google Apps account page, I can see icons of Marketplace apps. But it used to show up anywhere, also on
So Google must have changed something. The question is: can we get it back to the old behaviour?
PS: I know that it's just a link and one could simply bookmark it, but some of our customers are not really 'tech-savvy' and believe our app is 'gone completely' now. This is causing confusion everywhere.

Google Play Testing Link Redirected to Application in Production

I am trying to update an application from the Google Play Console. The new version of the apk is uploaded as a beta test and I have obtained a link to download the beta test app. However, the link just redirects me to the Google Play where the current version of the app is shown.
Is there something wrong with my operations?? The testing link is obtained in the beta test page tab, from the link in "Beta testers" box. Does anyone know how I can obtain a link to the beta test app rather than the currently published version??? Many Thanks!!
You need to be registered as a member of a Google + or Google Group that is designated for Beta or Alpha testing by the Developer. If you are not registered, you will only be able to download the production app from Google Play, NOT the Beta or Alpha version of the app from Google Play.
Having the "link" won't be sufficient, you need to opt-in to the beta or alpha via Google + or Google Group.
Please note that even if you properly opt-in via Google + or Google Groups as defined by the developer, you will need to wait several hours (perhaps 2-8 hours) for your status to propagate via Google Play.
So, perhaps you need to wait 2-8 hours even if your Beta/Alpha status is proper?
Hope this helps!
