Magento 2.3.7-p2 issue with PayPal Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution - magento

I'm new to Magento community. I'm facing an issue with PayPal Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution. Please help me to solve this issue.
First I tested Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution with sandbox credentials, it worked without any issue. Then I changed the sandbox credentials to live credentials. After that whenever I'm trying to checkout using PayPal, instead of asking for card details, it is redirecting me to a PayPal error page(screenshot attached).
I contacted PayPal with the error, as per them, Magento is not sharing data with PayPal, that's why it is throwing error.
I'm not sure what to do now. I need some assistance. Please help me.


Why is Magento 2 Klarna Client Error resulting in 401 unauthorized response? Updating API credentials didn't work

This is the error:
enter image description here
"client error" 'POST resulted in a 401 Unauthorizedresponse:
{"http_status_code":401,"http_status_message":"Unauthorized","internal_message":"authorization_error"}. Please check credentials and API version selected.`
I have updated to new api credentials and gone through the api integration in magento backend,
I have re-indexed the site through the terminal,
I have cleared the cache through Magento,
I have cleared the cache on cloudflare too,
I spoke to Klarna support and they said
Klarna Checkout is a legacy product that is only used on a playground account for testing purposes (as it replaces the checkout rather than adds Klarna as an option).
and gave me Klarna integration guides and said I'd need to find out my magento version
Magento 2.4.4 and above:
Magento up to 2.4.3
When I looked at Magento Version it said:
magento version
To which the support person had no idea how to rectify. I since used
magereport and that told me
CE 2.4.2-p1 - 2.4.2-p2
So I tried following the guides to upgrade klarna and that didn't work because
enter image description here
In the meantime I have disabled Klarna because you couldn't actually pay with it in the end. So I'm going to have to reinstall or try again or something and I'm pulling my hair out because no one at work can help me and the client is requesting changes to the website, which I cannot achieve.

Error with Paypal Express in Chrome with shipping

I am running Magento 1.9.3. CE. I have a strange problem but only in Chrome browser and only when using Guest checkout. I have PayPal Pro with Paypal Express included.
If my item has shipping and choose Paypal Express at checkout, I get the paypal login and try to login but then I get the error message from paypal "We’re Sorry. Things don’t appear to be working at the moment."
If I try to checkout the same way but with an item with free shipping there is no problem at all. As mentioned this only happens in chrome (I have V65) and for guest checkout.
Any help greatly appreciated.
I didnt edit any code just setup via Magento admin. Here is a screenshot.
magento admin

CCavenue payment gateway not working magento 1.9

I am currently using magento 1.9.3 version. For payment gateway I am using CCAvenue Payment gateway. It successfully installed and now it is visible in my admin panel and front end also but when I select CCAvenue option to complete payment process it is not going on CCAvenue site to process payment.
my site URL is
demo user name and password is
The first reason may be u have not downloaded the proper extension .Download the extension from Ccavenue site.
Secondly, check the scope of the website in which u have enabled the extension.
I faced a similar problem in one of my project. I contacted the technical of CCavenue and they have given me the updated files once I replaced the old files then it was working properly.

payment module not working in magento

I have a magento store, and it's payment module is not working. I can add my shipping method, but after submitting shipping method,
it won't proceed to payment mode,
I have enabled cash on delivery. and
I have an amazon payment extension also. When I checked in console,
there shows some error, That is client ID is invalid in amazon, But
the extension is disabled
, still it causing problem, i think so,
Checkout with Multiple Addresses is working without any problem.
Can any one please help me, this is my website link please check
You took the client ID that was given to you by wizard. I ran into the same problem.
Go to your Amazon SellerCenter Account.
Then from Top right drop-down list select Login with Amazon.
From right side select the Application you want the information for.
Under Web Settings take the Client ID.

FB connect and magento

As a novice developer at best, I have been tasked with implementing Facebook connect with my Magento website. I have read extensively online and don't find much help with my problem, and I see many people have the same issue so perhaps everyone can learn.
I inserted the SDK script into my header, set up my channel, and my Facebook app. Everything seems to work nicely right now, however I am lost on converting the Facebook login into an actual Magento login. I understand that my code speaks with Facebook and authorizes my website, But I don't understand how to pull user permissions into my Magento database and store the information. Currently you click the "Login with Facebook" button, it pops up asking for the permissions. I don't know how to save this information to my database and allow the user to connect and login successfully.
I think I may need to add some more code somewhere telling Magento how to store this information?
Any advice or links would be greatly appreciated.
You can use free extension Facebook Connect and Like Free from BelVG company.
