Paypal Express in Magento with agreements - magento

I have a Magento shop where we use Paypal express. During the checkout I select Paypal and get immediately redirected to the Paypal platform where I login and agree the payment. I then get redirected to the Magento shop on the review page where I get an error message to agree all agreements. Which is correct as the box is not agreed. But why an error message and how is it supposed to work correctly?

Please upgrade your Magento system to the latest version 1.9.1 then test again.
Since this error appear when you get redirected back to the Magento site, you should contact the Magento customer service for further informations.


Error with Paypal Express in Chrome with shipping

I am running Magento 1.9.3. CE. I have a strange problem but only in Chrome browser and only when using Guest checkout. I have PayPal Pro with Paypal Express included.
If my item has shipping and choose Paypal Express at checkout, I get the paypal login and try to login but then I get the error message from paypal "We’re Sorry. Things don’t appear to be working at the moment."
If I try to checkout the same way but with an item with free shipping there is no problem at all. As mentioned this only happens in chrome (I have V65) and for guest checkout.
Any help greatly appreciated.
I didnt edit any code just setup via Magento admin. Here is a screenshot.
magento admin

Magento Paypal redirect to Cart Page

I have two questions
I have a website in magento. I am using paypal for payment gateway. In checkout page paypal redirect to cart page. I just googled and found some solutions but none worked. Here I am using Mexico paypal extension also.
In admin while entering the sandbox box details to paypal like API username and password and etc, finally clicks on save config values are not updating. showing default values like some *********
Please any one help me?

Paypal Express Checkout payment method missing in magento frontend

I have installed magento and I've enabled paypal express checkout, but it never shows as a payment method in the checkout process of magento.
I've tested enabling other payment methods, such as credit card payment, check, and they all work only if paypal express checkout is disabled. When I enable paypal express checkout, all payment methods disappear from the chekout process. There's just a step whitout options.
I've ruled out problems with my theme, since this behaviour is the same with the default magento theme.
I've been dealing with this problem for days and nothing has worked.
Thanks for your help

magento working of paypal express checkout

i was wondering how paypal Ecc works in magento.
When i see the source of the checkout page in magento cart,i do not see a form to send the request to the paypal.
COuld some explain me how it works in magento?
The button on cart page links to the url "STORE.DOMAIN/paypal/express/start/" which is ultimately handled by startAction() method in app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/Controller/Express/Abstract.php. This simply builds a parametrised URL to paypal's servers and redirects the user there.

Magento Paypal Express having issues with Downloadable Products

Just like to send a thanks out in advance for the help.
I have successfully setup a downloadable product with the option of filling out the URL in the Downloadable Information section. I have also successfully integrated the Paypal Express payment option. I can also successfully add the product to my cart, checkout and pay through Paypal Express from the link on my cart. I also am receiving the order email successfully. The problem comes once the download link is clicked, Magento tries to process and download but re-directs to the account login screen.
Here are a few notes:
Guest checkout for downloadable products is enabled.
System->Configuration->Catalog->Downloadable Product Information-> Order Item Status - Set to Pending (I am thinking this is the problem due to the fact that I can't change it to Complete) If you agree, please advise on the best way to accomplish this.
All orders are showing as Complete and PayPal is successfully capturing the monies.
Again, thanks in advance.
Set the Order Item Status to enable Downloads to Invoiced and this fixed the issue for me
There appears to be a bug with Magento 1.4.x that does not allow user account registration at the checkout process. You can select register, walk through the checkout, and you'll get paid and it will all look successful and everything, but Magento will fail to create the customer account, thus making it impossible for the users to download their product.
It totally sucks. I have a store that is useless until I can figure out how to get this fixed, as I only use the express checkout method, and all my products are downloadable.
