Can not open/edit events in Kendo Scheduler on a mobile device - kendo-ui

For example in this demo:
On a desktop browser, clicking on the event opens an editor. On a mobile touch device, tapping on the event does nothing. This repros also when running Chrome device emulation as iPhone.
Telerik claims that this works here:
so I don't understand how they can make that claim.
Can someone please confirm that this does not work, or if I'm doing something wrong? I am just evaluating their product at this stage, so I do not have paid support subscription required to reply on that forum thread.

I figured out the answer to my question. On mobile devices, the scheduler needs to be configured for mobile using mobile:"phone" or mobile:"tablet", as well as instantiate a
Here's an example:


Skipping confirmation popup or overriding for Bluetooth Device pair in windows from UWP app?

While connecting to any Bluetooth device, a yes/no popup appears from windows.
From app, is there any way to programmatically skip this yes/no popup?
Checked few documentation.
After talking with some Bluetooth guys, it seems that you need to use custom pairing in your scenario. This feature enables creating your own user interface to interact with the user as needed.
The sample code you could refer here:

Microsoft Teams bot messaging extension: invoke/selectItem not working as expected

So we are currently building a bot / app for Microsoft Teams and have based our query/search messaging extension on this code sample:
This works fine on the desktop client of Teams when we post a NEW conversation (selectItem is invoked correctly). When using this for a reply however, after selecting the entry, the reply area just closes and does not render any card... Also, on Teams mobile (latest Android version), selectItem is never called. There is a button to expand the card but it's not working..
I could live with mobile not working as expected, though having it this broken in replies is making the selectItem basically useless..
This is a known issue. We already have a bug on this which is being tracked. Thanks!!

Android Wear System Alert Window Permission

How to ask for system alert window permission on Android Wear? I am able to achieve the SYSTEM ALERT WINDOW for mobile but on the wearable device same code is not working for me. If any example of SYSTEM ALERT WINDOW for wearable would help me a lot.
This is a duplicate of Requesting permissions on Android wear, but SO won't let me mark it as such because the OP didn't accept my answer there.
The summary is that it's not possible to request this permission on Android Wear 1.x, but it is on Wear 2 (currently in beta and slated for release in early 2017).
In addition to #String's answer, you might want to use requestPermissions() method. Please note, these permissions must be requested in your manifest.
And, as mentioned in Permissions for Services,
only an activity can call the requestPermissions() method, so if the user interacts with your app via a service, for example a watch face, the service must open a background activity before requesting the permission.
You can gain additional insights from the solutions given in this SO post and from the sample code shown in this GitHub post.

How to create a desktop notifications for your web application?

I've tried searching and surprisingly I couldn't find anything on this. I have seen a few web apps that have desktop applications. For instance in gmail you can go into the settings and enable desktop notifications and get an alert even if you don't have the browser open at all. Also, there is an app called "slack" that I have been playing around with and I somehow got desktop notifications enabled. Also, google hangouts gives me notifications every once in a while. I don't know if this is a google chrome thing, or if it is a mac specific thing. Does anyone have any idea how these apps are posting these notifications?
Is it a browser specific thing? A platform specific thing? Did I download some type of desktop app that I have forgotten about that is enabling these apps to do this? Has anyone else created a desktop alert for their web app and how did you do it?
A similar question asked -
Chrome Desktop Notification.
From a front-end standpoint, there is EventSource for this, though you could also use websockets or polling (checking every few minutes/seconds).
Event Source and Server-Sent Events.

how to make Ad View not interfere with my Page controls?

while my phone acquires a wifi network for loading ads(Google Admob), the controls(image) of my page gets unresponsive.
i am not doing anything apart from using this code in my .xaml?
<google:BannerAd AdUnitID="MyAdUnitId" Name="AdControl">
How can i fix this?
You can't.
Google admob for Windows Phone is buggy and it seems they don't care.
I stop using it in favor of other better implemented ad network controls.
Don't bother trying to post on AdMob forums, they auto-delete any post containing the words admob and windows phone.
