Android Wear System Alert Window Permission - wear-os

How to ask for system alert window permission on Android Wear? I am able to achieve the SYSTEM ALERT WINDOW for mobile but on the wearable device same code is not working for me. If any example of SYSTEM ALERT WINDOW for wearable would help me a lot.

This is a duplicate of Requesting permissions on Android wear, but SO won't let me mark it as such because the OP didn't accept my answer there.
The summary is that it's not possible to request this permission on Android Wear 1.x, but it is on Wear 2 (currently in beta and slated for release in early 2017).

In addition to #String's answer, you might want to use requestPermissions() method. Please note, these permissions must be requested in your manifest.
And, as mentioned in Permissions for Services,
only an activity can call the requestPermissions() method, so if the user interacts with your app via a service, for example a watch face, the service must open a background activity before requesting the permission.
You can gain additional insights from the solutions given in this SO post and from the sample code shown in this GitHub post.


How do I sync a Slack workspace from mobile to desktop?

I was added to a Slack workspace by a coworker. I must've accepted something on the mobile app because I have access to the workspace there. Somehow, the desktop app never reflected this change and shows no sign of knowing about the workspace. I attempted to solve this problem by inviting myself to the workspace from the mobile app and accepting the invite link on the desktop app. I now have access to the workspace on the desktop app, but no direct messages have been carried over. (My desktop is Debian and mobile is iOS, if that makes any difference.)
I can't find any discussion about this on the Slack website or through a DuckDuckGo search... Does anyone know how to sync Slack from mobile to desktop? I will greatly appreciate any suggestions or direction. Thank you in advance!
This is not possible and despite the fact that this question was raised as soon people had two devices, Slack never agreed to address it.
On desktop I have no less than 15 workspaces.
A workaround that just worked for me was signing out of the desktop app and signing again. That allowed me see all the workspaces I was already in.
Here's a workaround (it is not ideal so I'm still searching for a better solution):
From the channel(s) I wanted to sync, on the mobile app, I added myself and now I have access to those channels on the desktop app. Unfortunately, I show up as two members with the same name...
I know this is an old thread, but I was struggling just now with the opposite problem: there was a Slack workspace that I could see in my computer but not in my mobile app. I write here how I solved it in case someone faces the same problem in the future.
In my case, it turned out that the problem was that I was using different email addresses for the different workspaces (either my professional or personal email), and I had pending to verify one of the addresses.
To solve it I:
Opened the Home menu by either sweeping right of tapping on the icon of the workspace I was in at that time
Went to Add a workspace
Saw that there was one email pending to confirm, so I confirmed it and immediately saw the missing workspace in my home menu together with the rest

Xamarin auto permissions grantee without permission dialog

When we download Whatsapp, it automatically guarantees the permissions itself without showing us the permission dialog. How can I do this in Xamarin? my platform is Android.
Perhaps if your device is rooted this could be possible. Otherwise, the answer is no.
Ever since API 23 (Android 6 Marshmallow), App permissions have been a thing. If your App targets API 23 or higher, this is something you have to support and ask for whenever you do something that is marked "dangerous". These are permissions for stuff that could involve personal information about the user of the device. You can read more about permission levels in the official Android docs.

how mac App get notification when user shake mouse(cursor become larger) in 10.11

when in 10.11, a new feature is brought: user can shake mouse to find cursor(cursor become larger).
my mac app want to get notify when user does this.
is there a way or any clue?
Apple engineers have reviewed my request and have concluded that there is no supported way to achieve the desired functionality given the currently shipping system configurations. Application's can not be notified when the user activates the cursor location assistance feature.

Is it possible to get an app to open up when entering a beacon region / within range of a beacon/ibeacon

I'm exploring the end user experience for a beacon prototype but I'm struggling to find any end-user scenarios that involve the app becoming active / opening up on the screen when within range.
I can get the app to send a notification and this is the most likely experience on both Android and iOS but does anyone know if it is possible to get the app to open up?
It's unlikely that I'd want real customers to have their experience interfered with in this way, I think it's ok if the app is already running and is open but not if it's running but not open.
On Android this is possible. The reference app for the Android Beacon Library demonstrates how to do exactly this.
On iOS, it is not possible due to OS security restrictions. See here for details. The best you can do is send a local notification to the user when the beacon is detected, then if the user gestures to it, bring up the app.

Can not open/edit events in Kendo Scheduler on a mobile device

For example in this demo:
On a desktop browser, clicking on the event opens an editor. On a mobile touch device, tapping on the event does nothing. This repros also when running Chrome device emulation as iPhone.
Telerik claims that this works here:
so I don't understand how they can make that claim.
Can someone please confirm that this does not work, or if I'm doing something wrong? I am just evaluating their product at this stage, so I do not have paid support subscription required to reply on that forum thread.
I figured out the answer to my question. On mobile devices, the scheduler needs to be configured for mobile using mobile:"phone" or mobile:"tablet", as well as instantiate a
Here's an example:
