Skipping confirmation popup or overriding for Bluetooth Device pair in windows from UWP app? - windows

While connecting to any Bluetooth device, a yes/no popup appears from windows.
From app, is there any way to programmatically skip this yes/no popup?
Checked few documentation.

After talking with some Bluetooth guys, it seems that you need to use custom pairing in your scenario. This feature enables creating your own user interface to interact with the user as needed.
The sample code you could refer here:


how to create Kindle fire device in geny motion?

Hi I want to create device for kindle fire tab using 'Genymotion' but can't see any device for that so can any one help me.
Currently i know, there is no Amazon device available on Genymotion pre-configured device list. You need use a Generic Device to test :(
I believe that, further informations or requests can submitted right at

How can I make my tile open up the wireless toggle menu?

As a small test app I want to create a app that creates tiles for wifi, bluetooth.
By clicking one of these tiles its windows phone menu should open? There are alot of these apps in the marketplace, but how do they bypass their own app?
Use ConnectionSettingsTask and fire it automatically after launching your app. You can choose which Connection Setting will be opened using ConnectionSettingsType enumeration.

Switching flight mode programmatically

Is there any way switch on/off flight mode programmatically in Windows Phone 7.5. What I want to do is create background task which will be check time and switch on/off flight mode.
Thanks in advance.
No, this functionality is not available.
It was a design principle behind the platform that applications should not be able to do things without the user knowing it.
If such functionality was available then it would be possible for an app (either deliberately or accidentally-though a bug) to get the devices state in a setting other than what they user may expect. In such a scenario users will typically blaim the phone/platform for what has happened, not a misbehaving application.
Though you cannot programatically do it (as others have mentioned), you can send the user directly to the proper page in the settings panel and allow them to do it. Here's an example of using the ConnectionsSettingsTask:
You would want to set the ConnectionSettingsType property:
To 'AirplaneMode'.

How to detect if a windows app is Tablet PC "Aware"

Does anyone know how I can determine if an application is able to accept Tablet PC input? i.e. some kind of hittest or windows message that I can send it?
The Tablet PC Input Panel (which as of Vista is available even on non-tablets other than the basic editions) will send input using the Text Services Framework (TSF) to an application that supports it. Otherwise it will send normal input messages to the application which basically means a bunch of simulated keyboard events.
I suspect you are trying to determine whether or not an application supports TSF which provides a much more integrated experience such as bidirectional correction interface, information about the current selection, context hints, etc.
I don't know if this is reliable but if the control in question is a rich edit, you could try the EM_GETEDITSTYLE message which has a SES_USECTF flag in the return value that indicates whether or not TSF is turned on for that control. But for standard edit controls I'm not so sure. This article on MSDN goes into much more detail about using the text services framework and is probably more than you care to implement.

Can not open/edit events in Kendo Scheduler on a mobile device

For example in this demo:
On a desktop browser, clicking on the event opens an editor. On a mobile touch device, tapping on the event does nothing. This repros also when running Chrome device emulation as iPhone.
Telerik claims that this works here:
so I don't understand how they can make that claim.
Can someone please confirm that this does not work, or if I'm doing something wrong? I am just evaluating their product at this stage, so I do not have paid support subscription required to reply on that forum thread.
I figured out the answer to my question. On mobile devices, the scheduler needs to be configured for mobile using mobile:"phone" or mobile:"tablet", as well as instantiate a
Here's an example:
