How to install couchDB on a media temple server? - installation

The biggest issues im running into starting a project with CouchDB is the nightmare involved in getting it up and running.
Any tips for getting couchDB up on a media temple server or any server really?

I am not entirely sure what a media template server is but I think it is a pretty standard Linux server (centos?). The best option at the moment is to compile CouchDB from the latest source in SVN.
You will need to log onto your server using ssh then follow the instructions at:
I know this says it is for RHEL5 but will work exactly the same for a recent version of Centos. If you need instructions for a different os try:

The "Install" link above does not work anymore.
However - successfully installed CouchDB on MediaTemple and 1und1 following step1 here:
When you are in a virtual host environment:
Make sure you provide the path to your vhost in /etc/couchdb/local.ini
It is described in the .ini file.

MediaTemple uses a modified version of CentOS. But don't try the official RHEL documentation to install - It is broken because the Spidermonkey libs wont work.
Try this. I just intalled Couch on MediaTemple 10 minutes ago -
Install CouchDB on CentOS


#Ubuntu Install .net core 5 framework

I installed .net6 but i need to have installed .net5
So, I removed .net6 and I installed .net5.
Now, when I run 'dotnet build' command I have the error:
A fatal error occurred. The folder [/usr/lib/dotnet/dotnet6-6.0.108/host/fxr] does not exist
Do you have some idea to help me, please.
.NET 5 has reached its End of Life. If you are using it, you are on your own; don't expect any fixes for security issues that discovered every few weeks.
Anyway, sounds like you are using Ubuntu 22.04.
If so, you are out of luck. There's no simple way to install or run .NET 5 there. .NET 5 needs OpenSSL 1.0 or 1.1. Ubuntu 22.04 only has OpenSSL 3.0. Even if you install and manage to run .NET 5, it wont work and you will get OpenSSL errors.
Your best course of action is to install an older version of Ubuntu, such as 20.04.
Your specific error in this case is quite unrelated to above, though. Your error is because you seem to have installed some packages from Ubuntu's package repository and some packages from Microsoft's package repository. See for details. In particular you want to follow the steps in "Mixed state scenario 2: Use PMC packages after installing native Jammy packages". But that's not needed on Ubuntu 20.04 or similar OS that you need to make .NET 5 work at all.

Websphere application server on Bluemix — install APAR fix

How can I install an APAR fix (temp fix) to the WAS on Bluemix?
Is there any documentation to teach me how to do it?
I cannot find the installation manager in the Linux OS, but even if I have it, how would I install the fix using ssh mode?
You should be able to find the Installation Manager in the /home/virtuser/IBM/InstallationManager directory [1]. Any fixes must be installed as virtuser. Once you're in the appropriate IM directory, it should be business as usual for using the imcl install command. The link below should reference additional IM documentation.

Run mongo 3.2.4 with --ssl parameter under Windows

I've downloaded MongoDB Community Edition for Windows from (Windows 64-bit 2008 R2+), and website says that this version has SSL support (there are alerts on other versions that say they haven't). I'm running Windows 10. From what I've understood, SSL is build in by default from version 3.0, and I'm running with an Ubuntu server a mongod Community Edition instance (64bit, 3.0.10) installed from repository that use SSL.
When I try to run mongo.exe on local Windows machine with --ssl parameter it says:
Error parsing command line: unrecognised option '--ssl'
and others tools say that it doesn't support ssl.
I'm sure that on a previous setup I was running a 3.0.x mongo instance with SSL support on windows, I've tried also to install older versions, but nothing works.
My questions: are 3.0 and 3.2 community edition branches (still) compiled with SSL support on Windows, and if yes, why they doesn't work on my current setup? I'm sure they worked on previous one, may be a configuration problem?
Not sure why the Downloads page links to the Non SSL bundle. The Official Help page indicates the installer file name is mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-ssl-3.2.4-signed.msi which is not the same as the one downloaded via Downloads page (mongodb-win32-x86_64-3.2.4-signed.msi). Get the SSL enabled installer from

Version error when installing docker toolbox on OSX

I'm new to docker and have been following the guide, trying to install the toolbox version v1.10.0-rc1. All seems to have gone well until I try the hello-world example and then I get:
Error response from daemon: client is newer than server (client API
version: 1.22, server API version: 1.21)
I see there is much online about similar errors, however all attempts so far have failed, and being unfamiliar with docker, the suggested solutions are somewhat cryptic.
Has any had a similar issue and found a solution?
Many thanks
Docker tool box is being used in old mac and or windows system.
today there are differnt approaches to install docker on your mac.
In case your mac isn't that old try install it from here

Getting VLC on Heroku?

I need to be able to stream media from a heroku server. To do this I have had pretty good success using VLC on my dev system. Now I am "ready" to deploy it to heroku, but am unsure how about how to install VLC on heroku. Is this doable? If so, what are the steps? For which OS of VLC would I download?
It looks like this is possible with Bindle:
From the article:
Running binaries on heroku is possible if they are in the bin/ directory of your app. This is not officially supported, so use at your own risk. Heroku runs on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64bit, so you’ll want to download it to compile your program on a VM. Install Ubuntu as normal, then download the source code for the program you are interested in.
If the program has dependencies that are not standard on Ubuntu you'll need to compile them to be statically linked as described in the article.
