Version error when installing docker toolbox on OSX - macos

I'm new to docker and have been following the guide, trying to install the toolbox version v1.10.0-rc1. All seems to have gone well until I try the hello-world example and then I get:
Error response from daemon: client is newer than server (client API
version: 1.22, server API version: 1.21)
I see there is much online about similar errors, however all attempts so far have failed, and being unfamiliar with docker, the suggested solutions are somewhat cryptic.
Has any had a similar issue and found a solution?
Many thanks

Docker tool box is being used in old mac and or windows system.
today there are differnt approaches to install docker on your mac.
In case your mac isn't that old try install it from here


google-cloud-sdk not found after upgrading to macOS Catalina

I am encountering the following messages after upgrading to macOS Catalina on my terminal whenever I start up a new terminal:
/Users/<myname>/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/ = not found
/Users/<myname>/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/ command not found: complete
/Users/<myname>/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/ command not found: complete
/Users/<myname>/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/ command not found: complete
I have re-run the ./ command and gcloud commands work fine. How do I remove the above messages, or is there something else that is still missing?
Upgraded to macOS 10.15.4 and installed google-cloud-sdk is from here, the macOS 64-bit version.
I solved the same issue by following the instruction: Simply, change the into in ~/.bash_profile, same as the
This seems to be an issue with the fact that Cloud SDK is assuming that you are using bash while Catalina now uses Zsh by default as mentioned here. You may be able to remove the error by changing to bash by following the instructions over the link I shared, however, I can not test this out at the moment.
I also recommend you to report this issue to Google directly over at their issue reporting page so it can be reviewed and corrected if possible.
Additionally, make sure that you are using the latest Cloud SDK version by running the gcloud components update so that you can better report this on the issue.
I hope you find this information useful.

Installing Jenkins on MAC OS X El Capitan

This is probably a stupid question but I can't get Jenkins installed on my MAC. I've searched the web and tried various different tutorials but it does not seem to work for me. Moreover it seems that nobody experiences the same problem. I've downloaded the Jenkins Installer from here. After running the installation process, the script tries to connect to http://localhost:8080 but I get the error message that the browser cannot connect to the server. Can anyone help me with this?
And again the solution was quite simple. The connection problem arises when you either don't or you have Java < 1.7 installed. What I did:
deleted my previous Jenkins installation by running /Library/Application\ Support/Jenkins/Uninstall.command
installed JDK 8 (OS X 64bit) from here
reinstalled MAC Jenkins from here
Works fine!

Getting Google App to work

I've followed all the steps here successfully up to step 5.3. When I try to start the server: appengine-try-python-flask
I get the following output:
-bash: command not found
I'm on a Mac running OS X 10.10. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
I'm running Python 2.7.6.
It seems like you didn't correctly add the dev_appserver (and other GAE tools) to the bash.
Did you restart your shell(s) to pick up the new environment changes?
If you did and the problem still persists, you can try downloading manually the GAE SDK.
After that, open the GoogleAppEngineLauncher, and just click OK on 'Make command symlinks'. This will solve your issue.
It's all easily explained in the official documentation:
Download and Install the Google App Engine SDK

Trying to Run middleman on mac

Answering my own question for anyone else having this issue. (using the search terms i thought of because they didn't bring up the answers for me).
Trying to install and run middleman following the getting started guide on their website with Mac OS X 10.9.2. When trying to run bundle install getting errors about openSSL and event machine.
Gist of Errors.
Refrence to an answer that someone on IRC helped me find.
Aparently this is caused by a mismatch in expected versions with something called Clang which is part of the Xcode tools for mac. The update to Xcode tools causes this to fail. Using the command:
ARCHFLAGS=-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future bundle install
seems to work to resolve this issue.

How to install couchDB on a media temple server?

The biggest issues im running into starting a project with CouchDB is the nightmare involved in getting it up and running.
Any tips for getting couchDB up on a media temple server or any server really?
I am not entirely sure what a media template server is but I think it is a pretty standard Linux server (centos?). The best option at the moment is to compile CouchDB from the latest source in SVN.
You will need to log onto your server using ssh then follow the instructions at:
I know this says it is for RHEL5 but will work exactly the same for a recent version of Centos. If you need instructions for a different os try:
The "Install" link above does not work anymore.
However - successfully installed CouchDB on MediaTemple and 1und1 following step1 here:
When you are in a virtual host environment:
Make sure you provide the path to your vhost in /etc/couchdb/local.ini
It is described in the .ini file.
MediaTemple uses a modified version of CentOS. But don't try the official RHEL documentation to install - It is broken because the Spidermonkey libs wont work.
Try this. I just intalled Couch on MediaTemple 10 minutes ago -
Install CouchDB on CentOS
