Run mongo 3.2.4 with --ssl parameter under Windows - windows

I've downloaded MongoDB Community Edition for Windows from (Windows 64-bit 2008 R2+), and website says that this version has SSL support (there are alerts on other versions that say they haven't). I'm running Windows 10. From what I've understood, SSL is build in by default from version 3.0, and I'm running with an Ubuntu server a mongod Community Edition instance (64bit, 3.0.10) installed from repository that use SSL.
When I try to run mongo.exe on local Windows machine with --ssl parameter it says:
Error parsing command line: unrecognised option '--ssl'
and others tools say that it doesn't support ssl.
I'm sure that on a previous setup I was running a 3.0.x mongo instance with SSL support on windows, I've tried also to install older versions, but nothing works.
My questions: are 3.0 and 3.2 community edition branches (still) compiled with SSL support on Windows, and if yes, why they doesn't work on my current setup? I'm sure they worked on previous one, may be a configuration problem?

Not sure why the Downloads page links to the Non SSL bundle. The Official Help page indicates the installer file name is mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-ssl-3.2.4-signed.msi which is not the same as the one downloaded via Downloads page (mongodb-win32-x86_64-3.2.4-signed.msi). Get the SSL enabled installer from


How Can i Run jboss EAP-7.0.0 as windows service on windows 7 x64?

I have installed Jboss EAP-7.0.0 on windows 7 x64 operating system.
When i run Jboss EAP-7.0.0 via standalone.bat file inside bin direcotry it starts without any problem and deployed .war files also work without any problem, but when i try to run serice.bat install command inside bin direcotry it gives following output in console: Please install native utilities into expected location D:\jboss EAP-7.0.0\EAP-7.0.0\..\jbcs-jsvc-1.0
I tried googling this issue. I also tried to follow this link: Failed to start EAP 7 as Windows service. (you might need to login on in webpage to see whole discussion) and this link 4.3. CONFIGURING JBOSS EAP AS A SERVICE IN MICROSOFT WINDOWS SERVER but the products dropdown is empty (please see the image)
I am really confused and need your help: How do i download and install jbcs-jsvc-1.0 ?
Disclaimer: I didn't confirm this on Windows 7 but it works under Windows Server 2016. I.e. since there shouldn't be any relevant difference, it should be fine.
The service.bat included in JBoss EAP 7 expects a prunserv.exe at one of the following locations:
%JBOSS_HOME%\..\jbcs-jsvc-1.0\sbin\prunsrv.exe or
If you don't have the proper subscription/permission to download the JBoss Core Services Jsvc (e.g. because you just have a developer subscription), you can just download the prunsrv.exe as part of the freely available Apache commons-daemon package:
Download "", e.g. from
Unzip it into the %JBOSS_HOME%\bin folder
Run service.bat install
Instead of an error message, you get notified that your Windows Service has been successfully installed as "JBossEAP7" (unless you already have one with that name).
I am afraid you have to log in to the Red Hat Customer Portal JBoss Software Downloads page, in order to download and install the JBoss Core Services Jsvc package.
After downloading the appropriate zip file (latest version, correct platform and architecture), extract it into the directory "containing" your JBoss EAP installation directory. In other words, the new "jbcs-jsvc-" directory should be at the same depth as your JBoss EAP installation directory.
Then, go on and install the service the same as EAP 6.x

SonarQube - Unable to load the Wrapper's native library 'wrapper.dll'

I'm installing SonarQube v5.0.
I'm running Windows Server 2012 64-bit (a virtual OS), Java 1.8 64-bit, and the SonarQube windows-x86-64 wrapper.
SonarQube, whether run via StartSonar.bat using Command Prompt as Administrator or as a Windows Service, keeps throwing the following warning:
WARNING - Unable to load the Wrapper's native library 'wrapper.dll'.
The file is located on the path at the following location but
could not be loaded:
Please verify that the file is readable by the current user
and that the file has not been corrupted in any way.
One common cause of this problem is running a 32-bit version
of the Wrapper with a 64-bit version of Java, or vica versa.
This is a 32-bit JVM.
Reported cause:
C:\sonarqube-5.0.1\bin\windows-x86-64\lib\wrapper.dll: Can't load AMD 64-bit .dll on a IA 32-bit platform
System signals will not be handled correctly.
The only info that I've found on the web is some JIRA's from 2010 that don't really help me. I can't create a sonar user on this Windows installation. All my other tools in my CI environment are running on Java 1.8 64-bit, which means that JAVA_HOME is set to JDK 1.8 64-bit. I really don't want to have to run Java 32-bit and the 32-bit Wrapper. That means that the JRE bin/java path at the top of wrapper.conf will have to specify the 32-bit JRE.
What can I do to get rid of this warning?
Not all applications use JAVA_HOME variable, so you can have JAVA_HOME pointing on your 64 bits version while you are using a 32 bits.
Note: the 'Java_Home' key in the registry is not the JAVA_HOME variable.
Well, one way to be sure is to uninstall the current service, with ..\windows-x86-64\UninstallNTService.bat and install the 32 bits version with ..\windows-x86-32\InstallNTService.bat.
If it works, you definitively have a 32 bits JVM.
Installed the service SonarQube in \sonarqube-5.1.2\bin\windows-x86-64.
I just went to the SonarQube in the Windows Services-->go to properties-->Log On tab--->select 'Local Service'(Entered the system password). Thats it!
Issue was resolved.
Hope this helps someone who was not able to resolve from the above posts.
I experienced the same problem with SonarQube 5.6.4 on Windows 7. Editing the file to add a had no effect. Editing my path statement did the trick, though.
The first two folders in my path statement had been
The java.exe in the first (C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath) is 32-bit. I just switched the two in my path:
Suddenly SonarQube started using the 64-bit java.exe in C:\dev\sdks\jdk1.8.0_112\bin
After making this change, I was able to restart Firefox without any difficulty.
In my case, running on SonarQube 7.3 on window 7 or window 10, I have to update Java version to java 8 to pass this error.
No need for this, In my case I just Installed Java SE JDK 11.0.16 and installed it, and restarted the sonar server and it worked. Below is the URL to download

Installing ADT plugin 16.0.1 on Eclipse Indigo- windows

When I try to install the ADT 16.0.1 plugin on Eclipse Indigo java developer edition release 1 or Helios normal edition release 2, I get the following error:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: Shared profile
Missing requirement: Shared profile ( requires 'org.maven.ide.eclipse []' but it could not be found
I've tried to lookup the package it's refering to on apache, JDK reference and android developer reference but no luck!
This's not my first time installing ADT, I already have it installed on Ubuntu and it works. I also had the old release (ADT 15) installed on Eclipse galileo on windows, but I re-installed windows (i'm running windows 7 ultimate by the way) and I can run the old release but it's very good developing with ICS API-s.
So, if anyone could help, it would be highly appreciated.
Lots of people have this type of problem with many different required items missing.
The last time I had this problem it was fixed by going to Window->Preferences
Then selecting Install/Update->Available Software Sites
Make sure everything listed is checked
In my installation I have:
You may also need to run Eclipse as an administrator
I was able to install the ADT Plugin only after
I moved the eclipse folder to a location without spaces (e.g.: c:\development\android\eclipse
I ran the Eclipse Update procedure as administrator
Also I am using the 32bit version even though I use windows7 64bit.
you just need to run as administrator
run Eclipse with compatibility mode winXP pack 2 and Run as Administrator.
You can find it by Right clicking Eclipse.exe > Properties > Compatibility Tab

Installing Subversion on top of already installed Apache?

I have a working WAMP environment (Apache Friends). I decided to try Subversion and downloaded CollabNetSubversion-server-1.6.9-1.win32.exe. On the download page there were packages including Apache server which I did not use - because I didn't want to replace my current Apache installation.
I just installed the one that did not include Apache, and now I want to configure it to work with my current Apache. What should I do?
Is there an easy step by step tutorial to explain this?
There's lots of tutorials such as the XAMPP (apache friends) version and the WAMP version
If all you want to do is create a repository and do checkins and updates locally on your windows machine then just install TortoiseSVN. Tortoisesvn only installs the shell extension for windows explorer, not any command line svn executables. To get those you have to download them separately and make sure they're the same version of svn that tortoise uses or you'll get errors about version mismatches when using the command line svn.

How to install couchDB on a media temple server?

The biggest issues im running into starting a project with CouchDB is the nightmare involved in getting it up and running.
Any tips for getting couchDB up on a media temple server or any server really?
I am not entirely sure what a media template server is but I think it is a pretty standard Linux server (centos?). The best option at the moment is to compile CouchDB from the latest source in SVN.
You will need to log onto your server using ssh then follow the instructions at:
I know this says it is for RHEL5 but will work exactly the same for a recent version of Centos. If you need instructions for a different os try:
The "Install" link above does not work anymore.
However - successfully installed CouchDB on MediaTemple and 1und1 following step1 here:
When you are in a virtual host environment:
Make sure you provide the path to your vhost in /etc/couchdb/local.ini
It is described in the .ini file.
MediaTemple uses a modified version of CentOS. But don't try the official RHEL documentation to install - It is broken because the Spidermonkey libs wont work.
Try this. I just intalled Couch on MediaTemple 10 minutes ago -
Install CouchDB on CentOS
